6. Checking Node, Partition, and Overall Database Health

On this page

The next step in troubleshooting your cluster is checking its overall health.

  1. Go to the Studio Hosts and/or Nodes page(s) to ensure nodes are online.

    • Run show-leaves to get the id of any offline node. sdb-admin show-leaves

    • Then, bring the node(s) online with start-node. sdb-admin start-node <node-id>

  2. Go to the Databases page, and examine the suspect database.

    • Click on the database, check the Partitions tab, and make sure everything is online and attached.

  3. If there are offline or detached partitions, investigate the health of the nodes housing those partitions in Studio.

    Health Status of the partitions in the Database page.

Next Steps

  • If all nodes, partitions, and databases are healthy: continue to Step 7.

Last modified: July 17, 2024

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