

Build a diagnostics report for the local host.

Collectors are grouped into categories such as alerting, performance, and pre-installation environment validation. For more information, refer to Categorization of Collectors.

Available collectors

Note that some collectors are excluded by default.

|                       ID                       | EXCLUDED | GLOBAL |                                   DESCRIPTION                                    |
| analyzeTables                                  | EXCLUDED |        | Save column statistical information, and histograms recorded on each table, into |
|                                                |          |        | a JSON file                                                                      |
| cgroupInfo                                     | EXCLUDED |        | Collects cgroup information for each SingleStore process                         |
| chronydStatus                                  | EXCLUDED |        | Collects status of the `chronyd` service                                         |
| clusterTopology                                |          |        | Runs SHOW LEAVES, SHOW AGGREGATORS, and SHOW LEAF STATUS EXTENDED on the Master  |
|                                                |          |        | Aggregator                                                                       |
| cpuFreqInfo                                    |          |        | Collects information about CPU frequency configuration                           |
| cpuMemoryBandwidth                             |          |        | Measures CPU-memory bandwidth                                                    |
| cpuThreadingInfo                               |          |        | Collects information about CPUs threading configuration                          |
| cpuUtilization                                 |          |        | Records the output of `sar 1 10 -u`                                              |
| dataSkewness                                   | EXCLUDED |        | Collects information about data skew in the cluster                              |
| databaseDiskUsage                              |          |        | Capture disk usage per database                                                  |
| df                                             |          |        | Records the output of `df -h                                                     |
|                                                |          |        | --output=source,size,used,avail,pcent,ipcent,target`                             |
| diskBandwidth                                  |          |        | Measures disk read/write bandwidth                                               |
| diskLatency                                    |          |        | Records the output of `iostat -xdm 1 10`                                         |
| dmesg                                          |          |        | Records the output of `dmesg -T`                                                 |
| ethtool                                        |          |        | Collects information about each network interface on the host                    |
| explainOrphanDatabases                         |          |        | Runs EXPLAIN CLEAR ORPHAN DATABASES on the Master Aggregator                     |
| explainRebalancePartitions                     |          |        | Runs EXPLAIN REBALANCE PARTITIONS for each user database                         |
| explainRestoreRedundancy                       |          |        | Runs EXPLAIN RESTORE REDUNDANCY for each user database                           |
| failedHosts                                    |          | GLOBAL | List of hosts where a report could not be collected                              |
| free                                           |          |        | Records the output of `free -m`                                                  |
| hosts                                          |          |        | Collect information about cluster's hosts                                        |
| ifconfig                                       |          |        | Records the output of `ifconfig`                                                 |
| informationSchemaAvailabilityGroups            |          |        | Collects information about availability groups from the information_schema on an |
|                                                |          |        | aggregator node                                                                  |
| informationSchemaColumnarSegments              | EXCLUDED |        | Collects columnstore debugging information from the information_schema on an     |
|                                                |          |        | aggregator node                                                                  |
| informationSchemaConnectionAttributes          |          |        | Collects mv_processlist joined with mv_connection_attributes on an aggregator    |
|                                                |          |        | node                                                                             |
| informationSchemaDistributedDatabases          |          |        | Collects distributed databases names on an aggregator node                       |
| informationSchemaDistributedDatabasesOnSites   |          |        | Collects information about database distribution across clusters                 |
| informationSchemaIndexStatistics               |          |        | Runs SELECT * FROM information_schema.INDEX_STATISTICS on an aggregator node     |
| informationSchemaInternalTableStatistics       | EXCLUDED |        | Runs SELECT * FROM information_schema.INTERNAL_TABLE_STATISTICS on an aggregator |
|                                                |          |        | node                                                                             |
| informationSchemaMvAggregatedReplicationStatus | EXCLUDED |        | Collects replication status information on an aggregator node                    |
| informationSchemaMvBackupHistory               |          |        | Runs SELECT * FROM information_schema.MV_BACKUP_HISTORY on an aggregator node    |
| informationSchemaMvBackupStatus                |          |        | Runs SELECT * FROM information_schema.MV_BACKUP_STATUS on an aggregator node     |
| informationSchemaMvBlockedQueries              |          |        | Runs SELECT * FROM information_schema.MV_BLOCKED_QUERIES on an aggregator node   |
| informationSchemaMvBottomless                  |          |        | Collects all of the MV_BOTTOMLESS tables, except MV_BOTTOMLESS_REMOTE_STATS from |
|                                                |          |        | the information_schema on an aggregator node                                     |
| informationSchemaMvBottomlessRemoteStats       | EXCLUDED |        | Collects the MV_BOTTOMLESS_REMOTE_STATS table from the information_schema on an  |
