This is a set of three JSON functions, which deletes the given element indexes from an array, and optionally splices the new values in.

Arrays are in the form:

[1, 2, 3]
  • JSON_SPLICE_DOUBLE is for all numeric data. Javascript has only one numeric type.

  • JSON_SPLICE_STRING is for all text and binary types.

  • JSON_SPLICE_JSON is for all valid Javascript types, including true, false, JSON maps, and lists.

JSON_SPLICE_<type>(json, start, length, value, [value, ...])


  • json: a valid JSON array, or the name of a JSON column.

  • start: the zero-indexed start position. This argument may also be negative, in which case it counts from the end of the array.

  • length: the number of array elements to delete.

  • value: any number of values as optional arguments. If no values are given, the elements in positions from start to start + length will simply be removed.

Return Value

  • The complete array.

  • SQL NULL if json is not a valid JSON array.


SELECT JSON_SPLICE_DOUBLE('[1,2,3]', 5, 6) AS numbers;
| numbers       |
| [1,2,3]       |
SELECT JSON_SPLICE_STRING('[1,2,3,4,5]', 2, 2, 'alpha', 'beta', '!') AS alphabet;
| alphabet                   |
| [1,2,"alpha","beta","!",5] |
SELECT JSON_SPLICE_STRING('[1,2,3,4,5]', -1, 1) AS num_set;
| num_set   |
| [1,2,3,4] |
SELECT JSON_SPLICE_JSON('[1,2,3]', 2, 3, '[4,5,6]') AS nested;
| nested        |
| [1,2,[4,5,6]] |


A JSON or Javascript null value is distinct from SQL NULL.

Last modified: April 4, 2023

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