Environment Preparation
On this page
The following are the steps to prepare an environment for SingleStore Flow in AWS:
Create an AWS Account: To prepare the environment for Flow in AWS, you need an AWS account.
If you already have an AWS account, proceed to the next step. If not, refer to How do I create and activate a new AWS account? to create one. -
Create an IAM User: SingleStore recommends creating a separate IAM user for managing all AWS services.
Do not use the root user for any tasks. Refer to Setting up your AWS account to create an IAM admin user. -
Create and Assign Policies to the User: Use the AWS Management Console to create a customer-managed policy and attach it to the IAM user based on their role.
This policy enables the IAM user to sign in directly to the AWS Management Console with the assigned permissions. -
Sign in to AWS:
As an IAM User: Sign in to the AWS Management Console using your Account ID or account alias, along with your username and password.
Refer to Sign in to the AWS Management Console for more information. -
AWS SSO: Sign in using IAM Identity Center (AWS SSO).
Refer to How to create and manage users within AWS IAM Identity Center for more information.
Create a VPC: A Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is a dedicated virtual network for your AWS account.
It is logically isolated from other virtual networks in the AWS Cloud. You can launch your Flow application and related AWS resources, such as Amazon EC2 instances, into this VPC. Refer to Configure a virtual private cloud for instructions on creating a VPC. -
Create a Private Subnet in Your VPC: Since Ingest needs to be set up in your VPC, SingleStore recommends creating a new private subnet within the VPC for Flow.
Refer to Create a VPC to create a subnet. -
Create a Security Group: A security group acts as a virtual firewall for your instances that controls inbound and outbound traffic.
Security groups apply at the instance level, not the subnet level. Each instance in a subnet can be assigned different security groups. SingleStore does not recommend using the default security group, which AWS assigns if you don’t specify a security group at launch. You can add rules to each security group to control inbound and outbound traffic. Refer to Control traffic to your AWS resources using security groups for more information. -
Configure Security Group Rules: You can add or remove rules to a security group to authorize or revoke inbound or outbound access.
A rule applies either to inbound traffic (ingress) or outbound traffic (egress). You can grant access to a specific CIDR range or to another security group in your VPC or in a peer VPC (with a VPC peering connection). -
Create an IAM Role: Flow uses an IAM role assigned to the EC2 instance where the application is hosted.
The EC2 role must have the necessary policies attached. Refer to Create a role to delegate permissions to an IAM user for instructions on creating an IAM role for Flow. Attach the required policies to the newly created IAM role. -
Assign the Role to Users or Groups: The IAM role must be assigned to an AWS Directory Service user or group.
The role must have a trust relationship with AWS Directory Service. Refer to Assigning users or groups to an existing IAM role to assign users or groups to an IAM role. -
Create Access Key ID and Secret Access Key: Flow uses an access key ID and secret access key to connect to AWS services from an on-premises server.
SingleStore recommends generating a set of access keys for the Flow user account. The following are the steps to create access keys from the admin user account: -
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM console at https://console.
aws. .amazon. com/iam/ -
In the navigation pane, select Users.
Select the separateSingleStore Flow user whose access keys you want to manage, then select the Security credentials tab.
In Access keys, select Create access key.
Then, select Download . csv file to save the access key ID and secret access key to a CSV file.Store this file securely, as the secret access key cannot be accessed again after closing the dialog. -
After downloading the CSV file, select Close.
The access key is active by default, and you can use it. Refer to AWS security credentials for more information. Note: SingleStore recommends rotating access keys every 90 days.
Refer to Data Security and Encryption for more information.
Create an Auto-Scaling Group: When deploying Ingest in a high-availability (HA) environment, SingleStore recommends configuring your EC2 instances with an Auto Scaling Group.
Follow the steps mentioned in Create an Auto Scaling group using the Amazon EC2 launch wizard to launch an Auto Scaling group via the AWS Console. The recommended parameters for configuring the Auto Scaling group are: -
Select the instance type recommended by SingleStore under the Prerequisites section.
Set the minimum number of instances to 2 for a high-availability deployment.
Select the IAM role as SingleConnectEc2Role.
Configure the storage as recommended under the Additional AWS Services section.
Select the security group created for Flow in the previous steps.
Select the key pair for the launch configuration.
Refer to Create an Auto Scaling group using the Amazon EC2 launch wizard for remaining steps.
