Data API Authentication

SingleStore's Data API uses Basic Authentication, which is a simple authentication standard available within HTTP. With this authentication scheme, a user agent authenticates with the server by sending its credentials (username and password) in an Authorization request header. The Authorization header contains the authentication method Basic followed by a space and then the authentication information constructed from a Base-64 encoded string username:password.

Authorization: Basic <Base-64 encoded username:password>

For example, the Basic Authorization header for the username demo and password Afu4XjzB1ns would appear as follows, where ZGVtbzpBZnU0WGp6QjFucw== is the Base-64 encoding of the demo:Afu4XjzB1ns string.

Authorization: Basic ZGVtbzpBZnU0WGp6QjFucw==

If the server requires the user agent to authenticate itself after receiving an unauthenticated request, it will respond with a 401 Unauthorized status and the WWW-Authenticate header.


As the Basic Authentication method transfers the username and password over the network in clear text, it must be used in conjunction with HTTPS/SSL for added security. The production usage of SingleStore's Data API should only take place with SSL (HTTPS) enabled to ensure that the authentication information is secure.

Last modified: May 5, 2023

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