Generate Cluster Reports

As of version 1.9.7, SingleStore Toolbox supports generating cluster reports via the Kube API for Kubernetes.


Toolbox must be installed on the same Linux host that has Kube API access to the cluster. This is a requirement as the Kube config is first used to make the connection, and then generate and pull the report.

The instructions for installing Toolbox are provided below.

Install SingleStore Toolbox

Generate a Cluster Report

There are two ways of running the collect-kube command to generate a cluster report:

  1. Run from anywhere using a kubeconfig file, which can be specified either from the KUBECONFIG environment variable or by the --config-file flag.

  2. Run from inside a Pod. Known as an in-cluster configuration, this method doesn't require any configuration files. The service account should be configured properly to allow Kubernetes API calls, such as listing Pods.

    Note that the image for the Pod that runs sdb-report collect-kube must have the sdb-report binary available, such as via a singlestore/tools image). Generally, this works just like kubectl does, with no installation required.

To generate a cluster report, run the following command. The name of the cluster can be found by running kubectl get singlestore.

sdb-report collect-kube --namespace <name-space> --cluster-name <name-used-for-the-cluster>

Note: If the Operator logs are missing, run the following command.

kubectl label deployment <operator>

Refer to sdb-report collect-kube for more information.

Last modified: November 2, 2023

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