Create an EC2 System
Refer to Get started with Amazon EC2 for more information.
Optimize Usage of AWS Resources
Tagging AWS Resources
AWS allows customers to assign metadata to their AWS resources through tags.
For clarity and organization, SingleStore recommends to use tags with names specific to the instances being created.SingleStoreIngest_
SingleStore recommends tagging AWS EC2 services with unique and identifiable tag names.
AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) for SingleStore Flow
AWS IAM roles delegate access to AWS resources.
SingleStore’s Recommendations:
Create an IAM User (e.
g. , SingleStore_
).Flow_ User Do NOT use the root user account to set up the application. Refer to Create an IAM user in your AWS account for creating an IAM user. -
Create an IAM Role (e.
g. , SingleStore_
).Flow_ EC2Role Refer to IAM role creation for creating IAM roles. -
Create an IAM Policy (e.
g. , SingleStore_
) and assign custom policies (provided below) to the EC2 role.Flow_ Policy Refer to Creating IAM policies for creating a policy. -
Instead of defining permissions for individual SingleStore Flow IAM users, it is more convenient to create groups based on job functions (e.
g. , administrators, developers, accounting, etc. ). Define the relevant permissions for each group and assign IAM users to those groups. All users in an IAM group inherit the permissions assigned to the group. This way, you can make changes for everyone in the group in one place. -
Only grant the minimal required permissions to the IAM role.
The SingleStore Flow user requires basic permissions for S3, CloudWatch, SNS and DynamoDB. -
SingleStore Flow needs access to the following AWS services: S3, EC2, SNS, and CloudWatch with the minimum privileges outlined below.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "1",
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::<bucket_name>"
"Sid": "2",
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "arn:aws:ec2:<region>:<account_id>:instance/<ec2_instance_id>"
"Sid": "4",
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "arn:aws:sns::<region>:<account_id>:<sns_name>"
"Sid": "VisualEditor0",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:dynamodb::<region>:table/SingleConnectTable"
Roles Defined for SingleStore Flow
The following are the roles and permissions required to launch and manage the Flow suite of applications.
Role |
Type |
Permissions/Policies |
Purpose |
EC2Admin |
AWS Custom Role for EC2 |
List-DescribeInstanceStatus Directory Service List,Write-DescribeDirectories,CreateComputer Systems Manager List,Read,Write ListAssociations, ListInstanceAssociations, DescribeAssociation, DescribeDocument, GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstance, GetDocument, GetManifest, GetParameters, PutComplianceItems, PutInventory, UpdateAssociationStatus, UpdateInstanceAssociationStatus, UpdateInstanceInformation |
Create and Manage EC2 instance |
DBAdmin |
AWS Custom Role |
cloudwatch:DeleteAlarms cloudwatch:Describe* cloudwatch:DisableAlarmActions cloudwatch:EnableAlarmActions cloudwatch:Get* cloudwatch:List* cloudwatch:PutMetricAlarm dynamodb:CreateTable dynamodb:BatchGetItem dynamodb:BatchWriteItem dynamodb:ConditionCheckItem dynamodb:PutItem dynamodb:DescribeTable dynamodb:DeleteItem dynamodb:GetItem dynamodb:Scan dynamodb:Query dynamodb:UpdateItem ec2:DescribeAccountAttributes ec2:DescribeAddresses ec2:DescribeAvailabilityZones ec2:DescribeInternetGateways ec2:DescribeSecurityGroups ec2:DescribeSubnets ec2:DescribeVpcs iam:ListRoles iam:GetRole kms:ListKeys logs:DescribeLogGroups logs:DescribeLogStreams logs:FilterLogEvents logs:GetLogEvents logs:Create* logs:PutLogEvents sns:Get sns:List* sns:SetTopicAttributes |
