This view provides a high-level summary profile of all the queries that ran recently in the cluster.

Each row describes a query sent to the cluster, as well as queries sent between nodes.

Column name



An ID shared by all instances of the activity. This ID is often human-readable, but does not include the query text for query tasks. This will be the activity_name of all query tasks associated with the query. See mv_queries.


The de-parameterized text of the query.


The name of the database associated with the query, or NULL if none could be assigned.


Milliseconds spent running on a CPU. If elapsed_time_ms of a leaf query task is equal to cpu_time_ms, you should PROFILE the query.


Milliseconds spent waiting for a CPU to become available. A non-zero value indicates that there were more concurrent tasks in the workload than there were CPUs on which to run them. If this value is a significant amount of elapsed time, the workload is likely issuing its queries faster than the hardware can handle. Investigate the tasks with the highest cpu_time_ms and optimize the relevant queries, reduce your workload, or provision more CPUs for your cluster.


Wall clock milliseconds elapsed during execution.


Milliseconds spent waiting on locks and condition variables, excluding row locks. This isn’t solely wait time due to contention on data structures because it also includes some time spent waiting for events in general.


Milliseconds spent waiting for physical disk I/O to complete. If this value is high, it may indicate excessive time to commit transactions to storage. You may need hardware which supports a faster write rate, or you may need to investigate whether other processes are issuing too much I/O and introducing unwanted variability. Check which other queries are using disk_physical_read_b or disk_physical_write_b.


Milliseconds spent waiting for sockets to be ready to send or receive data. This may indicate that leaves are slow to respond to a query, or that a distributed join involves a large data transfer. If this counter has a noticeable delay, check what other queries are consuming network_logical_recv_b and network_logical_send_b.


Number of bytes SingleStore sent and received to sockets.


Number of bytes that SingleStore read and wrote to the filesystem or the in memory transaction log.


Byte-seconds of memory used.


Number of page faults which required disk I/O to resolve.


The number of instances which were running at the end of the interval (where the workload profile was taken).


The number of instances which completed successfully during the interval (where the workload profile was taken).


The number of instances which completed unsuccessfully during the interval (where the workload profile was taken).


The number of warnings generated during query execution.


A high-level information of the plan. NULL if no information was collected.

Last modified: June 1, 2023

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