Run Queries on Data
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You can start running queries once the data is loaded into your SingleStore database.
Query 1: Pricing Summary Report
This query reports the total number of items, their prices, and average quantities shipped within 90 days of the most recent ship date (specified date) in the database.
USE tpch;SELECTl_returnflag,l_linestatus,SUM(l_quantity) AS sum_qty,SUM(l_extendedprice) AS sum_base_price,SUM(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) AS sum_disc_price,SUM(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount) * (1 + l_tax)) AS sum_charge,AVG(l_quantity) AS avg_qty,AVG(l_extendedprice) AS avg_price,AVG(l_discount) AS avg_disc,COUNT(*) AS count_orderFROMlineitemWHEREl_shipdate <= date('1998-12-01' - interval '90' day)GROUP BYl_returnflag,l_linestatusORDER BYl_returnflag,l_linestatus;
| l_returnflag | l_linestatus | sum_qty | sum_base_price | sum_disc_price | sum_charge | avg_qty | avg_price | avg_disc | count_order |
| A | F | 83289121.00 | 124912195605.43 | 118665316925.8745 | 123413447483.580151 | 25.491969 | 38231.377828 | 0.050007 | 3267269 |
| N | F | 2190539.00 | 3282604241.36 | 3118652485.5821 | 3243864574.415261 | 25.478790 | 38180.915863 | 0.049948 | 85975 |
| N | O | 164028717.00 | 245978182329.81 | 233676744963.8986 | 243022073269.855210 | 25.499480 | 38239.131169 | 0.050004 | 6432630 |
| R | F | 83339258.00 | 124970353864.21 | 118715983030.2238 | 123467940050.739462 | 25.517608 | 38264.613849 | 0.050047 | 3265951 |
4 rows in set (4.17 sec)
Run the query again and observe the execution time difference.
Query 2: Shipping Priority
This query retrieves the 10 unshipped orders with the highest value.
USE tpch;SELECTl_orderkey,SUM(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) AS revenue,o_orderdate,o_shippriorityFROMcustomer,orders,lineitemWHEREc_mktsegment = 'BUILDING'AND c_custkey = o_custkeyAND l_orderkey = o_orderkeyAND o_orderdate < DATE('1995-03-15')AND l_shipdate > DATE('1995-03-15')GROUP BYl_orderkey,o_orderdate,o_shippriorityORDER BYrevenue DESC,o_orderdateLIMIT 5;
| l_orderkey | revenue | o_orderdate | o_shippriority |
| 81316036 | 459781.3856 | 1995-02-24 | 0 |
| 54427397 | 391221.7016 | 1995-02-28 | 0 |
| 82073798 | 390074.7002 | 1995-03-12 | 0 |
| 81872546 | 386608.3992 | 1995-02-28 | 0 |
| 45138020 | 386056.2188 | 1995-01-30 | 0 |
5 rows in set (46.47 sec)
Query 3: Returned Item Reporting
This query identifies the top 20 customers that may be experiencing issues with the items shipped to them.
USE tpch;SELECTc_custkey,c_name,SUM(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) AS revenue,c_acctbal,n_name,c_address,c_phone,c_commentFROMcustomer,orders,lineitem,nationWHEREc_custkey = o_custkeyAND l_orderkey = o_orderkeyAND o_orderdate >= DATE('1993-10-01')AND o_orderdate < DATE('1993-10-01') + interval '3' monthAND l_returnflag = 'R'AND c_nationkey = n_nationkeyGROUP BYc_custkey,c_name,c_acctbal,c_phone,n_name,c_address,c_commentORDER BYrevenue descLIMIT 5;
| c_custkey | c_name | revenue | c_acctbal | n_name | c_address | c_phone | c_comment |
| 2490736 | Customer#002490736 | 473138.4854 | 4701.80 | RUSSIA | rjaIP,XKH,v0R 0u7Qyb | 32-234-811-3202 | s sleep carefully against the ironic pinto beans. blithely unusual deposits haggle furiously a |
| 7658659 | Customer#007658659 | 440156.4690 | 1442.76 | MOROCCO | ucA926oE6y1fOr,teHGthr6GXz6y qf1ySK3 | 25-418-150-7556 | nusual requests nag blithely according to the regular requests: pending, unusual |
| 11381863 | Customer#011381863 | 437190.0882 | 4397.51 | JORDAN | TFd7KvQQmf6XJjSQUBbvZ9rlxTUle1mwfqt9 | 23-407-202-8891 | lose blithely along the furiously pending sentiments. quickly final theodo |
| 4804573 | Customer#004804573 | 432390.5681 | 4930.12 | INDONESIA | LgPei3cnZL19sW8lM,qM | 19-664-439-8190 | ial accounts. blithely final platelets breach. furious |
| 2247622 | Customer#002247622 | 414271.9102 | 4292.76 | PERU | c5eYVZ7PXycKnsgLmCtarE5aCcWYga5u0RIwa | 27-403-465-9280 | ly. sly packages haggle. even theodolites wa |
5 rows in set (37.33 sec)
Query 4: Product Type Profit Measure
This query calculates the profit made on a given line of items, broken down by supplier nation and year.
USE tpch;SELECTnation,o_year,SUM(amount) AS sum_profitFROM(SELECTn_name AS nation,EXTRACT(year FROM o_orderdate) AS o_year,l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount) - ps_supplycost * l_quantity AS amountFROMpart,supplier,lineitem,partsupp,orders,nationWHEREs_suppkey = l_suppkeyAND ps_suppkey = l_suppkeyAND ps_partkey = l_partkeyAND p_partkey = l_partkeyAND o_orderkey = l_orderkeyAND s_nationkey = n_nationkeyAND p_name LIKE '%green%') AS profitGROUP BYnation,o_yearORDER BYnation,o_year DESCLIMIT 5;
| nation | o_year | sum_profit |
| ALGERIA | 1998 | 20613196.5474 |
| ALGERIA | 1997 | 37498211.6758 |
| ALGERIA | 1996 | 35471708.2126 |
| ALGERIA | 1995 | 36720114.9923 |
| ALGERIA | 1994 | 34921048.6736 |
5 rows in set (49.48 sec)
Analyze Query Performance
The SQL Editor allows you to record and visualize workload profiles at either the query or node level.
In SQL Editor, select Visual Explain and select Profile.
The Visual Explain window opens.
You can now explore the query and navigate around different operations.
Last modified: October 17, 2024