High Availability for the Master Aggregator


This is a Preview feature and will be part of an upcoming add-on pricing package.

This feature introduces High Availability for the Master Aggregator (HA for MA). By leveraging HA for MA, you can benefit from enhanced reliability and failover capabilities, allowing your mission-critical workloads to remain highly available.

The Master Aggregator (MA) plays a pivotal role in the management and operational coordination of a SingleStore cluster. The MA is crucial not only for executing DDL operations but also for tasks such as ingestion, managing reference tables, and managing partitions during node failures.

To enable HA for MA, you must explicitly deploy an MA and two or more Child Aggregators (CAs) with the voting member role assigned, at the time of cluster creation. Thus, there should be one primary MA and at least two additional voting members (CAs). Data across these three instances is synchronously replicated. In case of a failure of the primary (leader) MA, the remaining voting members (CAs) will elect a new primary MA amongst themselves.

In the event of the MA becoming unavailable, one of the voting members will automatically be elected as the new MA through a consensus mechanism. SingleStore ensures that your transactions maintain the atomicity property by guaranteeing that all changes are either fully committed or rolled back during the process of electing the new MA. SingleStore recommends implementing a load balancer or a proxy to ensure that if the MA goes offline, your application can automatically retry and connect to the newly elected MA.

The recovery of a failed MA node needs an automation process to be in place. Creating a new node is not always necessary; the decision to create a new node depends on the type of failure encountered. Once the recovered or new node joins the voting membership, SingleStore's consensus algorithm ensures that it is fully synchronized and eligible to be elected as a potential MA.

Configuring HA for MA for a Cluster

You should have at least the 8.9 release and Toolbox (v 1.17.9).  Using this combination, you need to create a cluster with the configuration of one MA and a minimum of two CAs set as voting members.

You can setup a cluster with HA for MA in either of these two ways:

  • Using the YAML configuration file, or

  • Using a combination of the Toolbox commands

Using the YAML Configuration File

If you set up a cluster from a YAML configuration file with the sdb-deploy setup-cluster --cluster-file ... command, the configuration requires:

  • consensus_enabled should be ON

  • the aggregator_role should be set as VOTING_MEMBER for all the CAs that will act as voting members.

The configuration file should be similar to the below format:

 consensus_enabled: ON
- hostname: ...  
  - role: Aggregator    
    aggregator_role: voting_member    

Refer to Deploy for more information.

Using the Toolbox sdb-admin Command

  1. Set consensus_enabled global variable to ON.

  2. Add aggregators with a voting member aggregator role.

You can manually update the consensus_enabled variable using the command:

sdb-admin update-config --key=consensus-enabled --value=ON --set-global --role master -y

A new voting member can be added to the cluster using either the sdb-admin create-node or sdb-admin add-aggregator commands:

  • For a new node:

    sdb-admin create-node --host ... --port ... --role aggregator --aggregator-role voting_member …
  • For an existing node:

    sdb-admin add-aggregator --memsql-id ... --role voting_member

You can change the role of an existing CA by combining two commands:

  • First, remove the aggregator:

    sdb-admin remove-aggregator --memsql-id ...
  • Then, add it again with a new role:

    sdb-admin add-aggregator --memsql-id ... --role voting_member

A user can get the full list of aggregators and roles using the sdb-admin show-aggregators command:

sdb-admin show-aggregators
✓ Successfully ran 'memsqlctl show-aggregators'
|   Host    | Port | State  | Opened        | Average                        | Master           |     Role            |
|                           | Connections   | Roundtrip Latency (ms).        |  Aggregator      |                     |
| | 3306 | online | 1             | null                           | 1                | Leader              |
| | 3308 | online | 2             | 0.377                          | 0                | Voting Member       |
| | 3309 | online | 2             | 0.313                          | 0                | Voting Member       |
| | 3310 | online | 1             | 6.023                          | 0                | Voting Member       |

Troubleshooting HA for MA using Toolbox

If an MA is down, a new MA will be elected from the set of voting members and become automatically available to the Toolbox in a few seconds. The Toolbox may still display the stopped MA as the MA, and this does not affect any commands (Toolbox works fine if all MAs except one are stopped).

If the Toolbox shows two or more running MAs (you can check using the sdb-admin list-nodes command), some commands may become unavailable. In this case, you should manually stop one of the MAs using the sdb-admin stop-node --memsql-id ... command.

HA for MA FAQs

  1. Which global engine variables are used in configuring HA for MA?

    The consensus_enabled and consensus_election_timeout variables are used.

    • consensus_enabled must be set to ON to add aggregators as voting members.

