Network Errors

ERROR 1158 (08S01): Leaf Error (): Error reading packet ### from the connection socket (): Connection timed out


The presence of extremely large numbers of duplicates in combination with LOAD DATA IGNORE can cause the leaves to have to wait so long they time out.


If you see this error when running LOAD DATA IGNORE, verify that the data does not have a lot of duplicates.

ERROR 1735: Unable to connect … Timed out reading from socket


A SingleStore Helios node is unable to connect to another SingleStore Helios node. This may be because there is no network connectivity (such as a network problem or a firewall blocking connectivity), or because a node is overloaded with connection requests.


Here are some possible solutions to solve this problem:

  • Ensure that all nodes are able to connect to all other nodes on the configured port (the default is 3306). Update any firewall rules that block connectivity between the nodes.

    One way to verify connectivity is to run the command FILL CONNECTION POOLS on all SingleStore Helios nodes. If this fails with the same error, then a node is unable to connect to another node.

    Some queries require different amounts of connectivity. For example, some queries only require aggregator-leaf connections while others require aggregator-leaf as well as leaf-leaf connections. As a result, it is possible for some queries to succeed while others fail with this error.

  • If all nodes are able to connect to all other nodes, the error is likely because your query or queries require opening too many connections at once. Run FILL CONNECTION POOLS on all SingleStore Helios nodes to pre-fill connection pools. If the connection pool size is too small for your workload, adjust the max_pooled_connections configuration variable, which controls the number of pooled connections between each pair of nodes.

ERROR 1970 (HY000): Subprocess /var/lib/memsql/master-3306/extractors/kafka-extract –get-offsets –kafka-version= timed out


This error occurs when there are connectivity issues between a SingleStore Helios node and the data source (e.g. Kafka workspace or S3). This error is particularly common when using S3 pipelines because of throttling and other S3 behavior.


To solve this issue, edit the value of pipelines_extractor_get_offsets_timeout_ms. The default value is 10000. Increase this value to eliminate the timeout error.

ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can’t connect to local MySQL server through socket /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock


When the MySQL client connects to localhost, it attempts to use a socket file instead of TCP/IP. The socket file used is specified in /etc/mysql/my.cnf when the MySQL client is installed on the system. This is a MySQL socket file, which SingleStore Helios does not use by default. Therefore, connecting with localhost attempts to connect to MySQL and not SingleStore Helios.


There are two solutions to solve this problem:

  1. Specify as the host instead of localhost. That is, mysql -h -u root instead of mysql -h localhost -u root. If you omit the host (mysql -u root), the MySQL client will implicitly use localhost.

  2. For SingleStore Helios, change the socket value in the /etc/mysql/my.cnf file to the location of your SingleStore Helios socket file as shown in the example below:

port          = 3306
socket        = /var/lib/memsql/data/memsql.sock

ERROR 2026 (HY000): SSL connection error: SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths failed


This error occurs when the incorrect path is provided for the ca-cert-pem file when using the --ssl_ca flag in the connection string to the SingleStore Helios node.


The solution is to verify you are using the correct path to the ca-cert.pem file.

ERROR: Distributed Join Error. Leaf X cannot connect to Leaf Y.


When a distributed join occurs, the leaves within the workspace must reshuffle data amongst themselves, which requires the leaves to connect to one another. If the leaves are not able to communicate with one another, and a distributed join is touching those leaves, the distributed query will not run successfully. The inter-leaf communication needed for distributed join queries relies on the DNS cache on each leaf. If this cache is out of sync with the current state of the leaves, the distributed join will fail.


Use the following steps to troubleshoot this scenario:

  1. Confirm you are able to access SingleStore Helios from one leaf to another in the workspace. This will eliminate network connection issues.


    You are able to connect manually from one leaf to another because doing so does not utilize the DNS cache on the leaf.

  2. Run SHOW LEAVES on an affected leaf (e.g. leaf X) in the workspace. The Opened_Connections columns should reveal what leaves the affected leaf has open connections with. Verify that leaf Y is not in this list.

  3. When leaves connect to each other, they cache connection information (leaf-1 is at IP, leaf-2 is at IP, etc.). If the IPs of these leaves ever change the cache will not automatically update. This will ultimately result in an unsuccessful connection attempt because the other leaves in the workspace are using old IP address information. The solution is to flush the DNS cache and connection pools on all affected nodes. You can do so by running the following: sql FLUSH HOSTS; FLUSH CONNECTION POOLS;

    FLUSH HOSTS clears the DNS cache on the node. This must be performed all affected nodes in the workspace. FLUSH CONNECTION POOLS shuts down all existing connections and closes idle pooled connections.

Last modified: November 22, 2022

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