Recover from a Leaf Node Failure

Use the following steps to reintroduce a leaf node to a cluster where redundancyLevel is set to 2 with redundant leaf nodes.

  1. Scale down the Operator.

    kubectl scale deployment [operator deployment name] --replicas=0
  2. Scale down the STS with the pod you need to replace. For a leaf node in either of the availability groups, scale down the STS to 0 and then scale it back up to the number of pods in the group.

    kubectl scale statefulsets [StatefulSet Name] --replicas=0
  3. Delete the PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) of the problematic pod.

    kubectl delete pvc pv-storage-node-ccd487dc-3b15-4c3b-88a2-a984dc0245ca-leaf-ag1-0
  4. Delete the pod.

    kubectl delete pod node-ccd487dc-3b15-4c3b-88a2-a984dc0245ca-leaf-ag1-0
  5. Scale the STS and Operator back up.

    kubectl scale statefulsets [StatefulSet Name] --replicas=[num of pods in this StatefulSet]

Last modified: August 2, 2024

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