Step 1: Create the database
Run the following SQL statements to create a new database called trades
which has two tables: trade
and company
table is a columnstore table meant to contain analytical data about specific trades on a given company and the company
table is a small rowstore table that provides metadata about that company.
CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS trades;USE trades;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS trade;CREATE TABLE trade(id BIGINT NOT NULL,stock_symbol CHAR(5) NOT NULL,shares DECIMAL(18,4) NOT NULL,share_price DECIMAL(18,4) NOT NULL,trade_time DATETIME(6) NOT NULL,SORT KEY(stock_symbol),SHARD KEY(stock_symbol));DROP TABLE IF EXISTS company;CREATE ROWSTORE TABLE company(symbol CHAR(5) NOT NULL,name VARCHAR(50),last_sale VARCHAR(10),market_cap VARCHAR(15),IPO_year INT,sector VARCHAR(80),industry VARCHAR(80),summary_quote VARCHAR(50),extra VARCHAR(50));
Last modified: February 22, 2023