Dedicated Admin Connections
To log in to a dedicated admin connection, you should first log in to the machine where the master aggregator is running.
Then execute:
singlestore -u root --socket '/<installationpath>/data/memsql.sock' -p
You can use either the SingleStore command-line tool or the MySQL command line tool.
This uses a Unix domain socket to designate that this is a dedicated admin connection.
Once you log in, if commands do not run, you can kill connections and queries to free resources to allow others to connect to the system.
A similar approach will also allow you to log on to a leaf node directly, if necessary.
Here is an example of how to setup a dedicated admin connection:
sh-4.4# cd /var/lib/memsql
sh-4.4# ls
5871bce2-e2fa-4934-ad92-5fb842c74fef a36fb148-c8e2-4132-a7cd-c7694e43336d nodes.hcl nodes.hcl.lock
sh-4.4# cd a36fb148-c8e2-4132-a7cd-c7694e43336d/
sh-4.4# ls
auditlogs data memsql.cnf plancache tracelogs
sh-4.4# cd data
sh-4.4# ls
blobs ingest_staging memsql_id roots staging_bottomless
datetime_to_version logs memsql_proxy.sock snapshots tempblobs
ephemeral_errors memsql.sock memsql_role persisted_errors spill temprestoreblobs
sh-4.4# ls -tla memsql_proxy.sock
srwxrwxrwx 1 memsql memsql 0 Nov 4 22:03 memsql_proxy.sock
sh-4.4# pwd
sh-4.4# singlestore -u root --socket '/var/lib/memsql/a36fb148-c8e2-4132-a7cd-c7694e43336d/data/memsql.sock' -p
Enter password:
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Server version: 5.7.32 MemSQL source distribution (compatible; MySQL Enterprise & MySQL Commercial)
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Last modified: February 24, 2025