Using Notebooks

SingleStore Helios supports Jupyter Notebooks for development using SQL and Python.

Import and Run Notebooks


Get Started Quickly: Notebooks in SingleStore Helios are Jupyter notebooks and if you are familiar with how to use them, you can jump right in and get started. In the Shared folder there is a subfolder called "sample", which contains sample notebooks. You can find how-to guides, tutorials, and getting started information there.

There are multiple ways to get started using notebooks:

  • Sample Gallery (under Homepage): Here you can find how-to guides, tutorials, and getting started information. If you are new to notebooks, SingleStore recommends using the beginner flag and taking a look at the "SingleStoreDB Notebook Basics" or "Getting Started with Notebooks" notebooks.

  • New Notebook: Start with a new notebook or use a beginner notebook template such as "SingleStoreDB Notebook Basics" (recommended). When starting a new notebook, make sure to define Python or SQL.

  • Import Notebook: Under New Notebook, you can select a notebook that you have locally on your machine and import it. When importing, notebooks must be Jupyter format (.ipynb) and no larger than 5GB.

Manage Notebooks

How to perform the basic, non-development notebook tasks: find, share, create, open/edit, delete, and rename.

Shared and Personal Folders

Notebooks are stored in either Shared or Personal "folders" in SingleStore Helios. Notebooks stored in the Shared area are available to any other users who have access to the same workgroup.

Notebooks stored in the Personal area are only visible to the notebook creator and cannot be shared. To share a notebook that is in the Personal folder, duplicate the notebook and change the location to a Shared folder.

Create or Open/Edit a Notebook

To open or edit an existing notebook, select the notebook in the list of notebooks.

To create a notebook:

  1. Select the ‘+’ icon next to Notebooks.

  2. Enter a name for the notebook.

  3. Choose a location (Personal or Shared) for the notebook.

  4. Select a template from the template list, or just use "Blank".

  5. Select Create.

  6. Select a Python kernel and select Submit.

The New Notebook dialog box, with Name, Location, and Template fields. Cancel and Create buttons.

Save a Notebook

Notebooks are automatically saved (autosave) every 5 seconds.

Share a Notebook

All users with access to the same workgroup have access to the notebooks associated with that workspace that are in the Shared folder.

To share a notebook, select Copy Link from the (three-dot) More menu next to the desired notebook. Share the link with other users in the same Organization.

Notebooks in the Personal folder cannot be shared. To share a notebook that is in the Personal folder, duplicate the notebook and change the location to a Shared folder.

Rename a Notebook

To rename a notebook, select Rename from the (three-dot) More menu next to the desired notebook.

Duplicate a Notebook

To duplicate a notebook, select Duplicate from the (three-dot) More menu next to the desired notebook.

Enter a name for the notebook and select a location. If you duplicate a notebook from the Personal folder to a Shared folder, the new notebook will not be private.

Delete a Notebook

To delete a notebook, select Delete from the (three-dot) More menu next to the desired notebook.

Last modified: March 8, 2024

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