On this page
Backs up a database.
Refer to the Back Up and Restore Data guide for additional information.
Backup to a Local or Network Drive
BACKUP [DATABASE] <database_name> [WITH { INIT | DIFFERENTIAL | SPLIT PARTITIONS [BY 2] }] TO "backup_path" [TIMEOUT <timeout_value>] [(OPTION resource_pool = resource_pool_name)] [TAGS (<user defined tag names>];
Backup to S3
BACKUP [DATABASE] <database_name> [WITH {INIT | DIFFERENTIAL | SPLIT PARTITIONS [BY 2] }] TO S3 "bucket/path" [TIMEOUT <timeout_value>] [CONFIG configuration_json] CREDENTIALS credentials_json [(OPTION resource_pool = resource_pool_name)] [TAGS (<user defined tag names>];
[,"x-amz-server-side-encryption":"<encryption_type>" [, "x-amz-server-side-encryption-aws-kms-key-id":"<optional_key>" ] |
'{"aws_access_key_id": "replace_with_your_access_key_id",
"aws_secret_access_key": "replace_with_your_secret_access_key",
["aws_session_token": "replace_with_your_temp_session_token",]
Backup to an S3 Compatible Storage Provider
BACKUP [DATABASE] <database_name> [WITH {INIT | DIFFERENTIAL | SPLIT PARTITIONS [BY 2] }] TO S3 "bucket/path" [TIMEOUT <timeout_value>] [CONFIG configuration_json] CREDENTIALS credentials_json [(OPTION resource_pool = resource_pool_name)];
'{"aws_access_key_id": "replace_with_your_access_key_id",
"aws_secret_access_key": "replace_with_your_secret_access_key"
Backup to Google Cloud Storage
BACKUP [DATABASE] <database_name> [WITH {INIT | DIFFERENTIAL | SPLIT PARTITIONS [BY 2] }] TO GCS "bucket/path" [TIMEOUT <timeout_value>] [CONFIG configuration_json] CREDENTIALS credentials_json [(OPTION resource_pool = resource_pool_name)] [TAGS (<user defined tag names>];
'{"access_id": "replace_with_your_google_access_key",
"secret_key": "replace_with_your_google_secret_key"
See the remarks for more details.
Backup to Azure Blobs
BACKUP DATABASE <database_name> [WITH {INIT | DIFFERENTIAL | SPLIT PARTITIONS [BY 2] }] TO AZURE "container/blob-prefix" [TIMEOUT <timeout_value>] CREDENTIALS credentials_json [(OPTION resource_pool = resource_pool_name)] [TAGS (<user defined tag names>];
'{"account_name": "your_account_name_here",
"account_key": "your_account_key_here"
Backup Using a Connection Link
BACKUP [DATABASE] <database_name> TO LINK [link_database_name.]connection_name "backup_path" [TIMEOUT <timeout_value>] [TAGS (<user defined tag names>];
is the SingleStore database whilename> link_
is the database that stores the connection link.database_ name -
is optional.pool_ name It is the name of the resource pool where the backup operation runs. -
Use the
clause to make an incremental backup.If you don’t specify this clause, a full backup is made. -
Use the
clause to double the number of partitions in your database in an offline manner.See Using BACKUP WITH SPLIT PARTITIONS for details. . When you use the WITH SPLIT PARTITIONS
option to increase the partition count (for example from 8 to 16), the resulting columnstore segments may become highly fragmented.This, in turn, can lead to poor query performance. You should run the OPTIMIZE TABLE .
command on all tables after restoring from a split backup to recompact segments and restore the expected performance.. . FULL
Because backups go directly from each node to the backup destination, all nodes must have write access to the destination.
Disk usage increases while backing up non-bottomless databases.
As a database is being backed up blobs are written to disk where they remain until after the backup is finished (or killed). Once the backup is finished the regular cleanup process removes the blobs from disk. -
can be specified in either order (CONFIG
followed byCREDENTIALS
followed byCONFIG
). -
must be in the range of [5.chunk_ size_ mb . 500]. By default, the chunk size is 5 MB. A larger chunk size allows users to upload large files without going over Amazon’s limitation on maximum number of parts per upload. Although, a larger chunk size increases the chance of a network error during the upload to S3. If a chunk fails to upload, SingleStore retries uploading it until the limit set on the number of retries by AWS is reached. Each partition will use "multipart_ chunk_ size_ mb" MB(s) of additional memory. -
command writes a consistent snapshot of the database to disk.This means a backup stores the data in the database as it existed at the time the BACKUP DATABASE
operation started (all committed transactions at the time theBACKUP DATABASE
started will be stored in the backup).Backup files containing the database’s reference tables are saved on the master aggregator. Backup files are also saved on the leaves. -
This command can be run on the master aggregator node, or a child aggregator node.
