Query History


A high-frequency event-tracing feature has been introduced in SingleStore 8.5 that offers a robust infrastructure and method for tracing events that are expected to occur frequently. Additional trace events will be added over time.

Query event tracing, the first of this event-tracing feature, is designed to help identify which queries take the longest or that fail so they can be isolated and optimized. This feature is at the core of Query History which displays these query trace events over time.

For query execution reporting, Query_completion is the initial event type to be implemented, where each query execution and its details can be traced and viewed in near real-time.

Query event traces are configurable, where a query execution may only be traced if it takes longer than, for example, 1,000 milliseconds (1 second) to run, where the query text may be set to either be included or omitted.

Event Type


Engine Variable


Set the value of this engine variable to 0 to turn off query event tracing



Capture query text?

Query_text = on

Query_text = off

Record queries that take x amount of time to complete, in milliseconds


While Duration_threshold_ms can be set to any millisecond value, setting its value to 0 will negatively impact the usefulness of this feature and impair the cluster’s performance.

Trace all queries that have failed

Trace_all_failed_executions= on

Trace_all_failed_executions= off


  • A self-managed cluster running SingleStore version 8.5 or later

  • For Toolbox-based deployments:

    • The latest version of SingleStore Toolbox installed on the main deployment host

    • Cluster monitoring must be enabled to review the Query History dashboard. If cluster monitoring is already configured, you can download and import the Query History dashboard.

  • For Operator-based deployments, cluster monitoring must be enabled to view the Query History dashboard. If cluster monitoring is already configured, you can download and import the Query History dashboard.

The MV_TRACE_EVENTS Information Schema

The MV_TRACE_EVENTS information schema is a ring buffer with a size defined by the value of the trace_events_queue_size engine variable. When this limit is reached, the oldest events are overwritten as the buffer wraps around.

While MV_TRACE_EVENTS can be used to view the most recent events that meet a specified criteria, the information displayed is only temporary. As such, the Query History dashboard in cluster monitoring is recommended for viewing query trace events over time.


The following examples can be used to record those queries that take longer than 1,000 milliseconds, or one second, to run, which can be used to create a collection of all of the expensive events that have occurred over a specified period of time. The results can provide insight into which workloads are the most demanding on a cluster, and can be used for workload and application tuning and debugging.

Successful Queries

Run the following to display those SQL statements that have been executed successfully.

Note that the following steps are provided to demonstrate how the query events are traced, and only provide a glimpse into which queries are captured. To see the list of successful queries over time, you may filter for “successful queries” in the Query History dashboard.

  1. Set the events queue size, trace_events_queue_size, to 16,000,000 bytes.

    SET GLOBAL trace_events_queue_size = 16000000;
  2. Enable the Query_completion event type.

    CREATE EVENT TRACE Query_completion WITH (Query_text = on, Duration_threshold_ms = 1000);
  3. Display the traced query events.

    SELECT * FROM information_schema.MV_TRACE_EVENTS;
    1,,MA,1698096978,1,Query_completion,2023-10-25 16:39:51.747556,"{""activity_name"":""Select_MV_PROCESS_PERMISSIONS__et_al_453a6b42e2c4cc91"",""connection_id"":44,""context_database"":"""",""duration_ms"":76,""plan_id"":55,""query_text"":""select * from information_schema.mv_trace_events"",""resource_pool_name"":""default_pool"",""start_time"":""2023-10-25 16:39:51.671264"",""success"":1,""user_name"":""root""}"
    1,,MA,1698096978,2,Query_completion,2023-10-25 16:40:17.988318,"{""activity_name"":""Select_MV_PROCESS_PERMISSIONS__et_al_453a6b42e2c4cc91"",""connection_id"":44,""context_database"":"""",""duration_ms"":2,""plan_id"":55,""query_text"":""select * from information_schema.mv_trace_events"",""resource_pool_name"":""default_pool"",""start_time"":""2023-10-25 16:40:17.986134"",""success"":1,""user_name"":""root""}"

    The payload that describes an event is stored in the DETAILS JSON field that contains the following fields:

    "user_name": string, (empty string if the user has been dropped)
    "connection_id": integer,
    "activity_name": string,
    "plan_id": integer,
    "query_text": string, (on by default; can be sizeable as comments are included)
    "resource_pool_name": string (empty if no resource pool)
    "success": bool,
    [ "error_code": string, ] (field only present if success = false)
    [ "error_message": string, ] (field only present if success = false)
    "start_time": string (datetime(6)),
    "duration_ms": bigint,
    "context_database": string

    Note: Currently, when a multi-insert query is traced, a plan_id of -1 is reflected without an associated activity_name.

    The following is an example of the DETAILS column JSON output. The query_text contains literals (sanitized via the SECRET function), and includes comments.

    "query_text":"select * from information_schema.mv_trace_events",
    "start_time":"2023-10-25 16:39:51.671264",

Failed Queries

Run the following to display those SQL statements that have failed to execute and the associated reason.

Note that the following steps are provided to demonstrate how the query events are traced, and they only provide a glimpse into which queries are captured. To see the list of failed queries over time, you may filter for “failed queries” in the Query History dashboard.

  1. Set the events queue size, trace_events_queue_size, to 16,000,000 bytes.

    SET GLOBAL trace_events_queue_size = 16000000;
  2. Enable the Query_completion event type to capture failed queries.

    CREATE EVENT TRACE Query_completion WITH (Query_text = on, Duration_threshold_ms = 1000, Trace_all_failed_executions= on);
  3. Run the following to display the query events.

    SELECT * FROM information_schema.MV_TRACE_EVENTS;
    1,,MA,1698096978,1,Query_completion,2023-10-25 16:39:51.747556,"{""activity_name"":""Select_MV_PROCESS_PERMISSIONS__et_al_453a6b42e2c4cc91"",""connection_id"":44,""context_database"":"""",""duration_ms"":76,""plan_id"":55,""query_text"":""select * from information_schema.mv_trace_events"",""resource_pool_name"":""default_pool"",""start_time"":""2023-10-25 16:39:51.671264"",""success"":1,""user_name"":""root""}"
    1,,MA,1698096978,2,Query_completion,2023-10-25 16:40:17.988318,"{""activity_name"":""Select_MV_PROCESS_PERMISSIONS__et_al_453a6b42e2c4cc91"",""connection_id"":44,""context_database"":"""",""duration_ms"":2,""plan_id"":55,""query_text"":""select * from information_schema.mv_trace_events"",""resource_pool_name"":""default_pool"",""start_time"":""2023-10-25 16:40:17.986134"",""success"":1,""user_name"":""root""}"

Time-Bound Queries

Run the following to display those SQL statements that are time-bound.

Note that the following steps are provided to demonstrate how the query events are traced, and only provide a glimpse into which queries are captured. To see the list of time-bound queries over time, you may filter for “time-bound queries” in the Query History dashboard.

  1. Set the events queue size, trace_events_queue_size, to 16,000,000 bytes.

    SET GLOBAL trace_events_queue_size = 16000000;
  2. Run the following to display just those query events that were created since a specified time @t.

    SET @t = NOW(6); /* Or use a desired time instead of the current time */
  3. Run the following to display the query events.

    SELECT * FROM information_schema.MV_TRACE_EVENTS WHERE TIME > @t;

In this section

Last modified: September 16, 2024

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