1. Identifying Expensive Queries

On this page

  1. In Studio, navigate to the Workload Monitoring page.

  2. If you do not have monitoring data from SingleStore’s monitoring solution, select Begin Profiling to capture current cluster activity for a period of time. Be sure to record during the workload or query of interest, if one has been identified while collecting data in the previous step.

  3. If one has been identified, switch the database selector to the suspect database.

    All active activities are listed with name, activity category, database, elapsed time, and more in the Workload Monitoring page.
  4. Sort on Elapsed Time and Run Count by selecting the field name. Hover over the Time Spent bar and review which queries are consuming the most amount of time.

  5. Sort on CPU, Memory, and Network to identify other resource-intensive queries.

  6. Distinguish query shapes that may be resource-intensive due to having a high run count compared to others. For example, is a query using resources because of how many times it has been run, or is it using a large amount of resources across a low number of runs?

  7. Note the activity_name of queries that have high elapsed time, run count, and/or that are using a large amount of a given resource.

  8. Select the Nodes tab to identify which node these queries are running. The Nodes tab can also help to confirm why a specific node is running slowly.

Next Steps

  • If you have identified a long-running query that is using a large amount of resources or has an unusual run count, continue to Step 2.

  • If you have not identified any useful information, skip to Step 3.

Last modified: November 26, 2024

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