|                                                |          |        | aggregator node                                                                  |
| informationSchemaMvEvents                      |          |        | Runs SELECT * FROM information_schema.MV_EVENTS on an aggregator node            |
| informationSchemaMvGlobalStatus                |          |        | Collects all of the MV_GLOBAL_STATUS table from the information_schema on an     |
|                                                |          |        | aggregator node                                                                  |
| informationSchemaMvNodes                       |          |        | Runs SELECT * FROM information_schema.MV_NODES on an aggregator node             |
| informationSchemaMvProcesslist                 |          |        | Collects all of the MV_PROCESSLIST table from the information_schema on an       |
|                                                |          |        | aggregator node                                                                  |
| informationSchemaMvQueries                     |          |        | Runs SELECT * FROM information_schema.MV_QUERIES on an aggregator node           |
| informationSchemaMvRecoveryStatus              |          |        | Collects MV_RECOVERY_STATUS table from the information_schema on an aggregator   |
|                                                |          |        | node                                                                             |
| informationSchemaMvReplicationManagement       |          |        | Collects all of the MV_REPLICATION_MANAGEMENT tables from the information_schema |
|                                                |          |        | on an aggregator node                                                            |
| informationSchemaMvSysinfo                     |          |        | Collects all of the MV_SYSINFO tables from the information_schema on an          |
|                                                |          |        | aggregator node                                                                  |
| informationSchemaMvVersionHistory              |          |        | Collects all of the MV_VERSION_HISTORY and MV_VERSION_HISTORY_EXTENDED tables    |
|                                                |          |        | from the information_schema on an aggregator node                                |
| informationSchemaPipelines                     |          |        | Collects pipeline debugging information from the information_schema on an        |
|                                                |          |        | aggregator node                                                                  |
| informationSchemaProcesslist                   |          |        | Records the PROCESSLIST for each node                                            |
| informationSchemaRolePrivileges                |          |        | Collects information_schema.ROLE_PRIVILEGES on an aggregator node                |
| informationSchemaRoutines                      |          |        | Collects all of the user-defined functions and stored procedures from the        |
|                                                |          |        | information_schema on an aggregator node                                         |
| informationSchemaStatistics                    |          |        | Collects information_schema.statistics on each node                              |
| informationSchemaTableStatistics               |          |        | Runs SELECT * FROM information_schema.TABLE_STATISTICS on an aggregator node     |
| informationSchemaTables                        |          |        | Collects table metadata from each node                                           |
| informationSchemaUserPrivileges                |          |        | Collects information_schema.USER_PRIVILEGES from each node                       |
| informationSchemaUsers                         |          |        | Collects information_schema.USERS from each node                                 |
| installedPermissions                           |          |        | Collects information about file and directory permissions on a cluster           |
| ipAddr                                         |          |        | Records the output of `ip addr`                                                  |
| ipLink                                         |          |        | Records the output of `ip link`                                                  |
| ipRoute                                        |          |        | Records the output of `ip route`                                                 |
| licenseMetadata                                |          |        | Collects the output of `memsqlctl show-license` for each node                    |
| lsblk                                          |          |        | Records the output of `lsblk`                                                    |
| lsblkAllJson                                   |          |        | Records the output of `lsblk -O -J`                                              |
| lsblkRota                                      |          |        | Records the output of `lsblk -d -o rota`                                         |
| majorPageFaults                                |          |        | Records the output of `sar 1 10 -B`                                              |
| memoryCommitted                                |          |        | Records the output of `sar 1 10 -r`                                              |
| memsqlAuditlogs                                | EXCLUDED |        | Collects node audit logs from a host                                             |
| memsqlBacktraces                               |          |        | Collects backtrace information from each node                                    |
| memsqlCommandLogs                              |          |        | Collects the command logs from each node                                         |
| memsqlConfig                                   |          |        | Collects the `memsql.cnf` file from each node                                    |
| memsqlNumaConfig                               |          |        | Collects the NUMA configuration files from each node                             |
| memsqlPlancache                                | EXCLUDED |        | Copies the plancache directory from each node                                    |
| memsqlStacks                                   |          |        | Collects stack files from each node                                              |
| memsqlTracelogs                                |          |        | Collects the tracelogs from each node                                            |
| memsqlctlInfo                                  |          |        | Collects information about memsqlctl from each node                              |
