On this page
Build a diagnostics report for the local host.
Collectors are grouped into categories such as alerting, performance, and pre-installation environment validation.
Available collectors
Note that some collectors are excluded by default.
| analyzeTables | EXCLUDED | | Save column statistical information, and histograms recorded on each table, into |
| | | | a JSON file |
| cgroupInfo | EXCLUDED | | Collects cgroup information for each SingleStore process |
| chronydStatus | EXCLUDED | | Collects status of the `chronyd` service |
| clusterTopology | | | Runs SHOW LEAVES, SHOW AGGREGATORS, and SHOW LEAF STATUS EXTENDED on the Master |
| | | | Aggregator |
| cpuFreqInfo | | | Collects information about CPU frequency configuration |
| cpuMemoryBandwidth | | | Measures CPU-memory bandwidth |
| cpuThreadingInfo | | | Collects information about CPUs threading configuration |
| cpuUtilization | | | Records the output of `sar 1 10 -u` |
| dataSkewness | EXCLUDED | | Collects information about data skew in the cluster |
| databaseDiskUsage | | | Capture disk usage per database |
| df | | | Records the output of `df -h |
| | | | --output=source,size,used,avail,pcent,ipcent,target` |
| diskBandwidth | | | Measures disk read/write bandwidth |
| diskLatency | | | Records the output of `iostat -xdm 1 10` |
| dmesg | | | Records the output of `dmesg -T` |
| ethtool | | | Collects information about each network interface on the host |
| explainOrphanDatabases | | | Runs EXPLAIN CLEAR ORPHAN DATABASES on the Master Aggregator |
| explainRebalancePartitions | | | Runs EXPLAIN REBALANCE PARTITIONS for each user database |
| explainRestoreRedundancy | | | Runs EXPLAIN RESTORE REDUNDANCY for each user database |
| failedHosts | | GLOBAL | List of hosts where a report could not be collected |
| free | | | Records the output of `free -m` |
| hosts | | | Collect information about cluster's hosts |
| ifconfig | | | Records the output of `ifconfig` |
| informationSchemaAvailabilityGroups | | | Collects information about availability groups from the information_schema on an |
| | | | aggregator node |
| informationSchemaColumnarSegments | EXCLUDED | | Collects columnstore debugging information from the information_schema on an |
| | | | aggregator node |
| informationSchemaConnectionAttributes | | | Collects mv_processlist joined with mv_connection_attributes on an aggregator |
| | | | node |
| informationSchemaDistributedDatabases | | | Collects distributed databases names on an aggregator node |
| informationSchemaDistributedDatabasesOnSites | | | Collects information about database distribution across clusters |
| informationSchemaIndexStatistics | | | Runs SELECT * FROM information_schema.INDEX_STATISTICS on an aggregator node |
| informationSchemaInternalTableStatistics | EXCLUDED | | Runs SELECT * FROM information_schema.INTERNAL_TABLE_STATISTICS on an aggregator |
| | | | node |
| informationSchemaMvAggregatedReplicationStatus | EXCLUDED | | Collects replication status information on an aggregator node |
| informationSchemaMvBackupHistory | | | Runs SELECT * FROM information_schema.MV_BACKUP_HISTORY on an aggregator node |
| informationSchemaMvBackupStatus | | | Runs SELECT * FROM information_schema.MV_BACKUP_STATUS on an aggregator node |
| informationSchemaMvBlockedQueries | | | Runs SELECT * FROM information_schema.MV_BLOCKED_QUERIES on an aggregator node |
| informationSchemaMvBottomless | | | Collects all of the MV_BOTTOMLESS tables, except MV_BOTTOMLESS_REMOTE_STATS from |
| | | | the information_schema on an aggregator node |
| informationSchemaMvBottomlessRemoteStats | EXCLUDED | | Collects the MV_BOTTOMLESS_REMOTE_STATS table from the information_schema on an |
| | | | aggregator node |
| informationSchemaMvEvents | | | Runs SELECT * FROM information_schema.MV_EVENTS on an aggregator node |
| informationSchemaMvGlobalStatus | | | Collects all of the MV_GLOBAL_STATUS table from the information_schema on an |
| | | | aggregator node |
| informationSchemaMvNodes | | | Runs SELECT * FROM information_schema.MV_NODES on an aggregator node |
| informationSchemaMvProcesslist | | | Collects all of the MV_PROCESSLIST table from the information_schema on an |
| | | | aggregator node |
| informationSchemaMvQueries | | | Runs SELECT * FROM information_schema.MV_QUERIES on an aggregator node |
| informationSchemaMvRecoveryStatus | | | Collects MV_RECOVERY_STATUS table from the information_schema on an aggregator |
| | | | node |
| informationSchemaMvReplicationManagement | | | Collects all of the MV_REPLICATION_MANAGEMENT tables from the information_schema |
| | | | on an aggregator node |
| informationSchemaMvSysinfo | | | Collects all of the MV_SYSINFO tables from the information_schema on an |
| | | | aggregator node |
| informationSchemaMvVersionHistory | | | Collects all of the MV_VERSION_HISTORY and MV_VERSION_HISTORY_EXTENDED tables |
| | | | from the information_schema on an aggregator node |
| informationSchemaPipelines | | | Collects pipeline debugging information from the information_schema on an |
| | | | aggregator node |
| informationSchemaProcesslist | | | Records the PROCESSLIST for each node |
| informationSchemaRolePrivileges | | | Collects information_schema.ROLE_PRIVILEGES on an aggregator node |
