Migrate a Local Storage Database to an Unlimited Storage Database

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Migrating a local storage database to an unlimited storage database requires two steps:

  • Run the BACKUP DATABASE command to backup the local storage database.

  • Run the RESTORE DATABASE to restore the database backed up in the first step into an unlimited storage database.


    Restoring a local storage database into an unlimited storage database that has already been partition split is not supported.


In the following example, the local storage database db is migrated to an unlimited storage database. S3 is used as the remote object store, where backup_bucket is the S3 bucket containing the backup of the local storage database and bottomless_bucket is the S3 bucket containing the remote object store for the migrated database.

BACKUP DATABASE db TO S3 "backup_bucket/backup_folder"
CONFIG '{"region":"us-east-1"}'
CREDENTIALS '{"aws_access_key_id":"your_access_key_id","aws_secret_access_key":"your_secret_access_key"}';
FROM S3 "backup_bucket/backup_folder"
CONFIG '{"region":"us-east-1"}'
CREDENTIALS '{"aws_access_key_id":"replace_with_your_access_key_id","aws_secret_access_key":"replace_with_your_secret_access_key"}'
ON S3 "bottomless_bucket/bottomless_folder"
CONFIG '{"region":"us-east-1"}'
CREDENTIALS '{"aws_access_key_id":"replace_with_your_access_key_id","aws_secret_access_key":"replace_with_your_secret_access_key"}'

Last modified: May 5, 2023

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