List of Engine Variables

The following tables list the sync engine variables and non-sync engine variables. Some variables have an in-depth description that supplements the description found in the table.

When reading or setting engine variables keep in mind that the values ON and 1 are synonymous, as are the values OFF and 0.

Sync Variables Lists

See the engine variables overview to learn how sync variables work.


All of the sync variables listed in the following table are global variables, except when noted as a session variable that can also be set globally in the Description column.

You can set sync variables on the master aggregator, only. After you set a sync variable, the nodes affected by your update (all aggregators, all leaves, or both) depend on the variable’s type and the command you use to set the variable. Each variable’s type is indicated in the last sentence in the Description column in the following table.


Setting global variables requires SingleStore Helios version 7.8 and later.

The Description column will denote if an engine variable is configurable in SingleStore Helios. If not, they can be configured with the assistance of SingleStoreDB Support.





Shows a JSON array of users whose query runs are not considered active to measure the cluster's idle time. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.


You can use this variable to control the supported key size. It takes a value in aes-keylen-mode format, where keylen is the key length in bits and mode is the encryption mode. The value is not case-sensitive. Permitted keylen values are 128 and 256. Permitted mode values are ECB, GCM, and CBC.

List of allowed values are: aes-128-ecb, aes-256-ecb, aes-128-gcm, aes-256-gcm, aes-128-cbcaes-256-cbc

Optionally an encryption mode string in the same format can be provided to the AES_ENCRYPT and AES_DECRYPT functions. If not provided, the default value from this variable will be used. In addition to the key, the initialization vector can be provided to the encryption/decryption function in GCM and CBC encryption modes.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Deprecated in MemSQL 6.0, this is the timeout used when gathering workload management statistics from leaves. This variable can sync to all aggregators.



Allows the query optimizer to materialize and reuse common table expressions without recomputing them when the query contains UNION, UNION ALL , and other SET operations. It is a session variable that is only available in versions 8.1.20 and newer.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Allows modification of global variables even in the presence of computed shard keys. Allowing changes to certain sysvars in the presence of computed shard key, only when this variable is set ON applies to all behavior changing sysvars.

The behavior changing sysvars include:

  • data_conversion_compatibility_level

  • json_compatibility_level

  • highlight_allow_ascii_binary_strings

  • regexp_output_validation_mode

  • json_extract_string_collation

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Determines whether to allow errors while consuming '/proc/cpuinfo' to append CPU flags to the code generation's hash. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



controls behavior where SingleStore will do extra work to avoid issues caused by UDFs that return different values when repeatedly invoked (e.g., are non-deterministic). This variable defaults to false, preserving the existing behavior (since SingleStore version 8.0), where SingleStore will ensure these computations take place once on an aggregator node. When set to true, SingleStore will avoid this extra layer of coordination (and bottleneck) allowing leaf nodes to independently coordinate. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Specifies if every audit log record is synchronously written and persisted to the disk. By default, it delays the audit log writes to the disk. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Indicates the retention period (in days) for audit log files. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

0 (store files indefinitely)


Indicates the retention size (in megabytes) for audit log files.



Specifies if the aggregator will try to attach a node automatically after it has been marked offline, but starts responding to heartbeats again. This variable can sync to all aggregators.



Determines the mode of auto profiling. There are two values: LITE and FULL. Auto profiling must be enabled (see the enable_auto_profile engine variable below) before setting this variable. This is a session variable that can also be set globally. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Number of seconds a table's incremental autostats can go unused before being flushed to disk. 0 means they will never be flushed. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes. 



Number of seconds to wait after a new node has attached to the workspace before running a rebalance. This mechanism is used to batch up rebalancing if many nodes fail and then come back online within a short period of time. This variable can sync to all aggregators.



How often (in seconds) background statistics will check for out-of-date statistics (rowstore only). This variable can sync to all aggregators.



Threshold as a fraction of table row count triggering the collection of autostats. This variable can sync to all aggregators.



Helps tune backup performance. It controls the number of subprocesses concurrently uploading the parts of a multipart upload done by a backup. A backup of a leaf uses one thread per partition and there is no restriction on the number of threads created (aside from system limitations).

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Determines if external functions are batched. The engine variable accepts ALWAYS, AUTO, and NEVER values. See CREATE [OR REPLACE] EXTERNAL FUNCTION for more information. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Deprecated. Use external_functions_batch_size instead.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Possible values are '6.0', '6.5', '7.0', '7.1', and '7.3'. The behavior of each setting follows: '6.0': Use legacy histograms; '6.5': Use advanced histograms; '7.0': Same use of histograms as 6.5; '7.1': Use histograms for join estimation; '7.3': Use sampling and histograms together (when both are available), to improve selectivity estimation.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Maximum frequency (in seconds) that change count metadata will be written. Will never occur more frequently than background_statistics_collection_interval. This variable can sync to all aggregators.



The character set of the node. This is a session variable that can also be set globally. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

For more information, see Specifying Character Set and Collation for Workspaces.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Specifies whether to use a heuristic to more accurately estimate date predicates that are larger than the histograms range. Available values are AUTO, OFF, and ON. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.


This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Sets the collation that is used on the node. When you set this variable, collation_database and collation_server are automatically set to the same value. Although the collation variables are session variables, you must set the variable globally to avoid undesired behavior. An error is generated if any of these variables is set in a session to a value that does not match the value set globally. Change the value globally first, then change it in the session to match. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

For more information, see Specifying Character Set and Collation for Workspaces.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Sets the collation that is used on the node. When you set this variable, collation_connection and collation_server are automatically set to the same value. Although the collation variables are session variables, you must set the variable globally to avoid undesired behavior. An error is generated if any of these variables is set in a session to a value that does not match the value set globally. Change the value globally first, then change it in the session to match. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

For more information, see Specifying Character Set and Collation for Workspaces.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Sets the collation that is used on the node. When you set this variable, collation_connection and collation_database are automatically set to the same value. Although the collation variables are session variables, you must set the variable globally to avoid undesired behavior. An error is generated if any of these variables is set in a session to a value that does not match the value set globally. Change the value globally first, then change it in the session to match. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

For more information, see Specifying Character Set and Collation for Workspaces.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Sends AVG(LENGTH()) queries to collect average serialization data for string columns. This variable can sync to all aggregators.



At this threshold (fraction of columnstore_flush_bytes), INSERT, LOAD DATA, and UPDATE queries to the columnstore will write straight to disk. For more information, see Advanced Columnstore Configuration Options. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Controls the rowstore-backed segment size for columnstore tables. For more information, see Advanced Columnstore Configuration Options. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Timeout (in seconds) to queue a columnstore ingest query before returning an error. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Sets the threshold at which multiple inserts to a columnstore table with unique keys will switch from row value lock to table lock. The value's metric is the number of rows for each partition in a database. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.

1000000 (rows per partition)


Controls the maximum row count for a columnstore segment. For more information, see Advanced Columnstore Configuration Options. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes. Maximum value is 10000000.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Maximum file size (in bytes) that two or more column blobs can be combined into. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Verifies the checksum of a blob before merging it. For more information, see CHECK BLOB CHECKSUM and Columnstore. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Sets a limit (in megabytes) for the memory amount used for query object code images. Refer to Managing Plancache Memory and Disk Usage for more information. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Sets the percentage of maximum_memory that is available for caching query object code images. Refer to Managing Plancache Memory and Disk Usage for more information. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



If ON, SingleStore Helios will compile, but not run, each query it receives. This is a session variable that can also be set globally. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Determines whether consensus can be configured or not. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



If set to OFF, turns off the use of projections in queries except when the projection query hint (use_projection='projection_name') is used. Refer to the CREATE PROJECTION page for more details. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Generates a core if a file IO API encounters EFAULT, EBADF , or EINVAL. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Generates a core instead of throwing an error if a stack overflow occurs during query execution. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Sets the maximum number of tables used in a non-critical query optimization estimate. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Limits the size of some critical diagnostics sent to SingleStore. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Specifies the level of data conversion behavior to use. Higher levels throw error for integer under/overflow, illegal conversion of strings to integers, and string truncation issues. Values can be either: '8.1', '8.0', '7.5','7.0' , '6.5', or '6.0'. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes. It’s recommended to set this to the highest available level for new application development. For more information, see Data Type Conversion.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



See Row Locking. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Sets the default type of cardinality autostats for newly created columnstore tables. Values can be OFF, INCREMENTAL , or PERIODIC. This variable can sync to all aggregators.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Sets the default state for autostats sampling for newly created columnstore tables. This variable can sync to all aggregators.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Whether autostats is enabled by default on newly created tables. This variable can sync to all aggregators.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Sets the default type of automatic histograms on newly created tables. Values can be either OFF, CREATE, or UPDATE. This variable can sync to all aggregators.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Sets the default type of cardinality autostats for newly created rowstore tables. Values can be OFF, INCREMENTAL or PERIODIC. This variable can sync to all aggregators.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Sets a threshold for the number of rows that are locked before a table lock is acquired when updating or deleting rows in a columnstore table. When set to 0, the threshold of 5000 rows is used. It is a session variable that can be set globally. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



The time (in milliseconds) to wait for a distributed DDL transaction to commit. This value sets the timeout for both ALTER TABLE and BACKUP commands. If the timeout is reached, the transaction is rolled back. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



The default number of partitions a newly created database will be created with. When you set this variable, its value is propagated to other aggregators only.



A global variable used for MySQL compatibility. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.


The default table type to use when creating a new table. The value can be set to columnstore or rowstore. When the value is columnstore you can create a columnstore table using the standard CREATE TABLE syntax. This variable can sync to all aggregators.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.

columnstore for newly created clusters.

When you upgrade a cluster, the setting of the variable does not change.


Controls the default value for REQUIRE SSL in the CREATE USER DDL statement.

If it is enabled and REQUIRE is not specified in the CREATE USER statement, SSL will be required by default.

Once it is turned on, it impacts only the newly created users. It will not enforce SSL for existing users.