| informationSchemaRoutines | | | Collects all of the user-defined functions and stored procedures from the |
| | | | information_schema on an aggregator node |
| informationSchemaStatistics | | | Collects information_schema.statistics on each node |
| informationSchemaTableStatistics | | | Runs SELECT * FROM information_schema.TABLE_STATISTICS on an aggregator node |
| informationSchemaTables | | | Collects table metadata from each node |
| informationSchemaUserPrivileges | | | Collects information_schema.USER_PRIVILEGES from each node |
| informationSchemaUsers | | | Collects information_schema.USERS from each node |
| installedPermissions | | | Collects information about file and directory permissions on a cluster |
| ipAddr | | | Records the output of `ip addr` |
| ipLink | | | Records the output of `ip link` |
| ipRoute | | | Records the output of `ip route` |
| licenseMetadata | | | Collects the output of `memsqlctl show-license` for each node |
| lsblk | | | Records the output of `lsblk` |
| lsblkAllJson | | | Records the output of `lsblk -O -J` |
| lsblkRota | | | Records the output of `lsblk -d -o rota` |
| majorPageFaults | | | Records the output of `sar 1 10 -B` |
| memoryCommitted | | | Records the output of `sar 1 10 -r` |
| memsqlAuditlogs | EXCLUDED | | Collects node audit logs from a host |
| memsqlBacktraces | | | Collects backtrace information from each node |
| memsqlCommandLogs | | | Collects the command logs from each node |
| memsqlConfig | | | Collects the `memsql.cnf` file from each node |
| memsqlNumaConfig | | | Collects the NUMA configuration files from each node |
| memsqlPlancache | EXCLUDED | | Copies the plancache directory from each node |
| memsqlStacks | | | Collects stack files from each node |
| memsqlTracelogs | | | Collects the tracelogs from each node |
| memsqlctlInfo | | | Collects information about memsqlctl from each node |
| memsqldProcessLimits | | | Collects limits for all `memsqld` processes |
| mount | | | Records the output of `mount` |
| netstat | | | Records the output of `netstat -s` |
| nodeDirectoriesDiskUsage | | | Collects disk usage information for each node directory |
| nodeFilesDiskUsage | EXCLUDED | | Collects file-level disk usage information for each node directory |
| nodes | | | Collects the output of `memsqlctl describe-node` from each node |
| numactl | | | Records the output of `numactl --hardware` |
| osRelease | | | Collects information from those files in /etc that describe the host operating |
| | | | system |
| partitionsStart | EXCLUDED | | Collects information about each partition's start sector number |
| proc | | | Collects diagnostic files from /proc |
| procFs | | | Collects diagnostic files from /proc/fs |
| processFiles | EXCLUDED | | Collects top-level of /proc/<pid> for each SingleStore process |
| ps | | | Records the output of `ps aux` |
| psutil | | | Collects system and process information about the host |
| rebootTime | | | Records the output of `last -x reboot` |
| schema | | | Collects database schemas from each aggregator node |
| securityLimits | | | Collects /etc/security/limits.conf |
| showClusterStatus | | | Collects cluster status by running `SHOW CLUSTER STATUS` on an aggregator node |
| showDatabaseStatus | | | Collects the database status for each database on each node |
| showDatabasesExtended | | | Runs SHOW DATABASES EXTENDED on each node |
| showPartitions | | | Collects database partition metadata from each aggregator node |
| showPlancache | | | Runs SHOW PLANCACHE on each node |
| showRebalanceStatus | | | Collects rebalance status for each database on the Master Aggregator |
| showReplicationStatus | | | Runs SHOW REPLICATION STATUS on each node |
| showResourcePools | | | Runs SHOW RESOURCE POOLS on each aggregator node |
| showStatusExtended | | | Runs SHOW STATUS EXTENDED on each node |
| showTableStatus | | | Collects table status for each database on each aggregator node |
| showUsers | | | Runs `SHOW USERS` on an aggregator node |
| showVariables | | | Runs SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE '%' on each node |
| showWorkloadManagementStatus | | | Runs SHOW WORKLOAD MANAGEMENT STATUS on each aggregator node |
| shutdownTime | | | Records the output of `last -x shutdown` |
| sslFilesAndDatadirPermissions | | | Collects the permissions of the SSL certificates, keys files and datadir on each |
| | | | node |
| studioFiles | | GLOBAL | Collects studio configuration and state files |
| studioVersion | | GLOBAL | Records the output of `memsql-studio version --log /dev/null --state /dev/null` |
| swapUsage | | | Records the output of `sar 1 10 -S` |
| syncVariables | | | Runs query DUMP CLUSTER VARIABLES; on each node |
| sysctl | | | Records the output of `sysctl -a` |
| toolboxConfig | | GLOBAL | Collects Toolbox's configuration and version |
| toolboxEnv | | GLOBAL | Collects global toolbox config information |
| top | | | Records the output of `top -b -n 1` |
| transparentHugepage | | | Collects files from /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage |
| ulimit | | | Records the output of `sh -c ulimit -a` |
| uptime | | | Records the output of `uptime` |
Run a single collector.
