Tools: Leaf Node Failures

Replace a Failed Leaf Node in a Redundancy-1 Cluster


Review the size of your SingleStore data directory and confirm that at least twice the amount of disk space used by the leaf node’s data directory is available. This space is required to hold a copy of the leaf node’s data directory. Another drive, including an external drive, can also be used to hold a copy of the leaf node’s data.

A leaf node’s data typically resides in /var/lib/memsql/<node-directory>/data by default. Note that the <node-directory> in SingleStore v7.3 is a hash, and that you will need to look within this directory to determine if it’s the appropriate node. You can check the ID matches the memsql-id within the node’s data directory (e.g. cat ./data/memsql_id).

This section covers the replacement of a failed leaf node within a redundancy-1 cluster. In this example, it is assumed that data can be recovered from the failed leaf node, which will then be restored.

  1. Determine if the leaf node in question is still running within the cluster. If it is, first stop it, and then remove the leaf role from the node.

    sdb-admin stop-node --memsql-id <node-ID>
    sdb-admin remove-leaf --force --memsql-id <node-ID>
  2. Assuming that the data is recoverable from the failed leaf node, preserve it by changing to the node directory (on the corresponding host) and compressing it to another location, such as the /tmp directory.

    cd /path/to/memsql/<node-directory>
    sudo tar -zcvf /tmp/data.tgz ./data/
  3. As the leaf node’s data has been preserved, delete the leaf node from the cluster.

    sdb-admin delete-node --memsql-id <node-ID> --skip-remove
  4. Create a new node to store this data in. After the node’s been created, stop it so that you can manipulate the node’s data directory.

    sdb-admin create-node --host [IP or hostname OF NODE HOST] --port [PORT OF NODE HOST] --password [PASSWORD OF NODE]
    sdb-admin stop-node --memsql-id <node-ID>
  5. Navigate to the newly created node’s directory and remove the data directory within. Then, extract the data from the /tmp directory to this node’s data directory.

    cd /var/lib/memsql/<new-node-directory>
    sudo rm -r ./data
    sudo tar -zxvf /tmp/data.tgz
  6. Once the extraction is finished, update the ownership and permissions on the directory’s files.

    sudo chown memsql:memsql -R ./data
  7. Start the new node. The MemSQL ID will now be that of the former node, which you can confirm with the following command.

    sdb-admin start-node --all
  8. Run the following SQL command on the Master Aggregator host to add this leaf node to the cluster.

    ADD LEAF <user>:'<password>'@'<node's-host-IP or hostname>':<port>;

Replace a Failed Leaf Node in a Redundancy-2 Cluster


Review the size of your SingleStore data directory and determine if you have enough disk space remaining when you proceed with the recovery process.

This section details how to recover a failed leaf node in a high availability cluster.

Clusters using Async or Sync replication could potentially present different errors, so knowing which replication option that is being used will be key to recovering a failed cluster.

By default, all MemSQL v7.0/SingleStore 7.1 or later clusters will run with high availability using sync replication. Sync replication ensures that the shared data housed within the primary and secondary leaf nodes is always in sync.

Async replication treats data differently and, as its first priority, allows the cluster to continue to run. While data will eventually be synced between the leaf nodes, it is not a requirement that it happen at the time of the transaction. Refer to Replication and Durability for more information.

Sometimes data can become out of sync when one or more sizable queries are run. If failover occurs during one of these queries, SingleStore will recognize that it’s failing over from a leaf node that contains newer data. As the asynchronous replication of data on the secondary leaf node was not up to date when the failover occurred, there will be an unavoidable amount of data loss.

As a result, the cluster will stop performing transactions and will throw an Asynchronous replication with a FailoverLeaf: Couldn’t failover from node. error. This is intentional, as it affords the cluster administrator to take manual control of the cluster to assess what has occurred.