Manage DB access and privileges |
Network Admin |
Custom Role |
autoscaling:Describe*, directconnect:*, ec2:AcceptVpcEndpointConnections, ec2:AllocateAddress, ec2:AssignIpv6Addresses, ec2:AssignPrivateIpAddresses, ec2:AssociateAddress, ec2:AssociateDhcpOptions, ec2:AssociateRouteTable, ec2:AssociateSubnetCidrBlock, ec2:AssociateVpcCidrBlock, ec2:AttachInternetGateway, ec2:AttachNetworkInterface, ec2:AttachVpnGateway, ec2:CreateCarrierGateway, ec2:CreateCustomerGateway, ec2:CreateDefaultSubnet, ec2:CreateDefaultVpc, ec2:CreateDhcpOptions, ec2:CreateEgressOnlyInternetGateway, ec2:CreateFlowLogs, ec2:CreateInternetGateway, ec2:CreateNatGateway, ec2:CreateNetworkAcl, ec2:CreateNetworkAclEntry, ec2:CreateNetworkInterface, ec2:CreateNetworkInterfacePermission, ec2:CreatePlacementGroup, ec2:CreateRoute, ec2:CreateRouteTable, ec2:CreateSecurityGroup, ec2:CreateSubnet, ec2:CreateTags, ec2:CreateVpc, ec2:CreateVpcEndpoint, ec2:CreateVpcEndpointConnectionNotification, ec2:CreateVpcEndpointServiceConfiguration, ec2:CreateVpnConnection, ec2:CreateVpnConnectionRoute, ec2:CreateVpnGateway, ec2:DeleteCarrierGateway, ec2:DeleteEgressOnlyInternetGateway, ec2:DeleteFlowLogs, ec2:DeleteNatGateway, ec2:DeleteNetworkInterface, ec2:DeleteNetworkInterfacePermission, ec2:DeletePlacementGroup, ec2:DeleteSubnet, ec2:DeleteTags, ec2:DeleteVpc, ec2:DeleteVpcEndpointConnectionNotifications, ec2:DeleteVpcEndpointServiceConfigurations, ec2:DeleteVpcEndpoints, ec2:DeleteVpnConnection, ec2:DeleteVpnConnectionRoute, ec2:DeleteVpnGateway, ec2:DescribeAccountAttributes, ec2:DescribeAddresses, ec2:DescribeAvailabilityZones, ec2:DescribeCarrierGateways, ec2:DescribeClassicLinkInstances, ec2:DescribeCustomerGateways, ec2:DescribeDhcpOptions, ec2:DescribeEgressOnlyInternetGateways, ec2:DescribeFlowLogs, ec2:DescribeInstances, ec2:DescribeInternetGateways, ec2:DescribeKeyPairs, ec2:DescribeMovingAddresses, ec2:DescribeNatGateways, ec2:DescribeNetworkAcls, ec2:DescribeNetworkInterfaceAttribute, ec2:DescribeNetworkInterfacePermissions, ec2:DescribeNetworkInterfaces, ec2:DescribePlacementGroups, ec2:DescribePrefixLists, ec2:DescribeRouteTables, ec2:DescribeSecurityGroupReferences, ec2:DescribeSecurityGroupRules, ec2:DescribeSecurityGroups, ec2:DescribeStaleSecurityGroups, ec2:DescribeSubnets, ec2:DescribeTags, ec2:DescribeVpcAttribute, ec2:DescribeVpcClassicLink, ec2:DescribeVpcClassicLinkDnsSupport, ec2:DescribeVpcEndpointConnectionNotifications, ec2:DescribeVpcEndpointConnections, ec2:DescribeVpcEndpointServiceConfigurations, ec2:DescribeVpcEndpointServicePermissions, ec2:DescribeVpcEndpointServices, ec2:DescribeVpcEndpoints, ec2:DescribeVpcPeeringConnections, ec2:DescribeVpcs, ec2:DescribeVpnConnections, ec2:DescribeVpnGateways, ec2:DescribePublicIpv4Pools, ec2:DescribeIpv6Pools, ec2:DetachInternetGateway, ec2:DetachNetworkInterface, ec2:DetachVpnGateway, ec2:DisableVgwRoutePropagation, ec2:DisableVpcClassicLinkDnsSupport, ec2:DisassociateAddress, ec2:DisassociateRouteTable, ec2:DisassociateSubnetCidrBlock, ec2:DisassociateVpcCidrBlock, ec2:EnableVgwRoutePropagation, ec2:EnableVpcClassicLinkDnsSupport, ec2:ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute, ec2:ModifySecurityGroupRules, ec2:ModifySubnetAttribute, ec2:ModifyVpcAttribute, ec2:ModifyVpcEndpoint, ec2:ModifyVpcEndpointConnectionNotification, ec2:ModifyVpcEndpointServiceConfiguration, ec2:ModifyVpcEndpointServicePermissions, ec2:ModifyVpcPeeringConnectionOptions, ec2:ModifyVpcTenancy, ec2:MoveAddressToVpc, ec2:RejectVpcEndpointConnections, ec2:ReleaseAddress, ec2:ReplaceNetworkAclAssociation, ec2:ReplaceNetworkAclEntry, ec2:ReplaceRoute, ec2:ReplaceRouteTableAssociation, ec2:ResetNetworkInterfaceAttribute, ec2:RestoreAddressToClassic, ec2:UnassignIpv6Addresses, ec2:UnassignPrivateIpAddresses, ec2:UpdateSecurityGroupRuleDescriptionsEgress, ec2:UpdateSecurityGroupRuleDescriptionsIngress, logs:DescribeLogGroups, logs:DescribeLogStreams, logs:GetLogEvents, route53:*, route53domains:*, sns:CreateTopic, sns:ListSubscriptionsByTopic, sns:ListTopics, ec2:AcceptVpcPeeringConnection, ec2:AttachClassicLinkVpc, ec2:AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress, ec2:AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress, ec2:CreateVpcPeeringConnection, ec2:DeleteCustomerGateway, ec2:DeleteDhcpOptions, ec2:DeleteInternetGateway, ec2:DeleteNetworkAcl, ec2:DeleteNetworkAclEntry, ec2:DeleteRoute, ec2:DeleteRouteTable, ec2:DeleteSecurityGroup, ec2:DeleteVolume, ec2:DeleteVpcPeeringConnection, ec2:DetachClassicLinkVpc, ec2:DisableVpcClassicLink, ec2:EnableVpcClassicLink, ec2:GetConsoleScreenshot, ec2:RejectVpcPeeringConnection, ec2:RevokeSecurityGroupEgress, ec2:RevokeSecurityGroupIngress, ec2:CreateLocalGatewayRoute, ec2:CreateLocalGatewayRouteTableVpcAssociation, ec2:DeleteLocalGatewayRoute, ec2:DeleteLocalGatewayRouteTableVpcAssociation, ec2:DescribeLocalGatewayRouteTableVirtualInterfaceGroupAssociations, ec2:DescribeLocalGatewayRouteTableVpcAssociations, ec2:DescribeLocalGatewayRouteTables, ec2:DescribeLocalGatewayVirtualInterfaceGroups, ec2:DescribeLocalGatewayVirtualInterfaces, ec2:DescribeLocalGateways, ec2:SearchLocalGatewayRoutes, s3:GetBucketLocation, s3:GetBucketWebsite, s3:ListBucket, iam:GetRole, iam:ListRoles, iam:PassRole, ec2:AcceptTransitGatewayVpcAttachment, ec2:AssociateTransitGatewayRouteTable, ec2:CreateTransitGateway, ec2:CreateTransitGatewayRoute, ec2:CreateTransitGatewayRouteTable, ec2:CreateTransitGatewayVpcAttachment, ec2:DeleteTransitGateway, ec2:DeleteTransitGatewayRoute, ec2:DeleteTransitGatewayRouteTable, ec2:DeleteTransitGatewayVpcAttachment, ec2:DescribeTransitGatewayAttachments, ec2:DescribeTransitGatewayRouteTables, ec2:DescribeTransitGatewayVpcAttachments, ec2:DescribeTransitGateways, ec2:DisableTransitGatewayRouteTablePropagation, ec2:DisassociateTransitGatewayRouteTable, ec2:EnableTransitGatewayRouteTablePropagation, ec2:ExportTransitGatewayRoutes, ec2:GetTransitGatewayAttachmentPropagations, ec2:GetTransitGatewayRouteTableAssociations, ec2:GetTransitGatewayRouteTablePropagations, ec2:ModifyTransitGateway, ec2:ModifyTransitGatewayVpcAttachment, ec2:RejectTransitGatewayVpcAttachment, ec2:ReplaceTransitGatewayRoute, ec2:SearchTransitGatewayRoutes |
Manage Network access and firewall settings |
SingleStore FlowAdmin |
Custom Role |
s3:ListBucket, s3:PutObject, s3:GetObject, s3:DeleteObject, s3:GetBucketLocation, s3:PutObjectAcl, secretsmanager:GetSecretValue, secretsmanager:DescribeSecret, secretsmanager:PutSecretValue, secretsmanager:UpdateSecret |
Able to manage SingleStore Flow configurations |
AmazonS3 |
Resource Based Policy |
s3:PutObject, s3:GetObject, s3:DeleteObject, s3:GetBucketLocation, s3:PutObjectAclResource: arn:aws:s3:::<bucket-name>, arn:aws:s3:::<bucket-name>/* |
To manage bucket level permissions, resource-based policy for S3 must be applied to restrict the bucket level access. |
AmazonEC2 |
Resource Based Policy |
ec2:AcceptVpcEndpointConnections, ec2:AcceptVpcPeeringConnection, ec2:AssociateIamInstanceProfile, ec2:CreateTags, ec2:DescribeTags, ec2:RebootInstancesResource: arn:aws:ec2:<ec2_ |
To manage instance level permissions, resource-based policy for EC2 must be applied to restrict the access for the EC2 instance. |
Recommended Network ACL Rules for EC2
The following table presents the recommended rules for your EC2.