| memsqldProcessLimits                           |          |        | Collects limits for all `memsqld` processes                                      |
| mount                                          |          |        | Records the output of `mount`                                                    |
| netstat                                        |          |        | Records the output of `netstat -s`                                               |
| nodeDirectoriesDiskUsage                       |          |        | Collects disk usage information for each node directory                          |
| nodeFilesDiskUsage                             | EXCLUDED |        | Collects file-level disk usage information for each node directory               |
| nodes                                          |          |        | Collects the output of `memsqlctl describe-node` from each node                  |
| numactl                                        |          |        | Records the output of `numactl --hardware`                                       |
| osRelease                                      |          |        | Collects information from those files in /etc that describe the host operating   |
|                                                |          |        | system                                                                           |
| partitionsStart                                | EXCLUDED |        | Collects information about each partition's start sector number                  |
| proc                                           |          |        | Collects diagnostic files from /proc                                             |
| procFs                                         |          |        | Collects diagnostic files from /proc/fs                                          |
| processFiles                                   | EXCLUDED |        | Collects top-level of /proc/<pid> for each SingleStore process                   |
| ps                                             |          |        | Records the output of `ps aux`                                                   |
| psutil                                         |          |        | Collects system and process information about the host                           |
| rebootTime                                     |          |        | Records the output of `last -x reboot`                                           |
| schema                                         |          |        | Collects database schemas from each aggregator node                              |
| securityLimits                                 |          |        | Collects /etc/security/limits.conf                                               |
| showClusterStatus                              |          |        | Collects cluster status by running `SHOW CLUSTER STATUS` on an aggregator node   |
| showDatabaseStatus                             |          |        | Collects the database status for each database on each node                      |
| showDatabasesExtended                          |          |        | Runs SHOW DATABASES EXTENDED on each node                                        |
| showPartitions                                 |          |        | Collects database partition metadata from each aggregator node                   |
| showPlancache                                  |          |        | Runs SHOW PLANCACHE on each node                                                 |
| showRebalanceStatus                            |          |        | Collects rebalance status for each database on the Master Aggregator             |
| showReplicationStatus                          |          |        | Runs SHOW REPLICATION STATUS on each node                                        |
| showResourcePools                              |          |        | Runs SHOW RESOURCE POOLS on each aggregator node                                 |
| showStatusExtended                             |          |        | Runs SHOW STATUS EXTENDED on each node                                           |
| showTableStatus                                |          |        | Collects table status for each database on each aggregator node                  |
| showUsers                                      |          |        | Runs `SHOW USERS` on an aggregator node                                          |
| showVariables                                  |          |        | Runs SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE '%' on each node                                 |
| showWorkloadManagementStatus                   |          |        | Runs SHOW WORKLOAD MANAGEMENT STATUS on each aggregator node                     |
| shutdownTime                                   |          |        | Records the output of `last -x shutdown`                                         |
| sslFilesAndDatadirPermissions                  |          |        | Collects the permissions of the SSL certificates, keys files and datadir on each |
|                                                |          |        | node                                                                             |
| studioFiles                                    |          | GLOBAL | Collects studio configuration and state files                                    |
| studioVersion                                  |          | GLOBAL | Records the output of `memsql-studio version --log /dev/null --state /dev/null`  |
| swapUsage                                      |          |        | Records the output of `sar 1 10 -S`                                              |
| syncVariables                                  |          |        | Runs query DUMP CLUSTER VARIABLES; on each node                                  |
| sysctl                                         |          |        | Records the output of `sysctl -a`                                                |
| toolboxConfig                                  |          | GLOBAL | Collects Toolbox's configuration and version                                     |
| toolboxEnv                                     |          | GLOBAL | Collects global toolbox config information                                       |
| top                                            |          |        | Records the output of `top -b -n 1`                                              |
| transparentHugepage                            |          |        | Collects files from /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage                          |
| ulimit                                         |          |        | Records the output of `sh -c ulimit -a`                                          |
| uptime                                         |          |        | Records the output of `uptime`                                                   |


