Update Exporter CPU and Memory Limits

The SingleStore exporter container collects health and performance data about a running cluster. Should an exporter container continue to crash, additional CPU and/or memory resources can be assigned to it.

  • For the CPU, a value of 1.0 means one CPU. This value may also be fractional, such as 0.25 (25%) of a CPU.

  • For memory, desired memory values must be specified in megabytes (MB).

SingleStore aggregator nodes and leaf nodes can be assigned CPU and memory values independently. These values may be adjusted in the spec section of the sdb-cluster.yaml.

  • In the aggregatorSpec section, revise the cpu and/or the memoryMB values under the exporterConfig section

  • In the leafSpec section, revise the cpu and/or the memoryMB values under the exporterConfig section

When completed, apply these changes to the cluster.

cpu: 0.25 # 1.0 means one cpu
memoryMB: 256
cpu: 0.25 # 1.0 means one cpu
memoryMB: 256

Last modified: September 7, 2022

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