User and Cluster Administration
How to set up SingleStore's native monitoring solution to maintain cluster health, connect external visualization tools to the cluster's monitoring data, and troubleshoot the monitoring setup.
The comprehensive metrics exposed by SingleStore that help determine the cluster's health and performance, predict resource constraints, and diagnose issues.
Replication and Durability concepts, configuration, usage, and troubleshooting.
High Availability architecture, setup, management, and usage with examples.
Database replay configuration using logs and snapshots. -
Cluster administration tasks, such as setting redundancy levels, determining license capacity and usage, updating license, controlling memory usage, changing the host IP address in a cluster, taking leaves offline without cluster downtime, and more.
Cluster scaling, including cluster expansion and downsizing steps.
Online and offline upgrade of SingleStore and uninstall processes.
Data migration from MySQL and application transition to SingleStore.
Troubleshooting of system, node, and query performance issues.
Setup dedicated admin connections.
Effective workload management using built-in workload manager and by setting resource limits.
Overview of SingleStore Tools including Toolbox and client.
Tools installation processes and migration from MemSQL Ops to SingleStore Tools.
The topics in this section provide the following information:
In this section
- SingleStore User Management
- Cluster Health and Performance
- High Availability and Disaster Recovery
- Maintain Your Cluster
- Dealing with Cluster Failures
- Startup Sequence and Process in a Cluster
- Overview of Leaf Node Failover
- Configure Core Files
- Transition from MySQL to SingleStore
- Troubleshooting
- Use the Workload Manager and Set Resource Limits
- Migrate from Ops to Tools
- Cluster Management with Tools
- Changing the Root Password
- Dedicated Admin Connections
- Recovering from Loss of Root Credentials
Last modified: June 26, 2024