The EC2 security group must include the necessary inbound and outbound rules as per the following:
Inbound |
Rule # |
Source IP |
Protocol |
Port |
Allow / Deny |
Comments |
1 |
Custom IP which requires access to the Ingest application |
80 |
Allows inbound HTTP traffic only from known/custom IPv4 addresses. |
2 |
Public IPv4 address range of your home network |
22 |
Allows inbound SSH traffic from your home network over the Internet gateway. |
3 |
Public IPv4 address range of your home network |
3389 |
Allows inbound RDP traffic from your home network over the Internet gateway. |
4 |
0. |
all |
all |
Denies all inbound IPv4 traffic not handled by a preceding rule (not modifiable). |
Outbound |
Rule # |
Dest IP |
Protocol |
Port |
Allow / Deny |
Comments |
1 |
Source database host IP address |
Custom port (port specific to source database ports) |
Allows connections to the source database. |
2 |
SingleStore cluster host IP address |
8080 (port specific to the SingleStore destination database) |
Allows connections to the SingleStore destination database. |
3 |
0. |
all |
all |
Denies all outbound IPv4 traffic not handled by a preceding rule (not modifiable). |
To open ports on the Amazon Console, refer to What is Amazon EC2? and follow the steps to allow inbound traffic to your Amazon instance.
To open ports on Windows Server, refer to Opening Ports in the Firewall and follow the steps to allow inbound traffic to your server.
Outbound Connections
Ingest connects to any source endpoints outside its VPC using NAT, VPN, or API gateways.
A NAT gateway is a Network Address Translation (NAT) service.
To connect the VPC to a remote network and enable source/destination endpoint connections, use AWS VPN.
Additional AWS Services
SingleStore Flow uses several AWS resources to fulfill user requirements.
The following list provides an overview of other billable services within Flow.
A sample estimate for a high availability setup with a source data volume of 100 GB is provided for reference.
Note: Not all services are mandatory, and the size and number of services varies for each customer environment.
Service |
Mandatory |
Billing Type |
Service Limits |
Y |
Pay-as-you-go |
Additional EBS storage attached to EC2 |
Y |
Based on size |
AWS S3 |
N |
Pay-as-you-go |
AWS CloudWatch Logs and metrics |
N |
Pay-as-you-go |
N |
Pay-as-you-go |
AWS Dynamo DB (5 WCUs /5 RCUs) |
N |
Pay-as-you-go |
AWS Lambda |
N |
Pay-as-you-go |
N |
Pay-as-you-go |
SingleStore recommends to use the following mentioned instance types for EC2 with EBS volumes attached.
EC2 Instance Type |
SingleStore Flow Enterprise Edition |
Recommended EBS volumes |
EBS Volume Type |
t3. |
Volume < 100 GB |
100 GB |
General Purpose SSD (gp2) Volumes |
t3. |
Volume >100 and < 300 GB |
500 GB |
General Purpose SSD (gp2) Volumes |
t3. |
Volume > 300 GB and < 1 TB |
500 GB |
General Purpose SSD (gp2) Volumes |
IMDS Settings and Recommendations
Flow uses the latest version of the AWS SDK in each release.
To modify this using the AWS CLI, run the following command.
aws ec2 modify-instance-metadata-options \--instance-id <instance-id> \--http-endpoint disabled
Data Security and Encryption
SingleStore ensures data security through various mechanisms, including encryption.
With AWS KMS, Ingest uses a customer-specified KMS key to encrypt customer data on AWS services such as EC2, Secrets Manager, and DynamoDB.
