Assumptions and Prerequisites

On this page

Depending on your Kerberos environment, some of the instructions may require changes to adhere to your realm’s configuration.


  • Understanding of Kerberos concepts and how to administer a realm.

  • A cluster running SingleStore version 5.7.4 or later.

  • SingleStore Client: Typically installed on the main deployment host when deploying SingleStore. Instructions for installing the client are also included in the configuration process.

  • The SingleStore ODBC Driver: The SingleStore ODBC Driver supports Kerberos/GSSAPI authentication. For additional ODBC, JDBC, and C++ clients that you can use to authenticate SingleStore users, refer to Connect with Application Development Tools.

  • GSSAPI Authentication Plugin: In addition to the SingleStore client and ODBC Driver, you must also have the GSSAPI authentication plugin available on the connecting host. The plugin is referenced in the connection string when connecting with a client or connector. The GSSAPI plugin is packaged with the SingleStore ODBC Driver, download its latest version. Once downloaded, the plugin is located in a path such as singlestore-odbc-connector-<version>/plugins directory for Linux/Unix and it is installed with the driver for Windows. For more information, refer to The SingleStore ODBC Driver.

Last modified: June 5, 2024

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