For more information, see Cluster Management Commands. -
This command causes implicit commits.
Refer to COMMIT for more information. -
See Backing Up and Restoring Data for a list of items that are included in or excluded from a backup.
is an online operation, which means that writes will continue to run while theBACKUP DATABASE
is in progress.Any writes executed after the BACKUP DATABASE
has started will not be reflected in the stored backup. -
All partitions of the database need to be in the online or replicating state to run a
operation.The backup file is created on the server and not the client, unlike mysqldump
. -
By default,
makes a lock-free backup.An exception is BACKUP DATABASE .
option does not support lock-free backups. -
Incremental backups contain incremental data only for columnstore tables.
For rowstore tables, an incremental backup contains a full copy of the rowstore data (instead of incremental data). -
A backup of system databases cannot be created.
For EKS IRSA support refer Enable EKS IRSA.
Remote databases, i.
e. databases on a secondary cluster to which the primary database is being replicated, cannot be backed up with the BACKUP DATABASE
command. -
, a value specified in milliseconds, determines the length of time to wait for theBACKUP DATABASE
command to commit across the cluster.If not specified, the default_
global variable value is used.distributed_ ddl_ timeout -
can have a list of descriptive labels that help in locating backups with the same tag. -
This command cannot be run on system databases.
engine variable controls the amount of time the engine waits for before timing out and failing the backup.io_ idle_ timeout_ ms You can try increasing it's value (e. g. 1800000ms) to avoid the timeout error. -
Refer to the Permission Matrix for the required permission.
a 3rd party file storage system (S3, Azure Blob, or GSC) requires. . TO BACKUP
privileges.Without the required privileges, an error will be generated:
BACKUP ... TO:BACKUP t1 TO S3 'testing/output'CONFIG '{"region":"us-east-1"}'CREDENTIALS '{"aws_access_key_id":"your_access_key_id","aws_secret_access_key":"your_secret_access_key"}';ERROR 1227 (42000): Access denied; you need (at least one of) the OUTBOUND privilege(s) for this operation
How to set the privileges for a user to be allowed to execute this command:
privilege will be displayed in theSHOW GRANTS
command:SHOW GRANTS FOR user1;+---------------------------------------------+ | Grants for user1@% | +---------------------------------------------+ | GRANT BACKUP, OUTBOUND ON *.* TO 'user1'@'% | +---------------------------------------------+
There are two different types of backup files, partition level backups and columnstore backups.
With rowstore, you only see partition level backups but with columnstore you can see both. Example of rowstore and columnstore backup:: c2-user@leaf2(71):/tmp/adtech0806> ls -lrt2total 113576 3-rw-------. 1 memsql memsql 4580594 Oct 1 21:06 adtech_2.backup 4-rw-------. 1 memsql memsql 14013022 Oct 1 21:06 adtech_6.backup 5-rw-r--r--. 1 memsql memsql 49177088 Oct 1 21:06 adtech_2.backup_columns0.tar 6-rw-r--r--. 1 memsql memsql 48519680 Oct 1 21:06 adtech_6.backup_columns0.tar
Example of only a rowstore backup on a single leaf:
=ec2-user@leaf1(123):~> ls -l /tmp/inmembackup/2total 1593540 3-rw-------. 1 memsql memsql 203873226 Oct 1 21:58 rstoreonly_0.backup 4-rw-------. 1 memsql memsql 204036519 Oct 1 21:58 rstoreonly_12.backup 5-rw-------. 1 memsql memsql 203773854 Oct 1 21:58 rstoreonly_16.backup 6-rw-------. 1 memsql memsql 203912757 Oct 1 21:58 rstoreonly_20.backup 7-rw-------. 1 memsql memsql 204124707 Oct 1 21:58 rstoreonly_24.backup
Backing up to a Local or Network Drive
When a local backup is made, the backup files are saved on the SingleStore master aggregator node and leaf nodes.
Backing up to a network drive is preferable to backing up locally.
This is because if any backup files stored locally on the SingleStore nodes become corrupted or are lost, the entire backup will not be able to be restored.
