Run Queries on Data
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You can start running queries once the data is loaded into your SingleStore database.
Query 1: Send Notifications
This query calls a function that matches offers with subscribers and sends notifications to subscribers.
USE martech;INSERT INTO notifications (ts,city_id, subscriber_id, offer_id, cost_cents, lonlat)SELECT now(),* FROM match_offers_to_subscribers("second");
Query OK, 5234 rows affected (2.166 s)
Query 2: Analyze Conversion Rate
This query calculates the number of customers who have made purchases so far and determines the conversion rate.
As time progresses, more users will have made purchases, and the conversion rate may change.
USE martech;SELECT*,CONCAT(FORMAT((total_conversions / total_notifications) * 100,2),"%") AS conversion_rate,RANK() OVER (ORDER BY ((total_conversions / total_notifications)) desc) AS rankFROM (SELECToffer_notification.customer,offer_notification.notification_zone,COUNT(offer_notification.offer_id) as total_notifications,COUNT(purchases.vendor) as total_conversionsFROM (SELECT offers.offer_id, offers.customer , notifications.ts, notifications.city_id, notifications.subscriber_id, offers.notification_zoneFROM offers, notificationsWHERE offers.offer_id = notifications.offer_id) offer_notificationLEFT JOIN purchases ONoffer_notification.city_id = purchases.city_idAND offer_notification.subscriber_id = purchases.subscriber_idAND purchases.ts > offer_notification.tsAND purchases.vendor = offer_notification.customerGROUP BY 1LIMIT 5 /* remove LIMIT to see full result */);
| customer | notification_zone | total_notifications | total_conversions | conversion_rate | rank |
| Jazzy | POLYGON((-74.01000000 40.71250000, -74.00750000 40.71250000, -74.00750000 40.71500000, -74.01000000 40.71500000, -74.01000000 40.71250000)) | 90 | 51 | 56.67% | 1 |
| Eidel | POLYGON((-74.00000000 40.74500000, -73.99750000 40.74500000, -73.99750000 40.74750000, -74.00000000 40.74750000, -74.00000000 40.74500000)) | 78 | 34 | 43.59% | 2 |
| Skibox | POLYGON((-74.01500000 40.72500000, -74.01250000 40.72500000, -74.01250000 40.72750000, -74.01500000 40.72750000, -74.01500000 40.72500000)) | 40 | 17 | 42.50% | 3 |
| Kazu | POLYGON((-73.99750000 40.72250000, -73.99500000 40.72250000, -73.99500000 40.72500000, -73.99750000 40.72500000, -73.99750000 40.72250000)) | 88 | 24 | 27.27% | 4 |
| Rhyloo | POLYGON((-73.98250000 40.72250000, -73.98000000 40.72250000, -73.98000000 40.72500000, -73.98250000 40.72500000, -73.98250000 40.72250000)) | 181 | 23 | 12.71% | 5 |
5 rows in set (0.51 sec)
Last modified: October 10, 2024