sdb-report collect-local --only procFs
Run pre-deployment collectors only.
sdb-report collect --validate-env
Exclude specific collectors.
sdb-report collect-local --exclude procFs --exclude securityLimits
Include excluded collectors.
sdb-report collect-local --include informationSchemaColumnarSegments
Runs all included collectors by default.--all
option has been deprecated.
sdb-report collect-local --all
Change amount of data collected from tracelogs to 15MB (default is 10MB).
sdb-report collect-local --opt memsqlTracelogs.tracelogSize=15mb
sdb-report collect-local [flags]
For flags that can accept multiple values (indicated by VALUES after the name of the flag),
separate each value with a comma.
--exclude VALUES Exclude the specified collectors
--exclude-global Exclude global collectors from the report file collector
-h, --help Help for collect-local
--hostname string Customize the hostname for this report (default "localhost")
--include VALUES Include the specified collectors
--include-performance Include collectors that create load on cluster (not recommended for active clusters)
--mask-ip Mask usernames, hostnames, IP and MAC addresses in the report file collector
--memsqlctl-config-path string The path to the memsqlctl.hcl file on this host. (ADVANCED)
--memsqlctl-path string The path to the memsqlctl binary on this host. (ADVANCED)
--only VALUES Only run the specified collectors
--opt key=value Specify collector options (default informationSchemaPipelines.limitRows=None,
memsqlAuditlogs.auditLogSize=10MB,memsqlAuditlogs.auditLogStartTimestamp=Not set,
memsqlCommandLogs.commandLogStartTimestamp=Not set,memsqlCommandLogs.compressCommandLog=False,
memsqlTracelogs.tracelogStartTimestamp=Not set)
-o, --output-path ABSOLUTE_PATH Write the report tarball to this file path
--security-recommendations Only run the security checklist checks
--shard-queries Shard queries across all aggregator nodes in the cluster
--validate-env Run collectors that do not require SingleStore installation (performance collectors included)
Global Flags:
--backup-cache FILE_PATH File path for the backup cache
--cache-file FILE_PATH File path for the Toolbox node cache
-c, --config FILE_PATH File path for the Toolbox configuration
--disable-colors Disable color output in console, which some terminal sessions/environments may have difficulty with
--disable-spinner Disable the progress spinner, which some terminal sessions/environments may have issues with
-j, --json Enable JSON output
--parallelism POSITIVE_INTEGER Maximum number of operations to run in parallel
--runtime-dir DIRECTORY_PATH Where to store Toolbox runtime data
--ssh-control-persist SECONDS Enable SSH ControlPersist and set it to the specified duration in seconds
--ssh-max-sessions POSITIVE_INTEGER Maximum number of SSH sessions to open per host, must be at least 3
--ssh-strict-host-key-checking Enable strict host key checking for SSH connections
--ssh-user-known-hosts-file FILE_PATH Path to the user known_hosts file for SSH connections. If not set, /dev/null will be used
--state-file FILE_PATH Toolbox state file path
-v, --verbosity count Increase logging verbosity: valid values are 1, 2, 3. Usage -v=count or --verbosity=count
-y, --yes Enable non-interactive mode and assume the user would like to move forward with the proposed actions by default
This command is interactive unless you use either --yes
or --json
flag to override interactive behavior.
Last modified: March 20, 2025