SingleStore Studio CLI


Studio is designed to work with MemSQL 6.5 or later and is only supported on Chrome and Firefox browsers at this time.

The Studio server is a process that proxies SQL queries from the web interface to SingleStore clusters. This process also serves Studio’s web interface on the configured port.

  singlestoredb-studio [flags]

  -c, --config FILE_PATH       Specify the path of the singlestoredb-studio config file.
  -h, --help                   help for singlestoredb-studio
      --host string            Listen on the provided host
      --log ABSOLUTE_PATH      Specify the path of the singlestoredb-studio log file.
      --port int               Listen on the provided port
      --state FILE_PATH        Specify the path of the singlestoredb-studio state file.
  -v, --verbosity count[=-1]   Increase logging verbosity

Last modified: April 26, 2023

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