Using Notebooks
On this page
SingleStore Helios supports Jupyter Notebooks for development using SQL and Python.
Import and Run Notebooks
Get Started Quickly: Notebooks in SingleStore Helios are Jupyter notebooks and if you are familiar with how to use them, you can jump right in and get started.
To access Notebooks on the Cloud Portal , select Develop > Data Studio.
New Notebook: Start with a new notebook or use a beginner notebook template such as "SingleStoreDB Notebook Basics" (recommended).
Import Notebook: From the + New Notebook, you can import a notebook from your local machine using Import From File.
Notebooks must be in Jupyter format (. ipynb) and should not exceed 5GB in size. -
Gallery: Here you can find how-to guides, tutorials, and getting-started information.
If you are new to notebooks, SingleStore recommends using the beginner
flag and taking a look at the "SingleStoreDB Notebook Basics" or "Getting Started with Notebooks" notebooks.Use labels to filter the notebooks in Gallery. To use or explore a notebook, select the notebook, and then select Try It Now. Once opened, this notebook is saved and accessible from the Recent and Personal tabs on the Data Studio page.
Manage Notebooks
You can perform the basic, non-development notebook tasks such as find, share, create, open/edit, delete, and rename.
Shared and Personal Tabs
Notebooks are stored in either the Shared or Personal tabs in SingleStore Helios.
Notebooks stored in the Personal tab are only visible to the notebook creator and cannot be shared.
Create or Open/Edit a Notebook
To create a notebook:
From + New Notebook, select New Notebook.
Enter a name for the notebook.
Select a location (Personal or Shared) for the notebook.
Select a template from the template list.
To create an empty notebook, select (Blank Notebook). -
Select Create.

To open (or edit) an existing notebook, select the notebook in the list of notebooks.
Save a Notebook
Notebooks are automatically saved (autosave) every 5 seconds.
Session Limits
Each user can start one notebook session at a time.
Idle timeout: 15 mins
Long code execution timeout: 1 hour
Session age timeout: 8 hours
Once the timeouts reach their limit, the system automatically terminates the notebook session and deletes any unsaved data (state/variables/files).
Share a Notebook
All users within the same organization have access to the notebooks that are located in the Shared tab.
To share a notebook that is in the Shared tab, select Copy Link from the (three-dot) under the Actions column for your notebook.

To share a notebook that is in the Personal tab, duplicate the notebook and change the location to a Shared tab.
Rename a Notebook
To rename a notebook, select Rename from the (three-dot) under the Actions column for your notebook
Duplicate a Notebook
To duplicate a notebook, select Duplicate from the (three-dot) under the Actions column for your notebook.
Enter a name for the notebook and select a location.
Delete a Notebook
To delete a notebook, select Delete from the (three-dot) under the Actions column for your notebook
Last modified: January 10, 2025