Load Data from Data Virtuality Pipes
Data Virtuality Pipes allows you to load data from your favorite data sources directly into SingleStore Helios.
Verify that Data Virtuality has the correct certificates and you are logged into your Data Virtuality Pipes account.
On the Pipes portal, on the Source tab, select + New Source > SingleStore.
On the Cloud Portal, select Deployments > <your_
workspace_ .group> > Firewall Under IP Allowlist, select Allow access from anywhere. If you select Only allow access from specified addresses, you need to add the Data Virtuality Pipes IP address to the allowlist. Note
You can find the Data Virtuality Pipes IP address on the SingleStore source screen, in the Help pane, under Firewall Configuration.
In the SingleStore source screen (on the Pipes portal), enter the following connection details: Host (without port), User, Password, and Database in the respective boxes.
To use SSL, enable SSL on the Advanced tab (optional). Select the Connect button to finalize the connection.
Once the SingleStore workspace is successfully connected as a Data Virtuality Pipes storage source, you can create Jobs and manage data using Pipes.
Refer to Data Virtuality Resources for more information.
Last modified: November 26, 2024