This variable can sync to all aggregators.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Controls pushdown logic of pushing down reference table clauses to the leaves. When set to OFF, the logic is enabled. When set to ON, the logic is disabled. This is a session variable that can also be set globally. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Prevents the removal of GROUP BY columns when used in an ORDER BY clause. The default of AUTO is equal to OFF. To disable this behavior the variable must be set to ON. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Whether merging subqueries are disabled if they contain STRAIGHT_JOIN. Here, merging subqueries refers to removing unnecessary nested layers from joins including subqueries. For example, the query select * from (select * from table_a straight_join table_b) table_c straight_join table_d would be rewritten as select * from table_a straight_join table_b straight_join table_d if the engine variable disable_subquery_merge_with_straight_joins is set to OFF. If the variable is set to ON, the query would not be rewritten. The default setting AUTO is equivalent to ON in 7.3.

This is a session variable that can also be set globally. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



The interval in which a query plan must be read from disk (plancache directory) before it is removed. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.

20160 (14 days)


Controls how long (in seconds) an aggregator caches a distributed transaction outcome. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Deprecated in MemSQL 6.5. Replaced by default_distributed_ddl_timeout.


As of MemSQL 6.0, this is the timeout (in seconds) used when gathering workload management statistics from leaves. Before MemSQL 6.0 this was the timeout of the heartbeat query used to trigger failovers. This variable can sync to all aggregators.



At a high level, this variable makes the optimizer more (lower) or less (higher) likely to consider a broadcast when planning distributed joins. SingleStore will choose a broadcast if it saves us moving more than repartitioning. As the default is the number of database partitions, setting the value to a high number (like 100,000) is an effective way to tell the optimizer to not broadcast data at all.

This is a session variable that can also be set globally. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



This variable is deprecated but still exists for backward compatibility purposes. As of version 7.3 of SingleStore, it is replaced by two new variables that assist in leveraging significantly increased speed for optimization at large join sizes: distributed_optimizer_unrestricted_search_threshold and singlebox_optimizer_cost_based_threshold. The distributed optimizer works to minimize data movement across the workspace, while the singlebox optimizer makes decisions about how to physically execute a join such as choosing an index. Setting this depreciated variable will result in both new variables being set to the target value.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



The minimum number of tables that must be present in a join for initial heuristics to be run before join optimization. This means a small cost is incurred for the initial use of these heuristics in excThis is a session variable that can also be set globally. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.hange for faster join optimization.

This is a session variable that can also be set globally. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Enabling this variable will result in a return to pre-7.3 behavior through the use of heuristics to complete a faster, restricted search for a join plan, once the number of tables in a given join is greater than the threshold set for this with distributed_optimizer_unrestricted_search_threshold. This search is faster, but as the number of tables in a given join increases, the chance of a less optimal query plan also increases.

This is a session variable that can also be set globally. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



The maximum number of tables present in a join that will result in an unrestricted search being performed to find the optimal query plan. A query with a greater number of tables will use heuristics to complete a search for a query plan. This restricted search is faster than previous versions of SingleStore. However, this may be at the cost of a less optimal query plan compared to an unrestricted search. distributed_optimizer_run_legacy_heuristic must be set to FALSE for this variable to take effect.

This is a session variable that can also be set globally. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Allows the user to set the minimum amount of time to wait for Disaster Recovery (DR) replication in milliseconds (ms). MS range is between 8400 and 2000000.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Trims leading spaces for column name aliases. This engine variable is only used for backward compatibility. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



If set ON, eligible queries are profiled. Execution and network times are not collected on the FULL auto-profiling mode. Execution times, network times, memory usage, and network traffic are not collected on the LITE auto-profiling mode. These modes are set by the auto_profile_type engine variable. If a profiling error occurs, the query is still executed.

If set to OFF, profile results are not collected automatically. The PROFILE command must be used to run to review usage metrics. For both ON and OFF settings, the only profile statistics that are saved are the most recent query plan's execution.

Please note, a profiled query will have a different query plan than a non-profiled query. When a query is first profiled or enable_auto_profile is set to ON compilations of the query are triggered to generate new query plans.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Controls whether the background statistics thread can invalidate plans automatically. This can improve plans if your data changes over time at the cost of spending time recompiling plans. This variable can sync to all aggregators.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



If set to ON, background statistics are collected for all tables, unless disabled on the table level. If set to OFF, background statistics are not collected for any tables, and background statistics cannot be enabled for individual tables. This variable can sync to all aggregators.



When this variable is set to ON, server-side prepared statements are enabled. This is a session variable that can also be set globally. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



When this variable is set to TRUE, the query optimizer can choose the broadcast left join optimization. This is a session variable that can also be set globally. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Enables queuing on columnstore ingest queries when the background flusher is behind. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Determines whether to use LRU (least recently used) eviction of query object code images. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Enable removal of stale on-disk plans from the plancache directory based on the value of disk_plan_expiration_minutes. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Retains human-readable query plan summaries for compiled query plans. Retained information is available through the SHOW PLAN command. This variable can sync to all aggregators.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



When set to ON, forwards the Data Manipulation Language (DML) queries from a child aggregator to the master aggregator. Currently, this setting is used for write requests to reference tables, which cannot be executed on child aggregators. This variable can sync to all aggregators.



See the Enabling External Functions section in CREATE [OR REPLACE] EXTERNAL FUNCTION. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Enables the automatic creation of histograms based on JOINclauses. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Enables the ability for histograms to estimate predicates using stored procedure parameters or implicit/explicit typecasted literals. This variable needs to be manually enabled by setting it to ON. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Enables Iceberg ingest. Refer to Iceberg Ingest for more information. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Used to reduce table memory overhead for idle tables on a cluster. The feature is enabled by default on all new and existing clusters. This variable can be set during a session (though a very small amount of overhead will remain until the server is restarted) and can be set to Full, SkipListsOnly, and Off. It defaults to SkipListsOnly, which means SingleStore will only evict skiplist indexes for idle tables on the cluster. Full means it will evict skiplists and table modules, and Off means no eviction. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

To completely remove any overhead, use the non-sync variable enable_idle_table_optimizations which needs to be set at runtime and requires a restart for changes to take effect. It can be set to OFF or ON (default).

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Allows the on-disk IR cache to be enabled or disabled. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



When this variable is set to ON, queries are run per leaf instead of per partition on the leaf; the number of threads decreases and performance increases. This is a session variable that can also be set globally. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Enables query plan pinning. The available values are OFF and ON. When set to OFF, no plan pinning actions will take place. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Enables the forwarding of DDL queries from a child aggregator to the master. sync_permissions must also be enabled for this variable to take effect; otherwise, an error is returned for DDL queries that are run on a child aggregator. For further information, see Workspace Management Commands This variable can sync to all aggregators.



Enables spilling onto disk for HashGroupBy, hash join, order by, and window function operations during query processing. When enable_spilling is set to ON, the output of SHOW PROFILE JSON includes the following metrics:

spill_outputted_rows: number of rows spilled to disk

spill_disk_usage: number of bytes spilled to disk.

The sync variables spilling_node_memory_threshold_ratio and spilling_query_operator_memory_threshold also define the threshold limit to start spilling onto disk.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Enables tracing in backup subprocesses. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Allows the query optimizer to use stale statistics instead of querying for statistics during optimization. This variable can sync to all aggregators.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Enables compressing identical strings on VARCHAR, VARBINARY, LONGTEXT, LONGBLOB, MEDIUMBLOB, BLOB, TINYBLOB, MEDIUMTEXT, TEXT, and TINYTEXT columns. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Uses heuristic or histogram to estimate missing sampling data instead of returning zero rows. False enables new estimating behavior. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Specifies how SingleStore estimates the equality predicate for uncorrelated scalar subselects. When set to TRUE, the engine estimates scalar subselects as non-selective. When set to FALSE, the engine estimates the equality predicate for uncorrelated scalar subselects as 1/cardinality, and uses heuristics for all other scalar subselect predicates.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Number of cpu cores expected on each leaf. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Specifies the maximum number of characters to be used by expressions when outputting the EXPLAIN for a query. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Specifies whether the server disables certain nonstandard behaviors for default values and NULL-value handling in TIMESTAMP columns. See Timestamp Behavior for details on this variable. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Port number to use for prometheus exporter http endpoint. This variable can sync to all aggregators.



Path to user CA file to use for prometheus exporter connection. This variable can sync to all aggregators.


Path to user directory with CA files to use for prometheus exporter connection. This variable can sync to all aggregators.


Provides the path to the ssl certificate. This variable can sync to all aggregators.


Used by the monitoring process when a user selects what entity to trust for the custom private key. This variable can sync to all aggregators.


Used when the exporter_ssl_key is encrypted so the monitoring process can decrypt it. This variable can sync to all aggregators.


Adds the ability to use HTTPS. The default is FALSE, set to TRUE to enable. This variable is used in conjunction with engine variables exporter_ssl_cert and exporter_ssl_key. This variable can sync to all aggregators.



See the Enabling External Functions section in CREATE [OR REPLACE] EXTERNAL FUNCTION. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.


Assists with controlling the batch size while making external function calls. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

512 (rows)


Sets the maximum size (in mb) of the memory-mapped region used to communicate between the engine and collocated services. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.

1024 (mb)


If a node moves offline a second time after just failing and then coming back online failover won’t be triggered again if it happens within grace_interval_seconds. This is to avoid a cycle of a problem node failing and coming back online. This variable can sync to all aggregators.