Local Backups
The path
on each node needs to be accessible by thepath memsqld
process. -
is relative to the directory stored in thepath datadir
engine variable by default.You can include \
at the front of thebackup_
to override the default and use an absolute path.path
Incremental backups cannot be stored on a local file system.
Backup to S3
writes the backup files to the specified S3 bucket.. . TO S3 -
SingleStore backup will add
to the path and put the objects in the pathname. backup path/database_
.name. backup/ -
must not currently exist; otherwise, an error will be backup -
is optional.session_ token This is only needed if your AWS account uses the AWS Security Token Service. -
is optional.It is the AWS region where S3 bucket resides. -
is optional.url -
is optional and can be used instead of specifyingarn aws_
andaccess_ key_ id aws_
values.secret_ access_ key This is only needed if your AWS security is set up to require a role. The role needs to be alive for the entire backup process and will result in an assume_
on every S3 API call.role It is specified as {"role_ arn": "xxxx"} in the credentials JSON. -
makes it possible to backup to Google Cloud Storage (GCS) using S3’s API.mode However, GCS does not support multipart uploads, which is the default mechanism for uploading large files. (In a multi-part upload, S3 breaks up the data in a file into small chunks which are automatically merged together on the server side resulting in a single file. ) In compatibility_
certain optimizations are turned off to allow the use of a non-default uploader automatically.mode:true Note this may be less resilient to random network failures because the retries use small chunks. By default, it is not advisable to use large chunks as it will lead to memory overhead for the whole system. -
Backup to an S3 bucket requires the following permissions:
s3::GetObjects3::PutObjects3::ListBucket -
As an alternative to using a
statement where you specify the. . TO S3 CONFIG
clauses, you can use theBACKUP .
statement, where you reference a connection link.. . TO LINK For more information, see Configuring and Using Connection Links. -
You can backup a database to an HTTPS S3 target with an unverified SSL certificate by using the option:
CONFIG '{"verify_
Backup to an S3 Compatible Storage Provider
with the. . TO S3 endpoint_
set to the URL of a storage provider creates an S3 compatible backup at the storage provider.url -
SingleStore backup will add
to the path and put the objects in the pathname. backup path/database_
.name. backup/ -
must not currently exist; otherwise, an error will be backup -
is optional.access_ key_ id It is the access key id for accessing the storage provider. -
is optional.secret_ access_ key It is the secret access key for accessing the storage provider. -
You should specify the
setting when backing up to Dell EMC ECS object storage.mode -
If you're backing up to an S3 compatible storage you should specify the
setting in your backup command.mode:true -
As an alternative to using a
statement where you specify the. . TO S3 CONFIG
clauses, you can use theBACKUP .
statement, where you reference a connection link.. . TO LINK For more information, see Configuring and Using Connection Links. -
is an optional boolean JSON config option that defaults to true.force_ path_ style It specifies whether to use path style (the default: region. amazonaws. com/bucket) or virtual address style (bucket. region. amazonaws. com) syntax when specifying the location of the bucket. For s3 compatible services that only support virtual address paths, specify
in the config options.force_ path_ style":"false"
Backup to Google Cloud Storage
clause may optionally specify anendpoint_
.url -
clause is required -
We support only HMAC keys
clause should be a JSON object with two fields:access_
: usually a 24 or 60 character alphanumeric string, which is linked to the Google account, typically all uppercase and starts withid GOOG
: usually a 40 character Base-64 encoded string that is linked to a specifickey access_
As an alternative to using a BACKUP .
statement where you specify the CONFIG
clauses, you can use the BACKUP .
statement, where you reference a connection link.
Back up to Azure Blobs
writes the backup files to the specified Azure container.. . TO AZURE -
SingleStore backup will append
to the blob prefix and will put objects into thename. backup path
.name. backup/ -
must not currently exist; otherwise, an error will be backup -
As an alternative to using a
statement where you specify the. . TO AZURE CREDENTIALS
clause, you can use theBACKUP .
statement, where you reference a connection link.. . TO LINK For more information, see Configuring and Using Connection Links. -
does not support Azure Data Lake Storage v2.. . TO AZURE
Backup Using a Connection Link
command writes the backup files to the specified container using a connection link.. TO LINK To use this command, you only need to know the connection link name, not the connection details and configuration. -
This command supports backup to S3, Azure, and GCS connections only.
Making an Incremental Backup
The Backing Up and Restoring Data topic provides an example of making incremental backups.
