Shows details about currently running threads.




  • Recently run queries are stored in the processlist on each node.

  • This command can be run on any SingleStore node (see Node Requirements for SingleStore Commands).

  • The processlist shows the state of currently running queries, it is used to locate long running or hanging queries, or in determining if a query is taking a long time simply because it is waiting on a different query to complete or release locks.

  • This command exposes a formatted subset of data in the information_schema.processlist table. Additionally, SHOW PROCESSLIST output may truncate data from this table. To see all possible fields and the complete field text, query the information_schema.processlist table directly.

  • The Info column’s data is affected by whether the global variable show_query_parameters is set to ON or OFF. By default, show_query_parameters is set to ON, which results in Info field containing the plain text of a query, including query parameters. If show_query_parameters is set to OFF, the Info field will only contain the parameterized query text.

  • show_query_parameters is used in cases when access to sensitive data–in this case, query parameters–needs to be restricted. If this variable is set to OFF, parameters will be hidden. This can be set only at startup, not during runtime; it must be set in the memsql.cnf, followed by a system restart.

  • See the Permission Matrix for the required permission.





Process ID


User associated with this process


Host name or IP address and port number


Name of SingleStore database


Type of command associated with this process. See the list of commands.


Time (in seconds)


Process state


Additional information about this process, including the query text


  • Change user - Changing the user.

  • Close stmt - Closing a prepared statement.

  • Create DB - Running a CREATE DATABASE command or operation.

  • Drop DB - Dropping a database.

  • Execute - Running a prepared statement.

  • Field List - Receiving a list of fields (table columns).

  • Init DB - Choosing the default database.

  • Kill - Terminating a separate thread.

  • Ping - Handling a server status request.

  • Prepare - Generating a prepared statement.

  • Processlist - Generating information about server threads/processes.

  • Query - Running a SQL query.

  • Quit - In the process of being terminated.

  • Refresh - Resetting or flushing various objects (tables, logs, variables, etc.).

  • Reset stmt - Resetting a prepared statement.

  • ResetConnection - Resetting a connection.

  • Set option - Setting configuration option for the server.

  • Sleep - Awaiting next statement.

Other values: Note that it is possible to see other, transient values present in some cases, when an unsupported MySQL command is issued against SingleStore. Those values are only present in the table for a brief period of time before an error is returned for the unsupported command. The commands listed above are the valid commands for SingleStore.


| Id | User | Host            | db   | Command | Time | State | Info             | RPC Info |
| 19 | root | localhost:33790 | test | Query   | 1118 | NULL  | SHOW PROCESSLIST | {}       |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


The RPC Info column has been removed starting in version 7.5.

Last modified: April 4, 2023

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