How to Restore an S3 Backup Locally and Vice Versa
after the databasename_.
So snapshot filenames go from testing_
to testing_
And columnar blobs go from testing_
to testing_
Change directory into the backup folder, execute the following two commands to change the file names.
for file in *[0-9]; do mv "$file" "$(basename "$file").backup"; done;
Command 2:
find . ! -name '*.backup' ! -name '*.manifest' ! -name 'BACKUP_COMPLETE' ! -name '*.' -exec bash -c 'mv $0 $0.backup' {} \;
The folder name is irrelevant for local backups.
For example:
mysql> RESTORE DATABASE testing FROM "/ebs/memsql/s3_test_backup/testing.backup";
Ensure permissions are given to access the files and folders.
If you want to convert a local backup to S3 you would reverse this process with an additional step of ensuring the containing folder/subobject/object prefix is databasename.
Last modified: May 5, 2023