All of the examples shown below make full backups.
Local Backup
The following example shows the use of a trailing slash " / " when using the WITH SPLIT PARTITIONS
option and backing up to a directory on the root path /.
$ sudo mkdir /no-memsql
$ sudo mkdir /slash-test
$ sudo chown -R memsql:memsql /slash-test
$ sudo mkdir /split-slash-test
$ sudo chown -R memsql:memsql /split-slash-test
$ sudo mkdir -p /subdir-test/subdir
$ sudo chown -R memsql:memsql /subdir-test
$ singlestore -uroot -p
Enter password:
singlestore> BACKUP DATABASE testing01 TO '/no-memsql';
ERROR 1789 (HY000): Leaf Error ( Backup operation could not be completed because path '/no-memsql/testing01_0.backup' on node '' is inaccessible or points to a file that already exists. Error returned from target:Failed to open file: /no-memsql/testing01_0.backup (13:Permission denied)
singlestore> BACKUP DATABASE testing01 TO '/no-memsql/';
ERROR 1789 (HY000): Leaf Error ( Backup operation could not be completed because path '/no-memsql/testing01_0.backup' on node '' is inaccessible or points to a file that already exists. Error returned from target:Failed to open file: /no-memsql/testing01_0.backup (13:Permission denied)
singlestore> BACKUP DATABASE testing01 TO '/slash-test';
| Backup_Id | Cluster_Name | Cluster_Id | Database_Name | Start_Timestamp | End_Timestamp | Num_Partitions | Backup_Path | Checksum | Status | Size | Incr_Backup_Id | Type | Tags | Server_Version | Memory_Usage | Implementation | Lockfree_Timestamp | Incr_Backup_Version |
| 1002 | memsql_cluster | 18336786556722331362 | testing01 | 2024-06-02 16:03:41 | 2024-06-02 16:03:41 | 8 | /slash-test/testing01.backup | 667411cb0a86e2d64a275f8da62f45943ae3d96570c04740222cb00a20cfcd0fee0479fa826f05717341a45c49e2825f | Success | NULL | NULL | FULL | NULL | 8.5.17 | 0 | Lockfree | 19924147 | NULL |
1 row in set, 1 warning (0.18 sec)
singlestore> show warnings;
| Level | Code | Message |
| Error | 1002 | NO |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
singlestore> BACKUP DATABASE testing01 WITH SPLIT PARTITIONS TO '/split-slash-test';
ERROR 1789 (HY000): Leaf Error ( Backup operation could not be completed because path '' on node '' is inaccessible or points to a file that already exists.
singlestore> BACKUP DATABASE testing01 WITH SPLIT PARTITIONS TO '/split-slash-test/';
| Backup_Id | Cluster_Name | Cluster_Id | Database_Name | Start_Timestamp | End_Timestamp | Num_Partitions | Backup_Path | Checksum | Status | Size | Incr_Backup_Id | Type | Tags | Server_Version | Memory_Usage | Implementation | Lockfree_Timestamp | Incr_Backup_Version |
| 1004 | memsql_cluster | 18336786556722331362 | testing01 | 2024-06-02 16:07:44 | 2024-06-02 16:07:45 | 16 | /split-slash-test/testing01.backup | f1c6852e06fe587ddfa2eaae2114fba2dbcb1fca70c04740222cb00a20cfcd0fee0479fa826f0571638ed781da664b9e | Success | NULL | NULL | SPLIT_PARTITIONS | NULL | 8.5.17 | 0 | Lockfree | 19924342 | NULL |
1 row in set (0.27 sec)
singlestore> BACKUP DATABASE testing01 WITH SPLIT PARTITIONS TO '/subdir-test/subdir';
| Backup_Id | Cluster_Name | Cluster_Id | Database_Name | Start_Timestamp | End_Timestamp | Num_Partitions | Backup_Path | Checksum | Status | Size | Incr_Backup_Id | Type | Tags | Server_Version | Memory_Usage | Implementation | Lockfree_Timestamp | Incr_Backup_Version |
| 1005 | memsql_cluster | 18336786556722331362 | testing01 | 2024-06-02 16:08:25 | 2024-06-02 16:08:25 | 16 | /subdir-test/subdir/testing01.backup | 98fbc2da06fe587ddfa2eaae2114fba2dbcb1fca70c04740222cb00a20cfcd0fee0479fa826f0571638ed781da664b9e | Success | NULL | NULL | SPLIT_PARTITIONS | NULL | 8.5.17 | 0 | Lockfree | 19924373 | NULL |
1 row in set (0.27 sec)
The following example backs up a database to the directory stored in the datadir
engine variable.
