C compiler (e.
g. gcc) -
library (present on most Linux distributions) -
library, available from thelibmysqlclient-dev
package on Debian-based distributions.
/* Compile with:** cc multi_threaded_inserts.c -lmysqlclient -pthread -o mti*/#include <stdlib.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <mysql/mysql.h>const static char *host = "";const static char *user = "root";const static char *passwd = "";const static size_t port = 3306;#define NUM_WORKERS 20static volatile int keep_going = 1;void *insert_worker(void *worker_id);int main(){my_init();MYSQL conn;mysql_init(&conn);printf("Connecting to SingleStore...\n");if (mysql_real_connect(&conn, host, user, passwd, NULL, port, NULL, 0) != &conn){printf("Could not connect to the SingleStore database!\n");goto failure;}printf("Creating database 'test'...\n");if (mysql_query(&conn, "create database test") || mysql_query(&conn, "use test")){printf("Could not create 'test' database!\n");goto failure;}printf("Creating table 'tbl' in database 'test'...\n");if (mysql_query(&conn, "create table tbl (id bigint auto_increment primary key)")){printf("Could not create 'tbl' table in the 'test' database!\n");goto failure;}printf("Launching %lu insert workers...\n", NUM_WORKERS);pthread_t workers[NUM_WORKERS];size_t i;for (i = 0; i < NUM_WORKERS; ++i){pthread_create(&workers[i], NULL, &insert_worker, (void *)i);}printf("Running inserts for %lu seconds...\n", 10);sleep(10);keep_going = 0;size_t rows_inserted = 0;for (i = 0; i < NUM_WORKERS; ++i){size_t rows_i;pthread_join(workers[i], &rows_i);rows_inserted += rows_i;}printf("Inserted %lu rows. Cleaning up...\n", rows_inserted);if (mysql_query(&conn, "drop database test")){printf("Could not drop the testing database 'test'!\n");}mysql_close(&conn);return 0;failure:mysql_close(&conn);return 1;}void *insert_worker(void *worker_id){size_t id = (size_t) worker_id;MYSQL conn;mysql_init(&conn);if (mysql_real_connect(&conn, host, user, passwd, "test", port, NULL, 0) != &conn){printf("Worker %lu could not connect to the SingleStore database! Aborting...\n", id);exit(1);}size_t i;for (i = 0; keep_going; i += 8){if (mysql_query(&conn, "insert into tbl values (null), (null), (null),""(null), (null), (null), (null), (null)")){printf("Worker %lu failed to insert data, aborting...\n", id);exit(1);}}mysql_close(&conn);return (void *)i;}
Last modified: July 26, 2023