Controls whether the cluster fails over if disk use falls below minimal_disk_space. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Maximum number of tables in a join which SingleStore will still cost bushy joins. Above this threshold, all possible bushy joins will be chosen regardless of cost. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



The radius of the sphere is used for distance calculation, in meters. (Defaults to average Earth radius.) This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



This variable is the maximum length string GROUP_CONCAT() can return (in bytes). It is a session variable that can be set globally and can be set to any value smaller than or equal to max_allowed_packet. For more information on this variable see max_allowed_packet in the previous section and the GROUP_CONCAT SQL reference. This variable should be updated on all nodes and requires a restart to pick up the new value.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Controls whether HIGHLIGHT allows ascii binary strings as input argument. This variable controls the behavior of a HIGHLIGHT (expression) AGAINST (query_expression, [max_number_fragments]) expression if it is allowed to process ascii binary strings or not. Possible values are ON and OFF. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



The size of a block of characters used to logically divide up string columns when using the full-text search highlight functionality. The minimum value is 10 and the maximum value is 65535. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Maximum number of fragments to return from highlight function. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



This variable controls the assumed correlation between columns when using histograms for selectivity estimation. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Allows the most commonly used FOREIGN KEY syntax to be accepted, but not enforced. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes. See Specifying Unenforced Unique Constraints for more information.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



When this variable is set to ON, an INSERT into a computed column succeeds and the INSERT ignores the computed column. When this variable is set to OFF, an INSERT into a computed column fails with an error. This is a session variable that can also be set globally. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Specifies the maximum number of list values to consider during histogram estimation for a query with an IN list; a smaller limit will result in a faster compilation time but may also give a less accurate estimate. NOTE: If you adjust this variable, existing queries will need to be recompiled.

This is a session variable that can also be set globally. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Amount of time (in seconds) the background thread waits before trying to flush on a table with data less than columnstore_flush_bytes. Must be a value between 30 and 86400, and evenly divisible by 5. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Specifies the maximum number of nested common table expressions (CTEs). For more information, refer to the WITH topic. This is a session variable that can also be set globally. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



The endpoint to get JWKS updates from. If empty, JWKS update from the endpoint does not happen. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.


When set, specifies the value that must be present in JWT aud field. If JWT aud field is an array, then the value must be equal to one of array’s items. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.


The CA certificate file to be used for SSL JWKS endpoint host verification when HTTPS protocol is used. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.


The JWKS update interval in seconds. If set to 0, JWKS refresh does not happen. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



When set, specifies which JWT field contains username overriding other rules. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.


Whether or not the master aggregator should detect leaf failures and trigger failovers. WARNING: Turning this variable OFF disables failover. This variable can sync to all aggregators.



Specifies the placement of replica partitions in a workspace. It can be set to the following modes: paired and load_balanced. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Hides license-related variables from SHOW commands. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



The amount of time, in minutes, that a LOAD DATA error is stored on disk. This variable must be set to at least 0. These errors are surfaced in information_schema.LOAD_DATA_ERRORS as long as they are stored on disk. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



If this variable is set to ON and a network bottleneck is detected, LOAD DATA compresses data on the aggregator before forwarding it to the leaves. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Maximum number of unparsed bytes read by LOAD DATA before throwing an error. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Number of bytes read at a time by LOAD DATA. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Number of bytes written at a time by LOAD DATA. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Restricts access to the local file system. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Time (in seconds) to wait for a row lock before returning an error. This is a session variable that can also be set globally. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Specifies the log file size (in bytes) for partitions. Can be set to a minimum of 1 MB (in bytes) to a maximum of 1 TB (in bytes), in multiples of 1 MB. A MB contains 1048576 bytes. Each partition is pre-allocated to two log files. Each of these log files has the size log_file_size_partitions. By default, log_file_size_partitions is 256 MB. Changes in the log file size will not affect the sizes of the partitions that are used by existing databases. Use caution when adjusting this variable as it can result in large log files and thus consume more disk space. This variable can sync to all aggregators.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Specifies the log file size (in bytes) for reference databases. Can be set to a minimum of 1 MB (in bytes) to maximum of 1 TB (in bytes), in multiples of 1 MB. A MB contains 1048576 bytes. Each reference database is pre-allocated two log files. Each of these log files has the size log_file_size_ref_dbs. By default, log_file_size_ref_dbs is 64 MB. Changes in the log file size will not affect existing databases. Use caution when adjusting this variable as it can result in large log files and thus consume more disk space. This variable can sync to all aggregators.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Specifies the amount of time online failover will wait to drain open transactions on a master partition (whether running or idle) before killing them. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Maximum allowed protocol packet size (in bytes). This is a session variable that is readable at the session level, but which must be set globally. The maximum value is 1 GB and the lowest allowable value is 16 KB, though setting this to a value that low is not recommended. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



The number of compiles that can run asynchronously at a given time on each node, when interpreter_mode is set to interpret_first. Its effective value is capped at the number of cores on the host machine. If set to 0, it takes the default value.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.

Half the number of cores on the host machine.


Sets the maximum number of merger threads that the autostats updater can run on.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



The maximum amount of memory (in megabytes) used to compile a query. An error is returned if the query reaches the specified memory limit. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



The maximum time allowed (in seconds) to compile a query. An error is returned if the query reaches the specified compilation time limit, and any subsequent attempts to compile the query fail. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



If the number of interrupted connections from a host exceeds the value of max_connect_errors this host will be blocked from further connections. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



The maximum number of expressions within a query item. The value can be set between 100 and the maximum unsigned INT value. The maximum unsigned INT value disables this feature. This is a session variable that can also be set globally. This engine variable can sync to all aggregators.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.

Maximum unsigned INT value


The maximum number of expressions within an entire query. The value can be set between 100 and the maximum unsigned INT value. The maximum unsigned INT value disables this feature. This is a session variable that can also be set globally. This engine variable can sync to all aggregators.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.

Maximum unsigned INT value


The maximum number of stashed connections per leaf. For more information on this variable, see In-Depth Variable Definitions. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Sets the maximum number of threads to use for pre-fetching per scan. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Sets the maximum number of simultaneous prepared statements. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Sets the maximum amount of memory (in bytes) required when creating or attaching a database. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Sets the maximum amount of space that can be used by the blob cache. It is a percent of the disk space and its value should be between 0 and 1.

For example: SET GLOBAL maximum_blob_cache_size_percent = 0.90

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Displays the version of SingleStore initially installed. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.


Indicates the size (in bytes) of the SingleStore database log upon which a new snapshot will be kicked off. The minimum value this engine variable can be set is 65536. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



The period in minutes to keep historical monitoring data. Stored procedures reference this variable to purge values. This variable can sync to all aggregators.



Preferred number of tuples in multi-inserts that aggregators send to leaves. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Time (in seconds) that is allowed for a multi-statement transaction to remain idle while holding locks. This is a session variable that can also be set globally. This variable can sync to all aggregators.



Controls the number of threads per leaf node for parallel columnstore scans. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Variable to write default TIMESTAMP columns during testing. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Controls the number of background merger threads to start for each node. The default value of 2 implies two threads run on each node and the work is bound to 2 CPUs. On large nodes, with many CPUs, it is easier for nodes to outpace two merger threads. When there is a high-throughput ingest workload, the merger cannot keep up and query processing gets slower as the data is not well merged.  Use the mv_columnstore_merge_status view to find out if the merger process is slow. If it gets behind, try increasing the value of this variable. For example, if with 32 core nodes, you find the merger is not keeping up then increase it from 2 to 8 and observe if the merger is keeping up with the ingest workload. Only 2 merger threads per partition per table are allowed at a time. Hence more partitions per node can use more threads. For one partition on one table increasing the value of this variable will not make any difference.

The allowed values range between 2 and 64.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Specifies the write timeout, in seconds, for the socket used by an OBSERVE query on aggregator nodes. The query is terminated upon timeout. Refer to Change Data Capture for more information.

This variable can sync to all aggregators.



Specifies the write timeout, in seconds, for the socket used by an OBSERVE query on leaf nodes to return results. The query is terminated upon timeout. Refer to Change Data Capture for more information. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Enable or disable optimization for JSON computed columns. When enabled, parse each json only once, extracting the fields accessed by the computed columns along the way. In rare cases such as very small JSON or extremely long keys it may be better to disable the optimization.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



A statement count threshold for a procedure or function. When the threshold is exceeded, the procedure or function compiles faster, but the highest level of code optimizations is not applied; however, SQL query optimizations are still in effect. This is a session variable that can also be set globally. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Controls the beam search width. The default value is 10. Setting this to 1 reverts to the previous behavior (prior to v7.5). Higher values (maximum is 1024) will make the one-time query optimization time slower. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Increased the default value to reduce the chance of cartesian joins being included when there are incorrect estimations. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Setting this to ON disables the optimizer rewrite that converts subselect to joins automatically. Disabling this rewrite may cause queries to fail if they require the rewrite to run. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Disables predicate transitivity on query rewrites is set to TRUE. This is a session variable that can also be set globally. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Setting this variable to ON disables the right join in a query. This allows the left join to be used by the query plan, thereby allowing disk spilling to happen.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Sets a threshold for the number of empty tables that must be present in a query before the optimizer falls back to being rule-based, instead of cost-based. This is a session variable that can also be set globally. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Applies to a computed column when matching json_text as a json_col persisted text. When the variable is enabled, a json_text computed column can use the following three text types: TEXT, MEDIUM_TEXT, and LONG_TEXT. Disabling this rewrite may cause queries to fail if they require the rewrite to run. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Allows the optimizer to rewrite leaf ORDER BY LIMIT queries using a self-join. Defaults to TRUE (enabled). Disabling this rewrite may cause queries to fail if they require the rewrite to run. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



This variable specifies the maximum row count for a derived table to be pushable to each branch of another union all table in the join list. By pushing down the table and doing joins earlier, more segments can potentially be eliminated earlier. One common case for this rewrite to be useful is when a subselect predicate gets transformed into a table in the join list by the optimizer and there is another union all table in the join list. By turning on this rewrite, the optimizer can pushdown the predicate to each branch of the union all table. Note that this rewrite can only work when force_heuristic_rewrites variable gets turned on. A value of 0 indicates to always try to push down table(s) to union, but the pushdown order is not guaranteed. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



The minimum total number of rows estimates in joined reference tables for gathering non-reference tables to be considered. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



The minimum number of reference tables joined in a query that will be considered before gathering non-reference tables. 0 disables this feature. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Estimate row size in distributed join optimization based off sum of sizes in projection fields (AUTO) and join fields (ON). The allowed values for this variable are OFF, ON, and AUTO.

