Replicate MongoDB® Collections using MongoDB® Wrapper Commands


SingleStore recommends using MongoDB® wrapper commands to replicate your MongoDB® collections into a SingleStore Kai-enabled workspace.

To replicate your MongoDB® collections using MongoDB® wrapper commands, perform the following tasks and run the respective commands on a SingleStore Kai-enabled workspace:

  1. Ensure that the Prerequisites are met.

  2. Create a link: Create a link using the URI of the (remote) MongoDB® instance.


    For MongoDB® Atlas instances, use the mongodb+srv:// scheme. Refer to createLink for more information.

  3. Replicate the MongoDB® collection: Use the createCollection command and specify the link created in the previous step in the from option as follows:

    db.createCollection("<collection_name>", { from:{link:"<link_name>"} })

    This command creates a collection with the specified name in SingleStore and replicates the data from the source MongoDB® collection. Refer to createCollection for more information.

Replicate MongoDB® Collections Example

The following example shows how to replicate your MongoDB® collections:

  1. Create a link to the MongoDB® instance:

    { createLink: "pLink",
    uri: "mongodb://admin:pa55w04d@svchost:27017/"
  2. Create a collection and replicate your MongoDB® data:

    { from:
    { link:"pLink",
    collection:"example" }

Last modified: August 2, 2024

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