To acknowledge the potential data loss and manually move the data to the secondary leaf node that is now out of sync, use a SQL editor to run the REBALANCE PARTITIONS command on each database. This will prevent any potential data loss from the leaf nodes being out of sync.

Alert: If REBALANCE PARTITIONS is run before attempting to retain or fix the leaf/partition, the data will be lost and will no longer be recoverable.


You may also use the bash script in the One Leaf Node Fails section below to rebalance the partitions on all nodes and restore redundancy on all databases.

One Leaf Node Fails

Reintroduce the Leaf Node

This section details how to reintroduce a failed leaf node in a Redundancy-2 cluster. Reintroducing the leaf node is the simplest solution as SingleStore will automatically reattach the leaf node once it’s back online.

If the failed leaf node was the partition master, those partitions will be promoted to its pair. You may then reintroduce the failed leaf node to the cluster, or add a new leaf node to replace it.

In scenarios where the filesystem in the leaf node hosting the SingleStore data-directory is lost or corrupted, you can introduce a new host with a leaf node and then rebalance your data.

Replace the Leaf Node from a Different Host

This section details how to replace a failed leaf node in a Redundancy-2 cluster with a replacement leaf node from a different host.

In case of hardware failure of your Linux/Ubuntu machines hosting the leaf node, if the failure does not cause any data corruption, the node can be reintroduced to cluster after it is recovered.

If the failed leaf node was the partition master, those partitions will be promoted to its pair. You may then reintroduce the failed leaf node to the cluster, or add a new leaf node to replace it.

  1. If the host of the failed leaf node is still available, note either its availability group, or the availability group of its pair.

  2. If the host that the failed leaf node resides on has also failed, the leaf node must be removed from the cluster. Determine if the failed leaf node is still shown.

    sdb-admin list-nodes

    If so, remove it from the cluster.

    sdb-admin remove-leaf --memsql-id <node-ID>

    If not, skip removing it from the cluster and just remove the failed host.

    sdb-admin delete-node --memsql-id <node-ID> --skip-remove
    sdb-toolbox-config unregister-host --host <host-IP or hostname>
  3. The leaf node may still be visible to the cluster, but Toolbox will no longer recognize it. To confirm, run the following SQL command on the Master Aggregator host and look for the IP and port of the failed leaf node.

  4. If the leaf node persists within the cluster, remove it from the Master Aggregator.

  5. Using Toolbox, add a new replacement host to the cluster.

    sdb-toolbox-config register-host --host <host-IP or hostname> -i <SSH-identity-file>
  6. Deploy SingleStore to this host.

    sdb-deploy install --host <host-IP or hostname>
  7. Create a replacement node, assign it a leaf role, and add it to the availability group you noted earlier.

    sdb-admin create-node --host <host-IP or hostname> --password <secure-password> --port <port>
    sdb-admin add-leaf --memsql-id <ID-of-new-node> --availability-group <1 or 2>
  8. Rebalance the partitions on all nodes and restore redundancy on all databases.


Last modified: November 24, 2023

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Verification instructions

Note: You must install cosign to verify the authenticity of the SingleStore file.

Use the following steps to verify the authenticity of singlestoredb-server, singlestoredb-toolbox, singlestoredb-studio, and singlestore-client SingleStore files that have been downloaded.

You may perform the following steps on any computer that can run cosign, such as the main deployment host of the cluster.

  1. (Optional) Run the following command to view the associated signature files.

    curl undefined
  2. Download the signature file from the SingleStore release server.

    • Option 1: Click the Download Signature button next to the SingleStore file.

    • Option 2: Copy and paste the following URL into the address bar of your browser and save the signature file.

    • Option 3: Run the following command to download the signature file.

      curl -O undefined
  3. After the signature file has been downloaded, run the following command to verify the authenticity of the SingleStore file.

    echo -n undefined |
    cosign verify-blob --certificate-oidc-issuer \
    --certificate-identity \
    --bundle undefined \
    --new-bundle-format -
    Verified OK