On this page
This view stores high-level information about any pipelines that have been created in the cluster.
information_ schema. PIPELINES Schema
Column Name |
Description |
The name of the database associated with the pipeline. |
The name of the pipeline. |
The unique |
The pipeline's configuration in JSON format. |
The current state of the pipeline. |
The sum of the number of batches that have been skipped in the pipeline. |
column in the information_
table contains a fixed set of read-only JSON key/value pairs.SHOW CREATE PIPELINE <pipeline-name>
for Kafka Pipelines
for S3 Pipelines
{"name": "my-s3-pipeline","source_type": "S3","connection_string": "my-s3-bucket-name","config": "{\"region\": \"us-west-1\"}","credentials": "{"aws_access_key_id": "your_access_key_id","aws_secret_access_key": "your_secret_access_key","aws_session_token": "your_temp_session_token","aws_web_identity_token": "your_aws_web_identiy_token","role_arn":"your_role_arn"}","batch_interval": 2500,"max_partitions_per_batch": -1,"transform": null,"load_error_policy": null,"dup_key_policy": null,"table": "my_table_name","fields_terminated_by": ",","fields_enclosed_by": "","fields_escaped_by": "\\","lines_terminated_by": "\n","lines_starting_by": "","extended_null": false,"column_list": null,"on_duplicate_key_update": null}
CONFIG_ JSON Schema Definition
Key Name |
Value Description |
The name of the pipeline. |
The data source type for the pipeline. |
The connection string (information varies depending on the type of pipeline). |
The configuration information provided when creating a pipeline. |
A JSON object containing properties for the pipeline authentication/authorization. |
The time duration in milliseconds between batch extraction operations. |
The transform's URI, executable entry point, and arguments. |
The load error policy for the pipeline. |
The duplicate key policy that indicates how a row should be inserted if it contains a duplicate key value. |
The name of the table in which to insert data. |
The character that terminates a field. |
The character that encloses a field. |
The character that escapes a field. |
The character that terminates a line. |
The string prefix for a line. |
Specifies whether the non-quoted and case-insensitive string |
The column list to load data into. |
Specifies whether duplicate keys will be updated or ignored. |
Specifies whether the pipeline is currently running. |
Last modified: March 20, 2024