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Wait for a specific MemSQL Ops agent job to finish.

This is useful for troubleshooting MemSQL Ops.


usage: memsql-ops job-wait [--settings-file SETTINGS_FILE] [--timeout TIMEOUT]

Wait for a job to finish.

positional arguments:
  job_id                The ID of the job to wait for.

optional arguments:
  --settings-file SETTINGS_FILE
                        A path to a MemSQL Ops settings.conf file. If not set,
                        we will use the file in the same directory as the
                        MemSQL Ops binary.
  --timeout TIMEOUT     The max time in seconds to wait. If this is not
                        specified, we will wait indefinitely. If it is 0, we
                        will check the job's state and return immediately.

Last modified: April 25, 2023

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