Manage Database Users

Add a Database User


While a SingleStore Helios user can log into the Cloud Portal and run SQL commands via the SQL Editor, the same SingleStore Helios username cannot be used to log into a database from a third-party SQL client or development tool.

To log into a SingleStore database from a third-party SQL client or development tool, you must first add a database user.

As a workspace's admin user is not always a log-in option for all organization members, SingleStore recommends adding a separate database user for each organization member.


If you have invited another SingleStore Helios user to join your organization, please refrain from adding a database user with the same SingleStore Helios username until after the invitation has been accepted.

Alternatively, you may create a database user with a different username than the SingleStore Helios username, though this may make user management more challenging as additional organization members are added.

A user can be added by using the CREATE USER command. The GRANT command cannot be used to add a new user since auto user creation by using the GRANT command is deprecated and the NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER variable is enabled by default.

Change a Database User Password

The database admin password is configured when the workspace is first created. This is also referred to as the “Master Username” in the Cloud Portal, which is admin by default.

To change this password, navigate to the Deployments in the left navigation, and then select Access > User Access. Select the Reset button next to the Password field and follow the provided instructions.

Note: You must have SUPER privileges to change another user’s password using the GRANT command.

Use the SET PASSWORD command to change a database user's password. A database user can also use this command to change their own password.

SET PASSWORD FOR 'username'@'host' = PASSWORD('password');

Remove a Database User

To remove a database user, use the DROP USER command.

DROP USER '<user>'@'<host>'

Inspect Database User Permissions

You can view grants and permissions by querying information_schema.user_privileges.

You can also view grants for a user by running SHOW GRANTS:

SHOW GRANTS FOR user@domain;

Set a Login Attempt Lockout Policy for a Database User

You can specify the number of times a user can enter an incorrect password before they are locked out of the system. When a user reaches this limit, their account is locked for the specified number of seconds.

This feature can be enabled per user or per role, in which case every user belonging to that role will be subject to failed login attempt lockout.

Enable the Lockout Policy

To enable the lockout policy:

Set bothFAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS and PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME for the user or role. FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS is the number of failed attempts before the account is locked, for example: 4. PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME is the number of seconds a locked out account must wait before reattempting to log in.


You must set both FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS and PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME to enable the feature.

Enable the lockout feature at 4 failed attempts, with a lockout time of 4 hours (14400 seconds) when creating a user:


Enabling the feature for a role:


If a user is associated with more than one role with different password lock times, the larger PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME value is applied.

If a user and a role the user is tied to have conflicting FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS settings, the lower value is applied.

Update Lockout Settings

If the PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME value is updated for a role or user, the new setting applies to currently locked accounts. For example, if a locked out user’s lockout time setting is 1 day, and PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME is then set to 4 hours, the new limit is enforced and the account will be unlocked 4 hours after it was locked. If a user’s lockout time setting is 4 hours, and the setting is increased to 1 day, the user will remain locked out for 1 day.

If the FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS setting for a locked out user is updated to be higher than the current setting, the user is unlocked. If the new setting is lower than the current number of failed login attempts, and also higher than the user’s current number of failed login attempts, the new setting is ignored until the user successfully logs in. The user is still subject to the original FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS setting.

Unlock a Locked Account

To unlock a locked account:

Use the ALTER USER command and specify ACCOUNT UNLOCK.


Last modified: November 26, 2024

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