If this variable is set to OFF, then row size estimation will not be used. If this variable is set to ON, then row size will be estimated use a sum of sizes in projection, GROUP BY clauses, ORDER BY clauses, HAVING fields, and JOIN fields. If this variable is set to AUTO, then row size will be estimated use a sum of sizes in projection, GROUP BY clauses, ORDER BY clauses, and HAVING fields.

This is a session variable that can also be set globally. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



The maximum number of scalar constants a single query can contain. Any query with more than parametrizer_query_max_params will be failed with an error. This variable can sync to all aggregators.



The interval in which a query plan must be reused at least once or it gets unloaded from the query plan cache. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



A global variable that preserves NULL values and empty arrays in a JSON object that is written to a columnstore table. Set this variable to OFF to disable this setting. For more information on this variable, see the JSON Guide.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

AUTO (same as ON)


This variable can be used to temporarily disable updating privilege caches while performing security operations such as: granting/revoking permissions to/from users, granting/revoking permissions to/from roles, adding/deleting roles to/from groups, adding/deleting users to/from groups, role deletion, group deletion. This can result in a performance gain.

IT IS IMPORTANT that the privilege cache updates be reenabled (set back to always) once the administration work is finished.

This variable can sync to all aggregators.

To use this variable:

  1. Set the value to never.

  2. Perform the operations.

  3. Set the value back to always.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



A global variable that controls whether privilege transferability is determined by GRANT OPTION or TRANSFERABLE keyword in the GRANT security management command. The allowed values for this variable are grant_option (default) or per_privilege. Note: This global variable can be set on a SingleStore Heliosworkspace.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



The maximum number of bytes available to the rpc_info column of information_schema.mv_processlist. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Default timeout (in milliseconds) to wait for a PROMOTE AGGREGATOR operation to finish before giving up. This variable can sync to all aggregators.



This variable is deprecated. Use query_parallelism_per_leaf_core instead.

Maximum number of simultaneous running queries. This is a session variable that can also be set globally. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



The fraction of available cores that will be used on each leaf for a single query. The available values are any decimal from 0 to 1. If this value is set a 0, flexible parallelism is turned off. If this value is set at 1, all of the available core's processing power will work on a single query. This is a session variable that can be set on aggregators only.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Serializes query shape metadata to disk. Available values are AUTO, ON, and OFF. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Maximum size (in bytes) for each query shape in a serialization file. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Stores actual parameter values to on-disk query shape metadata serialization. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



If ON, this variable enables thecollection of advanced statistics. For more information, see the Advanced Statistics section of the Management View Statistics Reference topic. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



If set to 1, there is no redundancy across leaves. If set to 2, turns on SingleStore Helios’s High Availability mode. When you set this variable, its value is propagated to other aggregators only. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Specifies the heap allocation limit of the regexp compiler (in megabytes). This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

Can be manually adjusted by the user.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Specifies the regular expression format to be used by regular expression functions that you call. Possible values are 'extended' and 'advanced'. When you set this variable, its value is propagated to all nodes. For more information on this variable, see the Regular Expression Functions topic. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



This variable controls the output behavior of REGEXP_REPLACE and REGEXP_SUBSTR expressions if a returned string is invalid under its collation setting. Currently, regular expression built-ins could produce non-utf8 strings since they don't have full support for multi-byte characters.

Possible values are skip, return_null, and throw_error. skip means no extra validation checks are performed and invalid strings will be allowed. return_null means "SQL-NULL" will be returned in such cases. throw_error means an error will be reported.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Determines whether the mode of control over the CPU for resource pools is HARD or SOFT. For more information on this variable, see CREATE RESOURCE POOL. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



The function that is executed at runtime that selects the resource pool to use when the user runs a query. The resource_pool variable must be set to system_auto for the resource_pool_statement_selector_function to be used. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.


Sets the lifetime (in seconds) of a result table error before garbage collection. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Specifies the method used for sampling. Possible values include: auto, aggregation, lightweight, and filtered. See Statistics and Sampling Concepts for more information.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

Reoptimize the most recently profiled query based on previous executions of it.



Enables sending usage telemetry data (about how the system is configured and used and how it is performing). Defaults to OFF.

To enable, set the variable to one of the following (the type of cluster):

SET GLOBAL send_usage_telemetry = prod | qa | dev | sandbox

You will also need to allow outbound traffic to



Displays the service edition: STANDARD, PREMIUM, or DEV. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



A JSON array of strings, where each string is the name of an engine variable. This list provides a means of access to engine variables that are not normally settable by SingleStore Helios users. The contents of the list can be set only by SingleStore customer support engineers. In consultation with SingleStore support engineers, this can allow you to set certain variables yourself -- providing you have SYSTEM_VARIABLES_ADMIN privilege -- that would not be otherwise available for you to control. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.


If ON, query parameters will be visible in the output of SHOW PROCESSLIST and in the output of SELECT from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST. If it is OFF, parameters will be hidden. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Adds conditional compatibility comments to outputs like SHOW CREATE TABLE to help with portability. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Maximum number of tables present in a join which will utilize the cost-based singlebox join optimizer. For joins with more than this many tables, singlebox join optimization will use an alternate, rule-based algorithm which is faster but less effective. The singlebox join optimizer is responsible for making decisions about the local aspects of how to efficiently execute a join, such as choosing an index. This variable must be set between 0 and 30 tables.

This is a session variable that can also be set globally. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Controls when segment elimination will not use an IN clause that is too large. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.

1000 (elements)


The aggregate size of transaction logs (in bytes) which, when reached, will trigger a new snapshot. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Specifies how much time (in seconds) to wait between snapshots before taking a snapshot for blob garbage collection from previous snapshots. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Number of snapshot and log files to keep for backup and replication. This variable may be set live. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Specifies whether different query plans are generated for CALL queries when arguments to the stored procedure are NULL or not NULL arguments. If enabled, queries that use variables inside stored procedures will use the same query plan. For more details, see the In-Depth Variable Definitions section below.

This variable can sync to all aggregators.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Specifies the maximum percentage of disk space to be used by spilling during query execution. The value must be between 0 and 1, or -1 (default).  The default is recommended in general. Under the default setting, the amount of blob cache space that spilling can use is 30% of maximum_blob_cache_size_mb.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Memory threshold (ratio of total node memory, 0 - 1) to start spilling. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Memory threshold (bytes) for a query operator to be considered for spilling. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Specifies the SQL mode or modes that affect the SQL syntax SingleStore Helios supports and the query validation checks it performs. See the sql_mode section below for more information. This is a session variable that can also be set globally. This variable can sync to all aggregators.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



If ON, identifiers are quoted by the server for SHOW CREATE commands. This is a session variable that can also be set globally. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



The maximum number of rows returned by a SELECT query. If the LIMIT clause is specified in a SELECT query, the value in the LIMIT clause overrides sql_select_limit. This is a session variable that can also be set globally. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



The number of sub-partitions per physical partition that a new database will be created with. It must be set at 0 or a power of 2 value of the physical partition count. The available values are 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and 64. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Makes subprocess errors easier to read. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



This engine variable is deprecated. Maximum retries for Azure operations. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



The maximum number of retries for BACKUP upload and download subprocesses. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



The maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) the engine waits for or retries a request before timing out to return metadata used to verify the workspace is on ec2 from which implicit credentials can be obtained. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



The maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) the engine waits for or retries a request before timing out and failing the backup when connecting to cloud providers. When you set this variable, its value is propagated to all nodes. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



This variable is the setting for the MaxRetries parameter for S3 and GCS. Connectivity issues that are retry-able will automatically try to connect the default number of times. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



This session variable fine-tunes the behavior of the rewrite SubQueryMerge.

If the variable is set to ON, always merge the sub-select with outer join(s). If the variable is set to HEURISTIC, check to see if merging the sub-select with outer join(s) will cause negative performance for the overall query. If the variable is set to OFF, don’t merge sub-selects with outer join(s). If the variable is set to AUTO (this is the default); for v7.5 and previous versions, AUTO will behave like ON. For versions after v7.5, AUTO will behave like HEURISTIC.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



This aggregator will synchronize its permissions with other aggregators. When ON, this variable also enables DDL forwarding. This variable can sync to all aggregators.



This engine variable is deprecated. Maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) for the primary to wait for acknowledgment from the synchronous replica. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Sets the case-sensitivity for database object names. If set to OFF, tables, views, table aliases, and user-defined table-valued functions (TVFs) are not case-sensitive. For details on case-sensitivity, refer to Database Object Case-Sensitivity. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Controls how far the system allows a child aggregator to lag behind replicating the transaction log of it's master aggregator before throttling is applied to the master aggregator. Values can range from 10MB to 4GB.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

2048 (in MB)


The maximum size, in bytes, of the trace events ring buffer, MV_TRACE_EVENTS, where the oldest events are overwritten when the buffer wraps around. To save events, other software, such as the Query History feature, must gather them before they age out of MV_TRACE_EVENTS.

  • Can be an arbitrary value

  • The recommendation is 16 MB or more if event tracing is enabled, depending on which ones are enabled, the frequency at which events are traced, and the external monitoring polling frequency

  • Increasing this value happens nearly instantly

  • Decreasing this value is also nearly instantaneous if no events need to be cleared; otherwise, it may take some time for existing events to be cleared before this value is set

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.

16 MB (value must be provided in bytes)

Setting this value to 0 clears the queue

Leaving this value set to 0 disables all event tracing


Indicates the retention period (in days) for trace log files.



Controls the retention, by total size in megabytes, of the rotated files of each component log separately. SingleStore will create a separate "memsql_<COMPONENT>.log" file for each component. As trace events happen they are added to the corresponding component log.

For example, the repl log component of the engine will write traces to the memsql_REPL log. If the total retention is 500MB and all REPL* files are over that limit they will be removed until the size is below the limit. This is done for every component and also for the main "memsql.log" log file.



Transaction isolation level. This is a session variable that can also be set globally. This variable can sync to all aggregators.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Turns the Two-Phase Transaction Commit feature ON or OFF. SingleStore Helios users must contact support to turn this feature ON or OFF. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Transaction isolation level. This is a session variable that can also be set globally. This variable can sync to all aggregators.

