Load Data and Run Queries into SingleStore
On this page
This tutorial shows how to create a database, load sample data, and run queries using SingleStore Helios workspace.
It tutorial includes the following steps:
Create a SingleStore Helios workspace.
Create a database and a table.
Create an S3 pipeline and run it to load approximately 18 million rows of sample sales data for a retail store into the SingleStore database.
Run queries against the loaded data.
Create a SingleStore Helios Workspace
If a workspace already exists, skip to the next step to create the database.
Create a Database and a Table
Connect to your SingleStore deployment and run the following SQL commands to create a database named sales and associated table.
For SingleStore Helios deployments, you can also run these commands in the SQL Editor, select Cloud Portal > Develop > Data Studio > SQL Editor.
The SQL Editor only runs the queries that you select, so ensure you have them all selected before selecting Run.
CREATE DATABASE sales;USE sales;CREATE TABLE SalesData (Date TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci,Store_ID BIGINT(20) DEFAULT NULL,ProductID TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci,Product_Name TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci,Product_Category TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci,Quantity_Sold BIGINT(20) DEFAULT NULL,Price FLOAT DEFAULT NULL,Total_Sales FLOAT DEFAULT NULL);
Create and Run an S3 Pipeline
This step shows how to ingest the sample sales data from a public AWS S3 bucket into the SingleStore database using pipelines.
For this example, you must set data_
to a value of 7.
or lower.
Run the following SQL command to create the pipeline:
CREATE PIPELINE SalesData_Pipeline ASLOAD DATA S3 's3://singlestoreloaddata/SalesData/*.csv'CONFIG '{ "region": "ap-south-1" }'INTO TABLE SalesDataFIELDS TERMINATED BY ','LINES TERMINATED BY '\n'IGNORE 1 lines;
Run the following SQL command to start the pipeline:
START PIPELINE SalesData_Pipeline;
The pipeline ingests 18 million rows of data, which takes some time.
Verify the Pipeline Success
Query the pipelines_
information schema view to inspect the progress of the pipelines.SalesData_
pipeline has finished ingesting data.
SELECT * FROM information_schema.pipelines_filesWHERE pipeline_name = "SalesData_Pipeline";
You can also run the pipelines in the foreground to easily verify that all the data has been ingested.
For SingleStore Helios deployments, you can also monitor the progress of your pipelines on the Cloud Portal, select Deployments > <your_
Run Queries on the Data
Once the data is loaded into your SingleStore database, the following queries can be used on the dataset.
Query 1: Total Sales for Each Product Category
This query finds the total sales for each product category.
SELECT Product_Category, SUM(Total_Sales) AS Total_Category_SalesFROM SalesDataGROUP BY Product_CategoryORDER BY Total_Category_Sales DESC;
| Product_Category | Total_Category_Sales |
| Toys | 2363715564 |
| Groceries | 2363682480 |
| Pharmacy | 2363608712 |
| Furniture | 2362957132 |
| Clothing | 2361497888 |
| Electronics | 2360690400 |
| Pet Supplies | 2358230168 |
Query 2: Top Five Best-Selling Products by Quantity Sold
This query identifies the top five products with the highest quantity sold.
SELECT Product_Name, SUM(Quantity_Sold) AS Total_Quantity_SoldFROM SalesDataGROUP BY Product_NameORDER BY Total_Quantity_Sold DESCLIMIT 5;
| Product_Name | Total_Quantity_Sold |
| Coats | 1355284 |
| Jeans | 1352520 |
| Vests | 1348256 |
| Sweaters | 1347210 |
| Jackets | 1346336 |
Query 3: Monthly Sales Trend for a Specific Year
This query shows the monthly sales in the year 2024.
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(Date, '%Y-%m') AS Month, SUM(Total_Sales) AS Monthly_SalesFROM SalesDataWHERE YEAR(Date) = 2024GROUP BY MonthORDER BY Month;
| Month | Monthly_Sales |
| 2024-01 | 1398745836.2047148 |
| 2024-02 | 1307658583.4984026 |
| 2024-03 | 1402409728.1016903 |
| 2024-04 | 1353704241.8081808 |
| 2024-05 | 1401236442.2752619 |
| 2024-06 | 1354872518.1564188 |
| 2024-07 | 90234796.49502373 |
Query 4: Top Three Stores with the Highest Sales in the Electronics Category
This query identifies the top three stores with the highest sales in the Electronics category.
SELECT Store_ID, SUM(Total_Sales) AS Electronics_SalesFROM SalesDataWHERE Product_Category = 'Electronics'GROUP BY Store_IDORDER BY Electronics_Sales DESCLIMIT 3;
| Store_ID | Electronics_Sales |
| 1080 | 23858836.625 |
| 1014 | 23779521.1875 |
| 1062 | 23777309.65625 |
Query 5: Total Revenue by Product Category for a Specific Store
This query finds the total sales revenue for each product category for a specific store (Store ID 1084).
SELECTStore_ID,Product_Category,SUM(Total_Sales) AS Total_RevenueFROMSalesDataWHEREStore_ID = 1084GROUP BYStore_ID, Product_Category;
| Store_ID | Product_Category | Total_Revenue |
| 1084 | Pharmacy | 23310525.40625 |
| 1084 | Groceries | 23128682.625 |
| 1084 | Electronics | 23364940.28125 |
| 1084 | Clothing | 23447722.09375 |
| 1084 | Furniture | 23373544.15625 |
| 1084 | Toys | 23508566.8125 |
| 1084 | Pet Supplies | 23458592.53125 |
Query 6: Top Three Most Profitable Days by Total Sales
This query identifies the top three days with the highest total sales across all stores.
SELECT Date, SUM(Total_Sales) AS Daily_Total_SalesFROM SalesDataGROUP BY DateORDER BY Daily_Total_Sales DESCLIMIT 3;
| Date | Daily_Total_Sales |
| 2024-03-12 | 46100396.875 |
| 2023-10-04 | 46064106.5625 |
| 2023-08-10 | 45997283.8125 |
Query 7: Yearly Sales Growth Comparison
This query compares the total sales by year to analyze growth.
SELECT YEAR(Date) AS Year, SUM(Total_Sales) AS Annual_SalesFROM SalesDataGROUP BY YEAR(Date)ORDER BY Year;
| Year | Annual_Sales |
| 2023 | 8225510272 |
| 2024 | 8308821056 |
Query 8: Most Expensive Product Sold
This query finds the most expensive product sold, along with its details.
SELECT Product_Name, Price, Total_SalesFROM SalesDataORDER BY Price DESCLIMIT 1;
| Product_Name | Price | Total_Sales |
| Corn | 100 | 700 |
Query 9: Average Quantity Sold per Product Category
This query calculates the average quantity sold for each product category.
SELECT Product_Category, AVG(Quantity_Sold) AS Average_Quantity_SoldFROM SalesDataGROUP BY Product_Category;
| Product_Category | Average_Quantity_Sold |
| Pet Supplies | 10.4948 |
| Toys | 10.4935 |
| Electronics | 10.5035 |
| Groceries | 10.5019 |
| Pharmacy | 10.4952 |
| Clothing | 10.4956 |
| Furniture | 10.4928 |
Last modified: February 6, 2025