Run a single collector.

sdb-report collect-local --only procFs

Run pre-deployment collectors only. Useful for validating the environment prior to deploying SingleStore.

sdb-report collect --validate-env

Exclude specific collectors.

sdb-report collect-local --exclude procFs --exclude securityLimits

Include excluded collectors.

sdb-report collect-local --include informationSchemaColumnarSegments

Runs all included collectors by default. The --all option has been deprecated.

sdb-report collect-local --all

Change amount of data collected from tracelogs to 15MB (default is 10MB).

sdb-report collect-local --opt memsqlTracelogs.tracelogSize=15mb


  sdb-report collect-local [flags]

  For flags that can accept multiple values (indicated by VALUES after the name of the flag),
  separate each value with a comma.

      --exclude VALUES                 Exclude the specified collectors
      --exclude-global                 Exclude global collectors from the report file collector
  -h, --help                           Help for collect-local
      --hostname string                Customize the hostname for this report (default "localhost")
      --include VALUES                 Include the specified collectors
      --include-performance            Include collectors that create load on cluster (not recommended for active clusters)
      --mask-ip                        Mask usernames, hostnames, IP and MAC addresses in the report file collector
      --memsqlctl-config-path string   The path to the memsqlctl.hcl file on this host. (ADVANCED)
      --memsqlctl-path string          The path to the memsqlctl binary on this host. (ADVANCED)
      --only VALUES                    Only run the specified collectors
      --opt key=value                  Specify collector options (default informationSchemaPipelines.limitRows=None,
                                       memsqlAuditlogs.auditLogSize=10MB,memsqlAuditlogs.auditLogStartTimestamp=Not set,
                                       memsqlCommandLogs.commandLogStartTimestamp=Not set,memsqlCommandLogs.compressCommandLog=False,
                                       memsqlTracelogs.tracelogStartTimestamp=Not set)
  -o, --output-path ABSOLUTE_PATH      Write the report tarball to this file path
      --security-recommendations       Only run the security checklist checks
      --shard-queries                  Shard queries across all aggregator nodes in the cluster
      --validate-env                   Run collectors that do not require SingleStore installation (performance collectors included)

Global Flags:
      --backup-cache FILE_PATH                File path for the backup cache
      --cache-file FILE_PATH                  File path for the Toolbox node cache
  -c, --config FILE_PATH                      File path for the Toolbox configuration
      --disable-colors                        Disable color output in console, which some terminal sessions/environments may have difficulty with
      --disable-spinner                       Disable the progress spinner, which some terminal sessions/environments may have issues with
  -j, --json                                  Enable JSON output
      --parallelism POSITIVE_INTEGER          Maximum number of operations to run in parallel
      --runtime-dir DIRECTORY_PATH            Where to store Toolbox runtime data
      --ssh-control-persist SECONDS           Enable SSH ControlPersist and set it to the specified duration in seconds
      --ssh-max-sessions POSITIVE_INTEGER     Maximum number of SSH sessions to open per host, must be at least 3
      --ssh-strict-host-key-checking          Enable strict host key checking for SSH connections
      --ssh-user-known-hosts-file FILE_PATH   Path to the user known_hosts file for SSH connections. If not set, /dev/null will be used
      --state-file FILE_PATH                  Toolbox state file path
  -v, --verbosity count                       Increase logging verbosity: valid values are 1, 2, 3. Usage -v=count or --verbosity=count
  -y, --yes                                   Enable non-interactive mode and assume the user would like to move forward with the proposed actions by default


This command is interactive unless you use either --yes or --json flag to override interactive behavior.

Last modified: March 20, 2025

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Verification instructions

Note: You must install cosign to verify the authenticity of the SingleStore file.

Use the following steps to verify the authenticity of singlestoredb-server, singlestoredb-toolbox, singlestoredb-studio, and singlestore-client SingleStore files that have been downloaded.

You may perform the following steps on any computer that can run cosign, such as the main deployment host of the cluster.

  1. (Optional) Run the following command to view the associated signature files.

    curl undefined
  2. Download the signature file from the SingleStore release server.

    • Option 1: Click the Download Signature button next to the SingleStore file.

    • Option 2: Copy and paste the following URL into the address bar of your browser and save the signature file.

    • Option 3: Run the following command to download the signature file.

      curl -O undefined
  3. After the signature file has been downloaded, run the following command to verify the authenticity of the SingleStore file.

    echo -n undefined |
    cosign verify-blob --certificate-oidc-issuer \
    --certificate-identity \
    --bundle undefined \
    --new-bundle-format -
    Verified OK