This engine variable has been deprecated. It is being kept for backward compatibility. Please see the transaction_isolation engine variable.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Determines whether malloc_active_memory usage is trimmed periodically. See SHOW STATUS EXTENDED for more information. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Used to enable seekable encoding for JSON. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Controls what will be displayed via the DESCRIBE <table_name> or SHOW COLUMNS syntaxes for backward compatibility. When set to TRUE, "PRI" is displayed only if a primary key was created on a table. If set to FALSE, "PRI" is displayed only for sort keys created on a table.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



This variable has been deprecated and is no longer operational in SingleStore Helios version 5.0 or newer. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



For a column defined as type CHAR of length len; stores the column as a VARCHAR of length len, if len is greater than or equal to the value of this variable. If the value of this variable is 0, the column is not stored as a VARCHAR.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Enables logging to heartbeat thread in order to better diagnose process stalls. This logging is not intended for customer consumption and should be requested by and provided to SingleStore for investigation. The default value is off, setting this to on will enable the logging.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Controls the format in which VECTOR-type columns and expressions are projected. Allowed options are JSON and BINARY. For new deployments, the default value will be BINARY. For upgrades from 8.5, the value will be set to JSON to preserve 8.5 behavior.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Limits the application of join predicate transitivity to predicates that may be estimated. To use, set this variable to ON. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Controls how much time (in milliseconds) a transaction waits on a rowlock before giving up when the decision is "die". The value of the variable is multiplied by the number of locks that the transaction already holds, so if a transaction already has a lot of locks, it will wait longer. The purpose of this mechanism is to avoid unnecessary rollbacks because sometimes there is no real deadlock and instead of giving up right away we wait a bit for the lock to be released before rolling back all the work that was done.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Specifies the workspace name used by the backup. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

Full-Text Search Sync Variables





Collocated service control endpoint for full-text search version 2. Not configurable on SingleStore Helios .

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Collocated service request endpoint for full-text search version 2. Not configurable on SingleStore Helios.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



The amount of heap memory with which to start the Java process for the full-text search version 2 collocated service. If it is 0, the Java default is used.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



The maximum number of parallel requests that the full-text search version 2 collocated service can accept before queuing them.

The default value is 32 for versions 8.7.12 and forward.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Sets the maximum size of the memory-mapped region used to communicate with the FTS service (in MB). Minimum value is 1MB.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



The maximum amount of heap memory that the Java process for the full-text search version 2 collocated service may use. If it is 0, the Java default is used.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Sets the maximum size of the memory-mapped region used to communicate with the FTS service (in MB). Minimum value is 1MB.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



This is the number of seconds between monitor polls (0 disables it).

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Sets the positionIncrementGap for use when indexing multi-valued fields. Concatenates multiple values within a field. This variable controls the amount of virtual white space that is inserted between same-field values during a search. This helps prevent proximity and phrase queries from erroneously matching across field instances. The default value gives good results in most cases.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Sets the maximum number of seconds that a query will wait for a response from the full-text search version 2 service before returning a timeout error.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Sets the service's socket timeout (in milliseconds).

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Sets the service's socket TTL (in milliseconds).

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



The maximum number of seconds to wait for the FTS V2 collocated service to become initially pingable before it will be automatically killed and restarted.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



When the full-text search version 2 collocated service is shut down in a controlled manner, this sets the number of seconds to wait before it must be forcibly killed.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.


JSON Sync Variables





Enables JSON statistics support if set to TRUE. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Controls the collation of JSON columns. When the collation for a JSON column is not set explicitly, the collation for that column is the value of json_collation. Can be utf8mb4_bin or utf8_bin.

Refer to Using JSON for information.

The json_collation variable is independent of other character set and collation variables for backward compatibility reasons. The values of those variables, including character_set_server, do not impact the value of json_collation.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.


After upgrading from SingleStore versions 8.5 and earlier to version 8.7 or later, the default value is utf8_bin.


Controls whether the JSON_SET_<type> function creates a keypath if it does not exist. The default is 7.8, which means missing keypaths are not created. This is a session variable that can also be set globally. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



The maximum number of children allowed during schema inference. Must be between 128 and 16384. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Limits the number of JSON key paths inferred within a segment. Must be between 1 and 16384. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



The minimum average frequency to infer the schema for a json sub-object. Must be between 10 and 100000. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



The number of children after which the sparse condition is checked. Must be between 128 and 16384. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



The minimum absolute frequency to infer the schema for a json sub-object. Must be between 10 and 100000. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



The soft limit to how much data fits in a single internal page while compressing a json column. Must be between 1 and 1000000000000. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Controls the collation setting for the JSON_EXTRACT_STRING and JSON_MATCH_ANY function. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes. For versions before 7.8.21, the default is AUTO. In version 7.8.21 and forward SERVER_V2 is the default. For more details, see the In-Depth Variable Definitions section below.

This is a session variable that can also be set globally. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Used for parametrizing the JSON key path arguments for JSON_EXTRACT_xxx functions and the :: syntax so that query plans can be reused.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

For more details refer

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.


Password Complexity Sync Variables

For information about how to configure a password complexity policy, see Configuring a Password Policy.





The maximum number of consecutive repeated characters allowed (0 to 100). For example, if set to 3, passwords with 4 or more consecutive repeated characters (e.g., aaaa or 1111) are disallowed. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



The maximum number of consecutive characters allowed (0 to 100). For example, if set to 3, passwords with a 4-letter sequence or longer (e.g. 1234 or abcd) are disallowed. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



The minimum number of characters required (0 to 100). This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



The minimum number of lowercase characters required (0 to 100). This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



The minimum number of numeric digit characters required (0 to 100). This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



The minimum number of special (non-alphanumeric) characters required (0 to 100). This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



The minimum number of uppercase characters required (0 to 100). This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.


Pipelines Sync Variables

You cannot set a variable for a specific pipeline – each variable setting applies to all pipelines in the workspace.





Specifies whether to enable security features for HDFS pipelines. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Allows custom java pipelines. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



The maximum amount of disk space (in megabytes) that is used to log errors for pipelines. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Implements an extractor interface used for experimental Java pipelines. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.


Heap size (in megabytes) for HDFS and Iceberg pipelines. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



The amount of time in milliseconds that a pipeline waits before checking for new data from its data source.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



The number of batch metadata entries to persist per partition, per pipeline before they are overwritten by incoming batches. As data is extracted from a source, it’s written in batches to a destination table on a leaf node. Metadata about these batches is temporarily persisted in the master aggregator’s information_schema.PIPELINES_BATCHES table. As new batches are loaded into the database, the oldest batch metadata entries will be removed from the information_schema.PIPELINES_BATCHES table. See the PIPELINES_BATCHES section for more information about this metadata.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Specifies a forced delay in row emission while migrating/replicating your tables (or collections) to your SingleStore Helios databases. It can have a maximum value of 1000000.

Refer to Replicate MongoDB® Collections to SingleStore for more information.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Specifies the JVM heap size limit (in MBs) for CDC-in pipelines.

Refer to Replicate MongoDB® Collections to SingleStore for more information.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Specifies the maximum number of CDC-in extractor instances that can run concurrently.



Specifies the minimum duration (in seconds) that the extractor allocates to a single pipeline for ingesting data and listening to CDC events.



For keyless sharded destination tables, if less than this fraction of batch partitions are active, reshuffle to avoid skew. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



The amount of time in minutes that a pipeline error is stored on disk. These errors are surfaced in PIPELINES_ERRORS as long as they are stored on disk. This variable must be set to at least 0.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Generates core dumps on pipeline extractor operations that timeout. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Specifies whether to enable extractor debugging for Kafka or HDFS pipelines. This variable currently does not apply to S3 pipelines. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait for offset data to be returned from the data source before returning an error. Increase this value if you experience timeout errors, such as ERROR 1970 (HY000): Subprocess timed out. Use the value 0 to indicate no timeout.

This variable can sync to all aggregators.



The maximum time (in milliseconds) that a pipeline will wait for more data from an external source. Use the value 0 to indicate no timeout. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Maximum memory of a pipeline extractor (in megabytes). Minimum value for this engine variable is 1. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Max number of files that will be garbage collected in one iteration. Minimum value for this engine variable is 1. This variable can sync to all aggregators.



The Kafka version used for the Kafka extractor. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This variable is not applicable to current (>= Kafka versions as SingleStore requests a list of supported Kafka broker features using the ApiVersionRequest.

For legacy Kafka, pipelines_kafka_version or kafka_version from a pipeline config is used to determine the list of supported features.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.


The maximum number of pipelines running concurrently. See Load Data with Pipelines page for more information. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



The maximum number of pipeline batch partitions running concurrently. The number of partitions when using the default setting (0) is 2, or the number of leaves on the workspace times the default_partitions_per_leaf setting, whichever is higher.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Deprecated in MemSQL 6.7. The maximum number of error event rows per leaf node partition to persist before they are deleted. Once the specified number of rows in the information_schema.PIPELINES_ERRORS table is reached, the database will eventually remove the oldest rows from the table. The removal mechanism for older error data is based on heuristics. Old errors are guaranteed to exist up to the specified number, but they may not immediately be removed.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



The maximum number of data source partition offsets to extract in a single batch transaction. If the data source’s partition contains fewer than the specified number of offsets, all of the partition’s offsets will be batched into the destination table. This variable applies only to Kafka pipelines.

This variable can sync to all aggregators.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Max pooled extractors for Kafka pipelines. The value must be set to at least 1. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



The number of retry attempts for writing batch partition data to the destination table. If pipelines_stop_on_error is set to OFF and the specified retry number is reached without success, the batch partition will be skipped and will not appear in the destination table. If a batch partition is skipped, data loss can occur. If pipelines_stop_on_error is set to ON and the specified retry number is reached without success, the pipeline will stop. No batch partition data will be skipped. This configuration variable applies to the entire batch transaction, which includes extraction from a data source, optional transformation, and loading of the data into the destination table. If the batch transaction fails at any point during extraction, transformation, or loading, it will be retried up to the specified number.

