Active Queries

The SingleStore Helios Cloud Portalhas an option that lets you monitor currently running queries. This can help in identifying and troubleshooting long-running queries.

Monitoring active queries in Cloud UI

To access the Active Queries page, click on your workspace in the left nav and click Active Queries under Monitoring. Once on the Active Queries page, you can select a workspace by using the workspace selector drop-down at the top of this page.

Kill a Running Query

To kill a running query, click the checkbox next to the query and then click the Kill Query button at the top of the page.

Explain a Query

To explain a query, click the checkbox next to the query and then click on the Explain Query button. This will take you to the Visual Explain page where you can see the profile of the query.

Export as CSV

To export the details displayed for a query, click the checkbox next to the query and then click on the Export as CSV button. This will download the query as a CSV file.

Additional Information

Refer to Testing Your Queries and Performance and Query Tuning for more information about queries and query troubleshooting.

Last modified: July 11, 2023

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