Converts a string UUID value to a binary UUID value.


UUID_TO_BIN(string_uuid, swap_time)


string_uuid: A string UUID value.

swap_time: A flag value that can be 0 or 1.

Return Type



  • If the argument is an invalid UUID value, it returns SQL NULL.

  • UUID_TO_BIN can take one or two arguments.

    • If swap_time is 0, UUID_TO_BIN is a one-argument function that returns the binary format in the same order as the string value.

    • If swap_time is 1, UUID_TO_BIN is a two-argument function that returns the binary format in different order as the string value. It swaps the time-low(first) and time-high(third) groups of hexadecimal characters.


Converts the UUID in binary format and returns the binary format in hexadecimal format.

SELECT HEX(UUID_TO_BIN('d93f9a83-e032-4e25-80a6-d67235e68399'))
AS result;
| result                           |
| D93F9A83E0324E2580A6D67235E68399 |

Converts the UUID to binary format and returns it in hexadecimal format after swapping the time part.

SELECT HEX(UUID_TO_BIN('d93f9a83-e032-4e25-80a6-d67235e68399', 1))
AS result;
| result                            |
| 4E25E032D93F9A8380A6D67235E683999 |

Last modified: December 2, 2024

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