Ingest also supports server-side encryption using AES-256.
Ingest does not store any data outside the customer's designated environment.
Amazon EC2: Used only for temporary staging and pipeline configuration.
Refer to Data protection in Amazon EC2 for enabling encryption. -
EBS Storage: Used only for temporary staging and pipeline configuration.
Refer to Amazon EBS data security for enabling encryption. -
Amazon Aurora DB: Used for exporting pipeline metadata.
Refer to Encrypting Amazon Aurora resources for enabling encryption. -
Amazon DynamoDB: Used when configured for High Availability.
Refer to DynamoDB encryption at rest for enabling encryption. -
AWS Secrets Manager: Used for storing all pipeline credentials.
Refer to AWS Key Management Service for encryption details.
For non-AWS destination endpoints:
SingleStore: Data encryption is handled within SingleStore.
Manage Access Keys
Flow uses an access key and secret key to authenticate to AWS services like S3, CloudWatch, DynamoDB, and others.
For security reasons, SingleStore recommends rotating access keys and KMS keys periodically, for example, every 90 days.
Open the Ingest instance that needs the new key in a web browser.
Go to the Schedule tab and stop the replication schedule for Ingest by disabling Schedule.
Navigate to Connections > Destination File System.
Enter the new Access Key and Secret Access Key and select Apply.
Once the keys are saved, resume the replication by enabling Schedule.
Refer to Rotate AWS KMS keys for more information on key rotation.
The IAM role for Flow must have the recommended policies attached.
Key Rotation
SingleStore recommends rotating all keys configured in Ingest every 90 days for security reasons.
Follow the recommendations for all non-AWS sources and destinations:
External Applications |
Reference for Key Rotation |
Oracle |
Microsoft SQL Server |
PostgreSQL |
Configure Data Encryption
SingleStore follows AWS recommendations for encrypting data both at rest and in transit.
AWS Secrets Manager uses encryption through AWS KMS.
Encryption In-Transit
Flow uses SSL to establish secure connections (e.
SSL involves managing security certificates.
AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) handles the complexity of creating and managing public SSL/TLS certificates.
Testing the Connections
Verify whether the connectivity to remote services is available.
To test the remote connections, you need the Telnet utility, which must be enabled from the Control Panel under Turn On Windows Features.
Follow these steps:
Open the Start menu and select Run.
and select OK. -
At the command prompt, run the following command:
telnet <IP-address-or-hostname> <port>
For example:
telnet 8081If the connection is unsuccessful, an error message is displayed.
If the command prompt window is blank with only the cursor visible, the connection is successful, and the service is available.
Connection error to source or destination database server.
If there is a connectivity issue with the source or destination database, check if the SingleStore Flow server can reach the remote host and port.
You can test the connection to the IP address and port using the following command:
telnet <IP-address-or-hostname> <port>
Alternatively, run the PowerShell command to verify the connection:
tnc <IP-address-or-hostname> <port>
Unable to start Windows service
Error: Unable to start the Windows service 'SingleStore Ingest'.
Resolution: If Java is not installed or the system path is not updated, the Ingest service fails to start.CMD
and run the following command.
java -version
If the response is ‘unable to recognize command
’, check the Java path in the environment variables under 'Path
' and update it to the correct path.
Application not able to launch
Error: The SingleStore Ingest service is installed and started, but the application does not launch in the browser.
Resolution: SingleStore Flow requires Java 21 to function.
If Java 11 is installed, the Ingest service starts, but the page displays an error message.
To verify the Java version, open CMD
and run the following command.
java -version
Expected result: java version "any_
, where "any_
" could be, for example:
openjdk version "21.
0. 5" 2024-10-15 LTS -
OpenJDK Runtime Environment Corretto-21.
0. 5. 11. 1 (build 21. 0. 5+11-LTS) -
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Corretto-21.
0. 5. 11. 1 (build 21. 0. 5+11-LTS, mixed mode, sharing)
If the Java version displayed is earlier than 21, uninstall Java and install Java 21.
Grants not available on the database
Error: Cannot open database 'demo
' requested by the login.
Resolution: The user does not have the necessary grants to connect to the database.
Login failed for user
Error: Login failed for user 'Demo
Resolution: The user does not exist, or there is a typo in the username.
Last modified: January 29, 2025