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Deploys a MemSQL Ops agent to another host.
This command requires valid SSH credentials to connect to the host where you plan to deploy the agent.AGENT-SSH
usage: memsql-ops agent-deploy [--settings-file SETTINGS_FILE] [--async] -h
[-i IDENTITY_FILE] [--agent-port AGENT_PORT]
[--ops-datadir OPS_DATADIR]
[--memsql-installs-dir MEMSQL_INSTALLS_DIR]
Deploy a MemSQL Ops agent to a host.
optional arguments:
--settings-file SETTINGS_FILE
A path to a MemSQL Ops settings.conf file. If not set,
we will use the file in the same directory as the
MemSQL Ops binary.
--async If this option is true, we will exit without waiting
for the agent to be fully deployed.
-h HOST, --host HOST The hostname of the machine to deploy to.
-P PORT, --port PORT The SSH port for the machine to deploy to.
-u USER, --user USER The user on the remote machine to use. By default we
will use the same username as the user running this
-p [PASSWORD], --password [PASSWORD]
Password for the user on the remote machine. Leave
blank to read the MEMSQL_PASSWORD environment
variable, or have a password prompt if MEMSQL_PASSWORD
is not set.
Path to a private key file for logging into the remote
--agent-port AGENT_PORT
The port on which we will run the newly-deployed
--ops-datadir OPS_DATADIR
A directory to use as the agent's data directory. The
agent will put log files and so forth in this
directory. By default, we will use the agent's install
--memsql-installs-dir MEMSQL_INSTALLS_DIR
A directory that we will install SingleStore nodes in. By
default, we will use the agent's data directory (see
--ops-datadir above).
--allow-no-sudo Do not throw an error if we cannot use sudo on the
remote machine.
Last modified: April 25, 2023