
Creates a non-materialized view from the result of the specified aggregation pipeline. Views in SingleStore are non-writable and they act as read-only collections (tables). Refer to CREATE VIEW for more information.

This command is an extension of the MongoDB® createView command.


db.createView (
<aggregation_pipeline, { $view: { json:true, inferred:true }}>,


  • view_name: Name of the view.

  • view_source: Name of the source collection or view.

  • aggregation_pipeline: An array that contains the aggregation pipelines.

  • $view: {json:true, inferred:true}: Creates structures (columns) that are optimal for SQL queries and improves the performance of SQL queries that reference the view.

    • json: Converts the documents or array fields added to the view to JSON type instead of BSON type.

    • inferred: Infers the data type of each field added to the view and creates a top-level column with the inferred type in the view.

  • collation (Optional): The default collation for the view.


The following example creates a view using the $view: {json:true, inferred:true} option and then uses the view in SQL statements.

Create a view via the MongoDB® endpoint. The following commands create a collection and then use the collection as the source to create a view.

db.exampleCollection.insertMany( [
{ _id: 1, Code: "xv1f", Qty: 45 },
{ _id: 2, Code: "nm3w", Qty: 30 },
{ _id: 3, Code: "qoma", Qty: 20 },
{ _id: 4, Code: "hr3k", Qty: 15 } ] )
[{ $match: { Qty: { $gt: 25 } } }, {$view:{json:true, inferred:true}}]
[ { _id: 1, Code: 'xv1f', Qty: 45 },
  { _id: 2, Code: 'nm3w', Qty: 30 } ]
[ { _id: 1, Code: 'xv1f', Qty: 45 } ]

Run the following commands via the SQL endpoint.

DESC exampleView;
| Field    | Type       | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| _more_1  | bson       | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| $_id     | longblob   | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| _id      | bson       | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| doc      | JSON       | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| doc.Code | longtext   | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| doc.Qty  | bigint(21) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| doc._id  | bigint(21) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |

This command shows that a top-level column is added for each field in the view.

The following command queries the view using SQL:

SELECT `doc._id` '_id', `doc.Code` 'Code', `doc.Qty` 'Qty'
FROM exampleView
WHERE `doc.Qty` > 40;
| _id | Code | Qty |
|   1 | xv1f |  45 |

The following SQL statement shows information on how this query is executed:

EXPLAIN SELECT `doc._id` '_id', `doc.Code` 'Code', `doc.Qty` 'Qty'
FROM exampleView
WHERE `doc.Qty` > 40;
| EXPLAIN                                                                                                                                                           |
| Gather partitions:all alias:remote_0 parallelism_level:segment                                                                                                    |
| Project [BSON_EXTRACT_BIGINT(exampleView._id) AS _id, BSON_EXTRACT_STRING(exampleView._more,'Code') AS Code, BSON_EXTRACT_BIGINT(exampleView._more,'Qty') AS Qty] |
| ColumnStoreFilter [BSON_EXTRACT_BIGINT(exampleView._more,'Qty') > 40 AND BSON_EXTRACT_BIGINT(exampleView._more,'Qty') > 25]                                       |
| ColumnStoreScan dbTest.exampleCollection AS exampleView, SORT KEY __UNORDERED () table_type:sharded_columnstore                                                   |

Last modified: August 9, 2024

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Verification instructions

Note: You must install cosign to verify the authenticity of the SingleStore file.

Use the following steps to verify the authenticity of singlestoredb-server, singlestoredb-toolbox, singlestoredb-studio, and singlestore-client SingleStore files that have been downloaded.

You may perform the following steps on any computer that can run cosign, such as the main deployment host of the cluster.

  1. (Optional) Run the following command to view the associated signature files.

    curl undefined
  2. Download the signature file from the SingleStore release server.

    • Option 1: Click the Download Signature button next to the SingleStore file.

    • Option 2: Copy and paste the following URL into the address bar of your browser and save the signature file.

    • Option 3: Run the following command to download the signature file.

      curl -O undefined
  3. After the signature file has been downloaded, run the following command to verify the authenticity of the SingleStore file.

    echo -n undefined |
    cosign verify-blob --certificate-oidc-issuer \
    --certificate-identity \
    --bundle undefined \
    --new-bundle-format -
    Verified OK