This variable can sync to all aggregators.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Amount of time in minutes allowed for pipeline metadata timestamp skew. The minimum value for this engine variable is 1. This variable can sync to all aggregators.



If the number of errors per batch partition exceeds the value, the pipeline will stop or skip the current batch and move to the next batch based on if the pipelines_stop_on_error variable is set to true or false. This variable can sync to all aggregators.

Set the variable with an integer value. Disable = 0

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Max number of batches for a pooled extractor for Kafka pipelines. The value must be set to between 1 and 2048. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



The buffer size for standard error output (in bytes). Error messages that exceed this size will be truncated when written to the information_schema.PIPELINES_ERRORS table. However, the complete standard error text can be viewed by using the BATCH_ID and querying the information_schema.PIPELINES_BATCHES table.

This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Specifies whether or not each pipeline in the workspace should stop when an error occurs. If set to OFF, batches will be retried up to the number specified in the pipelines_max_retries_per_batch_partition variable. After all retries have failed, the batch will be skipped. When a batch is skipped, data loss can occur. If set to ON, the batch transaction that caused the error will be retried up to the number specified in the pipelines_max_retries_per_batch_partition variable. After all retries have failed, the pipeline will enter a Stopped state and must be manually started.

This variable can sync to all aggregators.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



If set to ON, run stored procedures from pipelines in a transaction. If this variable is OFF and there is a stored procedure attached to a pipeline, it may only partially succeed. If the procedure fails only the data that was written will remain, instead of rolling back on failure.

This variable can sync to all aggregators.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.


Wasm Sync Variables





Specifies if a user can create or call Wasm UDFs/TVFs.


enable_wasm is a non-sync variable. It is listed with the Wasm sync variables for convenience sake.



Specifies the maximum memory (in bytes) that can be allocated to a Wasm module directly from the operating system  in case of emergencies. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.

2097152 (2MB)


Specifies the maximum number of times SingleStore retries memory allocation if an out-of-memory error occurs in the Wasm runtime. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Specifies the time (in milliseconds) before SingleStore retries memory allocation if an out-of-memory error occurs in the Wasm runtime. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.



Enables creation of Wasm functions from a remote URL. Refer to Wasm UDF Sources for more information. This variable can sync to all aggregators.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Specifies the maximum size (in bytes) that a compiled Wasm module can use. This variable can sync to all aggregators.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.

26214400 (25MB)


Specifies the maximum size (in bytes) that is available for caching Wasm query object code images. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

26214400 (25MB)


Specifies the maximum linear memory (in bytes) that an individual Wasm module can use. This will further constrain UDF/TVF-specific GROW TO values. This variable can sync to all nodes, including aggregator and leaf nodes.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.

16777216 (16MB or 256 Wasm pages)


Specifies the maximum size (in bytes) of Wasm modules that may be loaded. The size is defined as the size of raw, uncompiled data passed in the CREATE FUNCTION statement. This variable can sync to all aggregators.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.

26214400 (25MB)

Workload Management Sync Variables





Whether to train or enable the resource usage model for workload management. When set to ON, workload management will estimate memory usage and queue queries that are estimated to use too much. When set to TRAINONLY, PROFILE can be run on queries to compare the estimated memory usage of queries with their actual use. This is recommended when upgrading from any version prior to 6.7, to allow for the workload manager to do the necessary machine learning for accurate estimates. Once estimated memory use in PROFILE begins matching actual use, consider setting this variable to ON.

This variable can sync to all aggregators.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Specifies whether to enable workload management for the workspace. If this variable is set to ON, the other workload management engine variables will affect the way a query is executed. If set to OFF, the feature is disabled and no queueing or system resource optimization will occur.

This variable can sync to all aggregators.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Sets the ratio of the available leaf memory for workload_management to use when queuing queries. Valid ranges are [0.0 to 1.0]. The variable sets the ratio of the total amount of memory workload management uses when deciding to queue queries. For example, if it is set 0.9, then SingleStore will assume there is only 90% of the total leaf memory available, and will end up running fewer queries before hitting the limit and needing to queue. This variable can sync to all aggregators.



Enables/disables the dynamic reuse of WM queues feature. This variable can sync to all aggregators.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



When enabled (set to ON), either memory usage or connections/threads usage can cause a query to be classified as large.

When set to OFF, only connections/threads usage can classify a query as large.

This variable can sync to all aggregators.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Enables static resource partitioning for deterministic behavior by workload management. This variable can sync to all aggregators.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



The expected number of aggregators that will be used to run a high volume of client queries which require fully distributed execution. The default value is 0, which is equivalent to setting it to the total number of aggregators in the workspace. For version 7.0 and up, this variable should only be set to its default of 0, unless `workload_management_enable_static_partitioning is set to TRUE.

This variable can sync to all aggregators.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



The maximum number of connections to use per leaf node in the workspace. This variable can sync to all aggregators.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



The maximum depth of the query queue, which is the maximum number of queries that can be queued. If this number is reached, additional queries will not execute, and an ER_TOO_MANY_QUEUED_QUERIES error will appear.

This variable can sync to all aggregators.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



The maximum number of threads to use per leaf. This number correlates with the max_connection_threads engine variable, and they should generally be set to the same value. This variable can sync to all aggregators.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Percentage of memory a query can use before it will get queued. If an individual query is projected to use more than workload_management_memory_queue_threshold * (leaf_maximum_memory - leaf_current_table_memory) / workload_management_expected_aggregators, then it will be queued.

This variable can sync to all aggregators.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Whether to turn on queuing based on memory usage of queries. This variable can sync to all aggregators.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Specifies how many large queries can be waiting for execution in the LARGE queue when we want to move to that queue a MEDIUM query from the MEDIUM queue. This variable can sync to all aggregators.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



Specifies when a warning will appear based on the ratio of time spent by a query in the queue versus the actual execution time of the query. For example, if a query waits in the queue for one second and it takes four seconds to execute, the ratio is 1:4 or 0.25. Once the specified ratio is reached for a query, a ER_QUERY_QUEUED_WARNING warning will appear.

This variable can sync to all aggregators.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



The time duration (in seconds) after which a query times out and is removed from the queue without being executed.

This variable can sync to all aggregators.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.


Non-Sync Variables List

See the engine variables overview to learn how non-sync variables work.


All of the non-sync variables listed in the following table are global variables, except when noted as a session variable that can also be set globally in the Description column.

The variables listed in the following tables can be set to take effect on node startup and can be set to take effect while the node is running. Exceptions are noted in the fourth column.


The Description column will denote if an engine variable is configurable in Cloud. If not, they can be configured with the assistance of SingleStoreDB Support.

Connection Management Variables




Exceptions to When Variable can be Set


The number of seconds the node’s SingleStore Helios waits for a connection packet before sending back a Bad handshake response.



The number of simultaneous clients allowed. For more, see In-Depth Variable Definitions.



The maximum number of kernel threads for processing queries. For more, see In-Depth Variable Definitions.



Specifies the number of connections reserved for admin users (users granted the SUPER permission). This is the number of connections over and above the max_connections. Its purpose is to allow admin users to login even if max_connections number of non-admin users are already logged in. For example, if max_connections is set to 100 and max_dedicated_admin_connections is set to 5, then even if 100 non-admin user connections are active at any time, 5 admin users can still log in. This is to prevent administrative users from being locked out of the system during heavy traffic.

You connect via a socket file, for example: mysql -u root --socket ‘/home/xyz/memsql/bincache/workspace_10000/10000/data/memsql.sock' instead of using mysql -u root -h <host> --port <port>



This variable exists only for backward compatibility with MySQL.


Sets the percentage of maximum_memory available for allocation to the load_data_read_size and load_data_write_size variables. This variable limits the memory usage by LOAD DATA read/write operations.



Controls whether to perform name resolution. By default, AUTO will only perform a reverse Domain Name System (DNS) lookup if there are any host-based security rules. Options include AUTO, OFF, or ON. For more information on this variable, see In-Depth Variable Definitions.


You can only set this variable while the node is offline. The changes to this variable will take effect on the next start of the node.

Database Optimization Variables




Exceptions to When Variable can be Set


Deprecated alias to columnstore_segment_rows.



This variable has been deprecated and is no longer operational in SingleStore Helios.


enable_idle_table_optimizations needs to be set at runtime and requires a restart for changes to take effect. It can be set to OFF or ON (default). The other related variable, enable_idle_table_eviction, can be set during a session (though a very small amount of overhead will remain until the server is restarted) and can be set to Full, SkipListsOnly, and Off. It defaults to SkipListsOnly, which means SingleStore will only evict skiplist indexes for idle tables on the cluster. Full means it will evict skiplists and table modules, and Off means no eviction.



Whether to merge the newly loaded data segments (for LOAD DATA, INSERT SELECT, and PIPELINE statements) into a single sorted run.



Number of seconds an online failover will wait to drain open idle write transactions before issuing a kill to those transactions. After the idle write transactions are killed, an application-level retry is required.



Number of seconds to wait for more data from a connection before aborting the read. This is a session variable that can also be set globally.



Number of seconds to wait for a block to be written to a connection before aborting the write. This is a session variable that can also be set globally.



This variable has been deprecated and is no longer operational in SingleStore Helios.


This variable has been deprecated and is no longer operational in SingleStore Helios.

Full-Text Search Non-Sync Variables




Exceptions to When Variable can be Set


If set, this provides the JAVA_HOME for the Full-Text Search service.  Not configurable on SingleStore Helios.



If set, this provides the path for the Java executable used by full-text search version 2. Not configurable on SingleStore Helios.


Logging Variables




Exceptions to When Variable can be Set


Turning core_file on or off determines whether or not full core dumps are produced upon a crash.



Sends usage and critical error diagnostics to SingleStore Helios.



If set to ON, every query will be logged to a table or log file. If set to PARTIAL, will only log when load is light. OFF turns off logging.



Log connections and queries to a given file.



Indicates the size threshold (in bytes) for tracelog file rotation.



Indicates the time threshold (in seconds) for tracelog file rotation.