    • consensus_election_timeout controls the time, in milliseconds, for which a voting member waits before conducting an election if it does not hear from the MA. You can adjust the value if required.

      SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%election%';
      | Variable_name              | Value |
      | consensus_election_timeout | 30000 |
  2. When an MA goes offline and a new voting member becomes the MA, how should the cluster be reconfigured to the three MA config?

    You have to set up a process to restart the failed node or spin up a new CA and add it as a voting member. Once this 3rd voting member is provisioned, SingleStore’s consensus algorithm will ensure it is caught up and eligible to be elected as a potential MA.

  3. Are there any specific steps needed to catch up the new MA?

    No, the new voting member automatically catches up once it is back online.

  4. How to find out if an MA is down and a new MA is successfully promoted?

    You can check the output of the commands: SHOW AGGREGATORS EXTENDED and/or INFORMATION_SCHEMA.AGGREGATORS from all the voting members. The current MA will be the one that the majority of the voting members report.

  5. What does a user or application need to do when a new MA is promoted?

    SingleStore recommends implementing application-level retry logic combined with a load balancer or proxy that manages the endpoints for all three MAs. This setup will enable your application to seamlessly connect to the newly promoted MA and continue its operations without encountering errors due to the old MA endpoint being offline.

    The load balancer or proxy should be configured to automatically detect and route traffic to the active MA, ensuring uninterrupted service during failover events. Additionally, the application's retry logic should be designed to handle transient connection failures and transparently reconnect to the newly promoted MA.

  6. How does SingleStore resolve split-brain issues?

    To eliminate the possibility of a split-brain scenario, SingleStore ensures that only the primary MA can write data to the reference and cluster databases and execute DDL operations. Only this MA is responsible for managing cluster metadata, executing cluster operations, and detecting failures on CAs and data nodes.

  7. If a DDL or DML operation is hitting the MA endpoint and, at the same time, the original MA goes offline and a new MA is being elected, what will happen to the operation? What are the various failure scenarios?

    SingleStore ensures your transactions maintain the atomicity property by guaranteeing that all changes are either fully committed or rolled back during the process of electing the new MA.

    In the following scenarios, SingleStore recommends implementing application-level retry logic (similar to FAQ # 5) to ensure a DDL or DML request is re-established.



    A user sends a query to the CA, but the MA is offline.

    The CA will internally retry the query until a new MA is elected, and the CA can connect to the new MA.

    A user sends a query to the MA, but the MA is offline

    SingleStore recommends building a retry logic in the application along with a load balancer or a proxy, so they can manage the connections and connect to the newly promoted MA.

    A user sends a query or a multi-statement transaction to the CA, which forwards it to the MA but the MA goes offline while executing the query.

    Similar to the above scenario, SingleStore recommends building a retry logic in the application to allow connecting to the newly promoted MA. Without this retry logic, the user will get a typical error stating that the connection to the server was lost.

    A user sends a query to the CA, which forwards it to the MA, but a new MA is elected while the previous MA is executing the query.

    Depending on how far the execution of the query has progressed, the CA will internally retry and forward the query to the new MA or the user may get an error. To eliminate this error, SingleStore recommends building a retry logic in your applications to connect to the new MA’s endpoint.

  8. How should the CAs that are allocated as voting members be placed to best optimize resiliency?

    SingleStore’s recommendation is to place the CA nodes marked as voting members across different failure domains or availability groups. This will help improve the resiliency.

Last modified: November 25, 2024

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Verification instructions

Note: You must install cosign to verify the authenticity of the SingleStore file.

Use the following steps to verify the authenticity of singlestoredb-server, singlestoredb-toolbox, singlestoredb-studio, and singlestore-client SingleStore files that have been downloaded.

You may perform the following steps on any computer that can run cosign, such as the main deployment host of the cluster.

  1. (Optional) Run the following command to view the associated signature files.

    curl undefined
  2. Download the signature file from the SingleStore release server.

    • Option 1: Click the Download Signature button next to the SingleStore file.

    • Option 2: Copy and paste the following URL into the address bar of your browser and save the signature file.

    • Option 3: Run the following command to download the signature file.

      curl -O undefined
  3. After the signature file has been downloaded, run the following command to verify the authenticity of the SingleStore file.

    echo -n undefined |
    cosign verify-blob --certificate-oidc-issuer https://oidc.eks.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/id/CCDCDBA1379A5596AB5B2E46DCA385BC \
    --certificate-identity https://kubernetes.io/namespaces/freya-production/serviceaccounts/job-worker \
    --bundle undefined \
    --new-bundle-format -
    Verified OK