BACKUP DATABASE memsql_demo TO "./";
The following example backs up a database to the my-relative-backup-dir
directory, which is relative to the directory stored in the datadir
engine variable.datadir
contained the directory /var/lib/memsql/leaf-3308-aaaaaaaaaa/data
, the backup would be saved to the /var/lib/memsql/leaf-3308-aaaaaaaaaa/data/my-relative-backup-dir
BACKUP DATABASE memsql_demo TO "./my-relative-backup-dir";
The following example creates a backup with tags.
BACKUP DATABASE db1 TO "/tmp/db1.backup" TAGS ("production", "no-prune");
S3 Backup
The following example backs up a database to an S3 bucket.
BACKUP DATABASE memsql_demo TO S3 "backup_bucket/backups/6_1_2018"CONFIG '{"region":"us-east-1"}'CREDENTIALS '{"aws_access_key_id":"your_access_key_id","aws_secret_access_key":"your_secret_access_key"}';
The following examples demonstrate the CONFIG
clause for backing up to encrypted buckets.
--- For Server-Side Encryption (SSE) ---CONFIG '{"region":"us-east-1", "x-amz-server-side-encryption":"AES256"}'
--- For Server-Side Encryption - Key Management Service (SSE-KMS) ---CONFIG '{"region":"us-east-1","x-amz-server-side-encryption":"aws:kms","x-amz-server-side-encryption-aws-kms-key-id": "<optional_key>"}'
--- For Server-Side Encryption with Customer-Provided Encryption Keys (SSE-C) ---CONFIG '{"region":"us-east-1", "endpoint_url":"<target_endpoint_url>","x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-algorithm":"AES256","x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key":"<key>","x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key-MD5":"<key>"}'
The following example demonstrates the use of the compatibility_
BACKUP <dbname> TO S3 "<target-bucket>"CONFIG '{"compatibility_mode": true, "endpoint_url": ""}'CREDENTIALS '{"aws_access_key_id": "<keyid>....", "aws_secret_access_key ": “<access-key>"}';
Using virtual address path style syntax, available beginning in version 7.
BACKUP test TO S3 "mytestdb"CONFIG '{"endpoint_url":"", "compatibility_mode": true, "s3_force_path_style": "false"}'CREDENTIALS '{"aws_access_key_id": "<your access key ID here","aws_secret_access_key": "your secret key here"}';
Backup to Google Cloud Storage
The following example backs up a database to a Google Cloud Storage bucket.
BACKUP DATABASE memsql_demo TO GCS "backup_bucket/backups/6_1_2018"CREDENTIALS '{"access_id":"your_google_access_key","secret_key":"your_google_secret_key"}';
Azure Blobs Backup
The following example backs up a database to an Azure bucket.
BACKUP DATABASE memsql_demo TO Azure "backup_container/backups/6_1_2018"CREDENTIALS '{"account_name":"your_account_name_here","account_key":"your_account_key_here"}';
Backup Using a Resource Pool
The following example backs up a database to /my-backup-dir
, using an existing resource pool, general
BACKUP DATABASE memsql_demo TO "/my-backup-dir" OPTION (resource_pool = general);
Backup Using a Connection Link
The following example backs up the database db1
to the bucket at the specified path, using an S3 connection link named S3_
stored in the database db2
already exists in db2
BACKUP DATABASE db1 TO LINK db2.S3_link "backup_path/backups/6_1_2020"
Note: db1
is the SingleStore database while db2
is the database that stores the connection link S3_
Clause Examples
This clause is optional and needs to be specified only if non-default values are used.
For S3, you can use any options that are supported by S3.
To specify a non-default region
, use:
CONFIG '{"region": "us-west-1"}'
The disable_
option disables the decompression of files with the .
CONFIG '{"disable_gunzip" : true}'
You can specify suffixes for files such that only files that have the specified suffix are considered.
CONFIG '{"suffixes": ["csv"]}'
You can specify that the requester will be charged for the request.
CONFIG '{"region": "us-east-1","request_payer": "requester"}'
For Azure you can specify,
CONFIG '{"blob_endpoint": "http://%s:%d/%s" % (, self.API_PORT, self.account_name)}'
Related Topics
Last modified: March 27, 2025