Defines how SingleStore Helios behaves when it encounters unsupported functionality. For more information, visit the Unsupported Feature List section of the Unsupported MySQL Features topic.


Password Complexity Non-Sync Variables




Exceptions to When Variable can be Set


Specifies whether the root password can expire. If set to ON, the root password will expire after the password_expiration_seconds duration is reached.



The time (in seconds) before a password expires. The value 0 indicates that the password will never expire.



The number of previous passwords per user that SingleStore Helios will store and disallow from reuse. The value 0 indicates that any previous password can be reused. The maximum is 10.


Pipelines Non-Sync Variables

You cannot set a variable for a specific pipeline – each variable setting applies to all pipelines in the workspace.



Default Setting

Exceptions to When Variable can be Set


Specifies the value that SingleStore Helios sets the node’s operating system environment variable JAVA_HOME to. If java_pipelines_java_home is not set, SingleStore Helios does not set JAVA_HOME.

You can only set this variable while the node is offline. The changes to this variable will take effect on the next start of the node.


Specifies the path that the HDFS extractor uses to run Java.

Query Plan Pinning Variables




Exceptions to When Variable can be Set


Writes a query plan pins when an un-planned pin is first optimized. The available values are AUTO, OFF, ACTIVATED, and DEACTIVATED. If set to ACTIVATED, all new plans are pinned in the activated state. If set to DEACTIVATED, all new plans are pinned in the deactivated state. If set to OFF, no plans are pinned automatically. AUTO is the same as ACTIVATED.



This is used to enforce a maximum latency penalty that can be incurred when the server looks for a plan pin before proceeding with compiling a new plan. This behavior would become relevant if the cluster hosting the plan pins became severely overloaded or experienced networking issues. For commands that need to read pins by explicit user action - ACTIVATE PIN, DEACTIVATE PIN - usual RPC timeouts are used instead.



This is used to enforce a maximum latency penalty that can be incurred when the server writes a plan pin during compilation. This is only relevant for the case when a new query is being compiled without the presence of a pin, and defines the worst-case additional latency when pin_all_plans is set to ACTIVATED. For commands that need to write pins by explicit user action - ACTIVATE PIN, DEACTIVATE PIN - usual RPC timeouts are used instead.



Loads query plan pins if one is found. The available values are AUTO, TRUE, and FALSE. When set to TRUE, if the plan_pin_id is not found in memory or on disk, the optimizer will search for the plan in the pinning database. If set to FALSE, the optimizer will not look in the plan_pin_id in the pinning database. AUTO is the same as TRUE.


Other Variables




Exceptions to When Variable can be Set


Enables support for filesystems without fallocate support.



activities_delta_sleep_s specifies an interval of time (in seconds) which is used by the mv_activities_cumulative variable to determine recent resource usage. For more information, see Management View Reference. This is a session variable that can also be set globally.



Specifies the local or network directory to write log files.


You can only set this variable while the node is offline. The changes to this variable will take effect on the next start of the node.


auditlog_level is used to specify the level of logging in a node. There are 11 logging levels. For more information on this variable, see Audit Logging Levels.


You can only set this variable while the node is offline. The changes to this variable will take effect on the next start of the node.


Specifies the maximum size per log file (in bytes). Required if logging is enabled.


You can only set this variable while the node is offline. The changes to this variable will take effect on the next start of the node.


Specifies the maximum time duration to write to a single log file (in seconds).


You can only set this variable while the node is offline. The changes to this variable will take effect on the next start of the node.


If ON, individual SQL statements are run in a single transaction that commits when the statement finishes. If OFF, individual SQL statements run in a multi-statement transaction by default, which must be ended explicitly with COMMIT or ROLLBACK.

Note: If BEGIN is used to start a transaction, it overrides the behavior of autocommit engine variable for this transaction, and the transaction must be ended explicitly with COMMIT or ROLLBACK.



Specifies the maximum number of concurrent threads, per leaf, used to run a backup on each leaf. By default, a backup of a leaf uses one thread per partition and there is no restriction on the number of threads created (aside from system limitations).

The number of threads, if set, is shared among active backups, with the first backup using as many as it needs. The remainder, if any, goes to the next backup, etc.



Specifies the path where the installation directory can be found.

You can only set this variable while the node is offline. The changes to this variable will take effect on the next start of the node.


This variable exists for backwards compatibility with MySQL. It specifies the MySQL compatibility version.


When this variable is set as TRUE, any non-unique hash index will be recovered as a skiplist index. Any newly created table will also have its non-unique hash indexes created as skiplists.


You can only set this variable while the node is offline. The changes to this variable will take effect on the next start of the node.


Specifies the type of core dump to generate if SingleStore Helios terminates abnormally. Options include NONE, PARTIAL, or FULL. PARTIAL omits most user data to keep the dump small, while a FULL core dump uses the equivalent amount of disk space as the amount of memory used by SingleStore Helios.


You can only set this variable while the node is offline. The changes to this variable will take effect on the next start of the node.


Port number to use for Dedicated Admin Connections (DAC).


You can only set this variable while the node is offline. The changes to this variable will take effect on the next start of the node.


This is a configuration variable that is used to set the time zone on a host by specifying an offset from UTC time.


If set then allows Dedicated Admin Connections (DAC) to be established at the port specified in dac_ip_port.


You can only set this variable while the node is offline. The changes to this variable will take effect on the next start of the node.


Enables the handling of extended data types that are not defined in MySQL enum_field_types. When set to TRUE we may send extended metadata to the client. It allows distinction between different data types and handling them appropriately in client applications.



This variable has been deprecated and is no longer operational in SingleStore Helios version 5.0 or newer.


The local path to the keytab file created on the KDC.

You can only set this variable while the node is offline. The changes to this variable will take effect on the next start of the node.


The SPN for SingleStore Helios that was created on the KDC.

You can only set this variable while the node is offline. The changes to this variable will take effect on the next start of the node.


Speficies the server hostname at startup. This variable is read-only.


Enables SingleStore's Data API endpoints on the built-in HTTP server when used in conjunction with the https_proxy_port or the http_proxy_port variable. This variable must be set locally on each aggregator node on which the Data API needs to be run.



Controls how long a pooled connection can remain idle (or unused) before it will be closed. 0 means the connection will remain open.

Please contact SingleStore Customer Support if you need to change this value.



Controls how long a pooled connection can remain open. 0 means the connection will remain open.

Please contact SingleStore Customer Support if you need to change this value.



Specifies the maximum number of connections each pool can have open at any point in time when using the SingleStore's Data API. In other words, this variable controls the number of parallel queries that can be run by a SingleStore user.



Specifies the maximum number of idle connections to retain in each connection pool when using the SingleStore's Data API. Each connection pool is associated with a single SingleStore user.



Specifies the port on which the WebSocket proxy should run. This WebSocket allows Studio to connect with the SingleStore Helios server over HTTP using TLS .

The http_proxy_port variable when used in conjunction with the http_api variable provides access to SingleStore's Data API via the HTTP server.  

Note: This variable is mutually exclusive with the https_proxy_port variable.


Specifies the port on which WebSocket proxy should run. This WebSocket allows Studio to connect with the SingleStore Helios server over HTTPS using TLS. It requires SSL to be enabled.

The https_proxy_port variable when used in conjunction with the http_api variable provides access to SingleStore's Data API via the HTTPS server. 

Note: This variable is mutually exclusive with the http_proxy_port variable.


Idle threads terminate after the specified number of seconds.



Contains the value of last_insert_id. This is a session variable that can also be set globally.

You cannot set this variable while the node is offline.


If set to ON, the checksum of a blob is verified immediately after it is created.



If set to ON, the checksum of a blob is verified before it is read.



Controls whether SingleStore compiles or interprets query plans. When compiling, this variable also controls how the query plans are compiled. Allowed settings include: llvm, mbc, compile, compile_lite, compile_lite_first, interpret, interpret_first. See Code Generation for more details. This is a session variable that can also be set globally.



Controls the maximum length (in bytes) of JSON_AGG output. It can be set to a minimum of 1 MB (in bytes). This is a session variable that can also be set globally.



This variable has been deprecated and is no longer operational in SingleStore Helios.


Specifies the directory where error messages are stored.


You can only set this variable while the node is offline. The changes to this variable will take effect on the next start of the node.


This variable has been deprecated and is no longer operational in SingleStore Helios version 5.0 or newer.


Specifies the setting to materialize the common table expressions (CTEs). If set to OFF, it inlines the CTEs similar to view definitions. If set to ALL, then each CTE appearing more than once in a query is materialized into an internal result table. If set to AUTO, optimizations are enabled. Currently, only the predicate pushdown optimization is available.

For more information, see WITH (Common Table Expressions).



The ID of the SingleStore Helios node whose config you would like to update. This variable is read-only.


SingleStore Helios version number. This variable is read-only.


The build date of the SingleStore Helios version currently running. This variable is read-only.


SingleStore Helios version hash. This variable is read-only.


Sets the minimal available disk space allowed (in megabytes). If the available disk space falls below minimal_disk_space on the disk where the data directories (such as logs, snapshots, blobs, plancache, and tracelogs) are mounted, SingleStore Helios will halt new write queries.



Specifies the size (in bytes) of the connection buffer and the result buffer with which each client thread starts. This is a session variable that can also be set globally.



The path name of the process ID file.


You can only set this variable while the node is offline. The changes to this variable will take effect on the next start of the node.


This variable enables the collection of additional data with PROFILE that can be displayed using SHOW PROFILE JSON and is useful for troubleshooting query optimizer issues. For more information, see PROFILE. This is a session variable that can also be set globally.



Specifies the version of the client/server protocol. This variable is read-only.



The number of threads pooled for replication management of reference databases. Must be between 1 and 100.



The number of threads pooled for replication management of partition databases. Must be between 1 and 100.



Specifies the resource pool to be used. This is a session variable that can also be set globally. It can be set while a node is running, but cannot be set on node startup. For more information on this variable, see Set Resource Limits.



This variable determines verbose debug tracing for rewrites. OFF: no output. ON: query before and after each rewrite; some extra tracing inside some rewrites.



