

Move the base directory of a node and update the corresponding engine variables.


memsqlctl update-node-basedir [flags]
--disable-auto-restart Disable the automatic restart of memsqld on error during node startup
--force Overwrite the folder content (if the target base directory exists)
-h, --help Help for update-node-basedir
--memsql-id MemsqlID The node ID of the node to update
--rename-to string Name for the base directory for the selected node
--target-path DIRECTORY_PATH Specify the absolute path to place the node base directory. Do not include the 'basedir' name at the end of the path
Global Flags:
-c, --config FILE_PATH Path to the memsqctl config file
--default-install-dir DIRECTORY_PATH Path to the default install directory
--insecure-ssl Fall back to insecure SSL connections to local nodes if memsqlctl is unable to otherwise establish a connection (ADVANCED)
-j, --json Print output in JSON format
--node-metadata-file FILE_PATH Path to the node metadata file
--parallelism POSITIVE_INTEGER Maximum amount of operations to be run in parallel
--ssl-ca FILE_PATH The path to the CA certificate file (in PEM format) to authenticate the database certificate
--timeout duration Maximum time for operation to complete (e.g., 30s, 10m, 1.5h)
--verbose-json Print output in JSON format, include some warnings and user messages
-v, --verbosity count Increase logging verbosity
-y, --yes Enable non-interactive mode and assume the user would like to move forward with the proposed actions by default


This command is interactive unless you use either the --yes or --json flags to override interactive behavior.

Last modified: April 22, 2024

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