Install SingleStore Tools

The following instructions can be used to install SingleStore Tools.

Install SingleStore Tools via Tarballs

Download Files

Non-privileged (non-sudo) deployment of SingleStore is supported as of SingleStore Toolbox v1.3.0.

Download the following SingleStore packages onto a device with access to the Master Aggregator.




Transfer Files

  1. Create an /opt/singlestore directory on the Master Aggregator.

    cd /opt
    mkdir singlestore
  2. Transfer the singlestoredb-toolboxsinglestore-client, and singlestoredb-server files to this new /opt/singlestore directory.

Unpack Files

Perform the following steps on the Master Aggregator:

  1. Change to the /opt/singlestore directory.

    cd /opt/singlestore
  2. Unpack the SingleStore Tools files.

    tar xzvf singlestoredb-toolbox_<version>.tar.gz
    tar xzvf singlestore-client_<version>.tar.gz

Last modified: June 15, 2021

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