Number of threads running for rowstore garbage collection. Must be between 2 and 16.



Specifies a single audience restriction for the SAML assertion.


You can only set this variable while the node is offline. The changes to this variable will take effect on the next start of the node.


Specifies the intended recipient for a wrapped encryption key.


You can only set this variable while the node is offline. The changes to this variable will take effect on the next start of the node.


Specifies the file path for the private key used to decrypt an encrypted assertion.


You can only set this variable while the node is offline. The changes to this variable will take effect on the next start of the node.


Specifies if authentication should fail when both the SAML response and SAML assertion are unencrypted.



You can only set this variable while the node is offline. The changes to this variable will take effect on the next start of the node.


Specifies if authentication should fail when both the SAML response and SAML assertion are unsigned.



You can only set this variable while the node is offline. The changes to this variable will take effect on the next start of the node.


Specifies whether a username value should be extracted from the <saml:NameID> element in a SAML assertion.



You can only set this variable while the node is offline. The changes to this variable will take effect on the next start of the node.


Specifies the username attribute in a SAML assertion that should be used to determine if a user exists in the database.


You can only set this variable while the node is offline. The changes to this variable will take effect on the next start of the node.


Specifies the file path for the identity provider’s public x509 signing certificate.


You can only set this variable while the node is offline. The changes to this variable will take effect on the next start of the node.


Specifies the directory to which any import or export operations should be limited, or unrestricted import and export if set to NULL.

You can only set this variable while the node is offline. The changes to this variable will take effect on the next start of the node.


Specifies the Unix socket file to use for local connections.


You can only set this variable while the node is offline. The changes to this variable will take effect on the next start of the node.


If the node's disk space (in MBs) is less than  spilling_minimal_disk_space, queries that require spilling will fail instead of spilling to disk.



If ON, identifiers are quoted by the server for SHOW CREATE commands. This is a session variable that can also be set globally.

This engine variable is configurable on SingleStore Helios.



System time zone. This variable is read-only.



This variable has been deprecated and is no longer operational in SingleStore Helios version 5.0 or newer.


Specifies how many inactive connection threads should be cached.



Determines how the server handles connection threads. A value of no-threads will cause the server to use a single thread to handle one connection. one-thread-per-connection causes the server to use one thread for each client connection.


You can only set this variable while the node is offline. The changes to this variable will take effect on the next start of the node.


Specifies the stack size (in bytes) for each thread.

The value must be between 131072 and 134217728, and also evenly divisible by 1024.


You can only set this variable while the node is offline. The changes to this variable will take effect on the next start of the node.


The current time zone. By default, it is set to the same value as that of system_time_zone. This is a session variable that can also be set globally, but it is a noop, for MySQL compatibility.



Used to capture the original timestamp of the client. This is a session variable that can also be set globally. It can be set while a node is running, but cannot be set on node startup.



Indicates the TLS version with which to configure the node.

You can only set this variable while the node is offline. The changes to this variable will take effect on the next start of the node.


MemSQL Ops writes temporary data to /tmp and requires available free space. It is possible to change the temporary directory by changing tmpdir.

You can only set this variable while the node is offline. The changes to this variable will take effect on the next start of the node.


The type of the server binary. This variable is read-only.



The operating system on which SingleStore Helios was built. This variable is read-only.


In-Depth Variable Definitions

This section contains supplemental information about engine variables that require more understanding to configure properly. Ensure that you understand these details before modifying any engine variables listed in this section.


max_connection_threads is the maximum number of kernel-level threads the SingleStore Helios node will use to handle connections (i.e. running queries - not including background threads). Each query takes exactly one thread on the aggregator, so the max_connection_threads setting on an aggregator is essentially a limit on the number of queries - including internal SingleStore Helios queries - the aggregator will run simultaneously. When the limit is reached, further queries are queued until a thread becomes available.

The maximum value of max_connection_threads is 12192. The default for aggregators is 192, and the default for leaves is 8192.

If the max_connection_threads limit is reached on an aggregator, queries are queued until a thread becomes available, which can potentially cause unresponsiveness, latency spikes, and failures. On the other hand, in rarer cases, too many queries running simultaneously on some workloads (such as high volume concurrent writes on larger workspaces) can exhaust workspace resources. Typically, if the max_connection_threads limit is reached on an aggregator, increasing the limit should solve the problem. If raising the limit causes further problems on your workload, you may need to explore other avenues to resolve the root cause.


max_pooled_connections is the maximum number of connections cached between nodes. Every connection that is opened to run a query between nodes will be left open and reused until the limit set by max_pooled_connections is reached. If more connections are needed to run a workload, the connections will be opened/closed as needed as the query runs. This is why running SHOW PROCESSLIST on a leaf that has been running a workload will show both open and idle connections.

The default value is 1024, which is typically sufficient. Some heavy distributed join workloads may need more internode connections, in which case this variable can be changed.


max_connections is the maximum number of connections that can be open to a SingleStore Helios node at one time. The default is 100,000, which is the maximum allowed. There is no reason to change the value of max_connections as lowering its value would not impact resource allocation.



SET GLOBAL sp_query_dynamic_param = {ON | OFF};


When set to ON, sp_query_dynamic_param changes the plan generation behavior as follows:

  • Calls to a stored procedure use the same plan, regardless of whether the arguments to the procedure are NULL or not NULL. For example, the following procedure calls use the same plan:

    CALL proc_test(1, NULL, 7);
    CALL proc_test("Adam", NULL, 4);
    CALL proc_test(NULL, "Sam", "Smith");

    The following procedure calls use different query plans, because of different number of arguments:

    CALL proc_test(NULL);
    CALL proc_test(NULL, 7);
  • All occurrences of a query, inside a stored procedure, that uses variables will use the same plan, regardless of whether the variable values are NULL or not NULL. This applies when such a query appears in the stored procedure multiple times or when the query runs repeatedly via multiple calls to the stored procedure.

When sp_query_dynamic_param is enabled, compilation time and plancache size are reduced.


The OFF setting of sp_query_dynamic_param disables the plan generation behavior described above. This setting will no longer be supported around May 2021. You should remove any dependencies on the setting by this time.

Example: Changes in Type Conversion Behavior

A query returns different results for cases where an invalid conversion is being done, depending on the value of sp_query_dynamic_param. For example, in the query below, 9006060 is an invalid value for TIME data type.

If sp_query_dynamic_param is disabled,

END; //
CALL sp_ex(9006060);
| t         |
| 838:59:59 |

If sp_query_dynamic_param is enabled,

END; //
CALL sp_ex(9006060);
| t        |
| 00:00:00 |


json_extract_string_collation allows you to control the collation of JSON_EXTRACT_STRING and JSON_MATCH_ANY output. It takes the following values:

  • json: Specifies that the result will use the collation of the JSON argument. If the collation of the argument is not set, the default (utf8_bin) is used.

  • Since the old AUTO/SERVER behavior is error-prone, existing customers should set this engine variable to SERVER_V2 immediately after upgrading. See the support bulletin: Using the JSON utf8mb4 Column...

  • server/auto: Specifies that the collation result will be the same as collation of the server defined by the collation_server variable. Generally, this value is utf8_general_ci.

  • SERVER_V1: Functions the same as server/auto, in previous version older than 7.8.21 but without the parser lockdown.

  • SERVER_V2: When the collation_server is utf8 and the JSON object is utf8mb4, the output will use utf8mb4. This is the default beginning with version 7.8.21


sql_mode specifies the current SQL mode (or modes) that the current session runs in. Currently, SingleStore Helios supports the following SQL modes:

  • ANSI_QUOTES: Changes " to be treated as the identifier quote character (like the ` quote character) and not as a string quote character. You can still use ` as an identifier quote character with this mode enabled. With ANSI_QUOTES enabled, you cannot use double quotation marks to quote literal strings because they are interpreted as identifiers.


  • NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER: This feature is deprecated, It is now enabled by default and generates an error when privileges are granted to a non-existent user.

  • ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY: Throws an error when fields in the SELECT list, HAVING condition, or ORDER BY list are not in a GROUP BY clause, or are outside of an aggregate function. This is because the result set could include multiple possible values for the non-grouped, non-aggregated field.

  • PIPES_AS_CONCAT: Changes || to be treated as string concatenation operation and not as an OR operation. You can still use built-in function CONCAT as a string concatenation with this mode enabled.

  • STRICT_ALL_TABLES: Always enabled, regardless of other modes being enabled or not. If set to an empty value, behavior is the same as if STRICT_ALL_TABLES is set.


The following examples show how to set sql_mode with one more or more values.

SELECT @@sql_mode;
| @@sql_mode        |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
-- Set sql_mode to include ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY
SET sql_mode = 'ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY';
SELECT @@sql_mode;
| @@sql_mode                           |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)
-- Set sql_mode to ANSI_QUOTES, which replaces ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY
SET sql_mode = 'ANSI_QUOTES';
SELECT @@sql_mode;
| @@sql_mode                    |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
SELECT @@sql_mode;
| @@sql_mode                                       |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)


The following examples show how to set sql_mode with PIPES_AS_CONCAT.

Create a table and add values:

CREATE TABLE concat_exp(col_1 TEXT, col_2 TEXT);
INSERT INTO concat_exp VALUES('base', 'ball');
INSERT INTO concat_exp VALUES('rail', 'road');
INSERT INTO concat_exp VALUES('sun', 'flower');
INSERT INTO concat_exp VALUES('moon', 'light');

Set the sql_mode:

SET sql_mode = 'PIPES_AS_CONCAT';

Create a function:

END //

Set the sql_mode:

delimiter ;
set sql_mode = '';

Call the function previously created:

SELECT func_1(col_1, col_2) pipe_1 FROM concat_exp;
| pipe_1    |
| baseball  |
| sunflower |
| railroad  |
| moonlight |

Select the columns from the table:

SELECT col_1 || col_2 as pipe_2 FROM concat_exp;
| pipe_2 |
|      0 |
|      0 |
|      0 |
|      0 |

Last modified: August 30, 2024

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