Vector Indexing

SingleStore supports vector similarity scoring and you can use this to find the exact set of k nearest neighbors of a query vector, as described in Working with Vector Data. This is sometimes known as kNN search or exact kNN search.

If you have very large data sets and/or high concurrency requirements for a nearest-neighbor search, exact kNN search may not be efficient enough. For cases like this, SingleStore supports Approximate Nearest Neighbor (ANN) search based on a vector index. ANN search can support finding a set of k near neighbors very efficiently, potentially orders of magnitude faster than exact kNN search.

There is an accuracy vs. speed trade-off between exact kNN and ANN search. ANN will retrieve k near neighbors faster than kNN, but they may not be the exact set of k nearest neighbors. Hence the word "Approximate" in "Approximate Nearest Neighbor."

If you have nearest neighbor queries that do not have any selective filters associated with them, and large sets of vectors, use an ANN search. For example, if you need to find the top 10 matches out of one billion vectors with no filters on other columns in the data set and you want interactive response time, use an ANN search..

Some sample cases for using ANN search are:

This topic explains how to create a vector index to enable ANN search, how to write queries that will use the index, and how to determine if the index is being used.


The syntax for a vector index has to adhere to the following rules:

  • Vector indexes can only be built on columnstore tables.

  • A vector index must be built on a single column.

  • Column type is restricted to Vector Type(dimensions[ , F32]), where dimensions is the number of dimensions. Currently, the only supported element type is F32.

Similarity Metrics

Two similarity functions are available for creating and searching vector indexes in SingleStore: DOT_PRODUCT and EUCLICEAN_DISTANCE. 

DOT_PRODUCT: Calculates the cosine similarity metric when used with vectors normalized to length 1. Cosine similarity measures the similarity of vectors without taking into account the length of the vectors. The results of DOT_PRODUCT on vectors normalized to length 1 range from -1 to 1; values closer to 1 indicate that the vectors are similar, whearas values closer to -1 indicate that the vectors are less similar.

EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE: Calculates the Euclidean distance between two vectors. Euclidean distance measures the distance between vectors taking into account the length of the vectors. The results of EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE range from 0 to infinity; values closer to 0 indicate that the vectors are similar, values closer to infinity indicate that vectors are less similar.


  • Search queries must use the same metric used in the creation of a vector index to use that index. That is, a query that uses DOT_PRODUCT can only use a vector index created with DOT_PRODUCT.

  • Vectors must be normalized to length 1 before using the DOT_PRODUCT function to obtain the cosine similarity metric. SingleStore recommends vectors are normalized to length 1 before they are saved to the database. Many models that produce vector embeddings produce vectors normalized to length 1. In this case, it is not necessary to normalize the vectors again.

  • Using EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE over vectors which have been normalized to length 1 may result in poor recall because normalization causes the magnitude information present in the original vectors to be lost.

Creating a Vector Index

A vector index can be created using the CREATE TABLE command:

CREATE TABLE <table_name> (<column_definitions>, VECTOR {INDEX|KEY } [<index_name>] (<column>) [INDEX_OPTIONS '<json>']);

Alternatively, a vector index may be added using the ALTER TABLE command:

ALTER TABLE <table_name> ADD VECTOR {INDEX|KEY } [<index_name>] (<column>) [INDEX_OPTIONS '<json>'];

Multiple vector indexes can be created on the same table or even on the same column.

A vector index may be dropped with the ALTER TABLE command:

ALTER TABLE <table_name> DROP INDEX <index_name>;
DROP INDEX <index_name> ON <table_name>;

Searching a Vector Index

A vector search query to find k ANNs can be done with standard SQL:

SELECT <columns>,
DOT_PRODUCT | EUCLICEAN_DISTANCE (<table_name>.v, @query_vector) AS distance
FROM <table_name>
WHERE <pre-filters>
ORDER BY distance [USE {INDEX|KEY} ([<index_name>])]
[SEARCH_OPTIONS [=] '<json>'] [{DESC|ASC}]

Infix syntax is available.

  • <*> for DOT_PRODUCT


SELECT <columns>,
<table_name>.v {<*>|<->} @query_vector AS distance
FROM <table_name>
WHERE <pre-filters>
ORDER BY distance [USE {INDEX|KEY} ([<index_name>])]
[SEARCH_OPTIONS [=] '<json>'] [{DESC|ASC}]


  • For DOT_PRODUCT (<*>), higher values indicate higher vector similarity; use descending (DESC) order in the ORDER BY clause.

  • For EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE(<->), lower values indicate smaller distance between values; use ascending (ASC) the ORDER BY clause, which is the default.

  • Search queries must use the same distance metric (DOT_PRODUCT or EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE) as used in the vector index in order to utilize that vector index.

Index Options

A JSON config string can be used with INDEX_OPTIONS to specify the vector index algorithm and its parameters to use. Search options can also be used as a JSON config string to SEARCH_OPTIONS.

Below are the generic INDEX_OPTIONS and SEARCH_OPTIONS. These generic index building parameters (INDEX_OPTIONS) and index searching parameters (SEARCH_OPTIONS) can be used with all index types.

  • Index building parameters

    • index_type: index type to use. Must be one of AUTO, FLAT, IVF_FLAT, IVF_PQ, IVF_PQFS, HNSW_FLAT, HNSW_PQ. The default is AUTO. SingleStore recommends IVF_PQFS and HNSW_FLAT.

    • metric_type: distance metric. Either EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE or DOT_PRODUCT. The default is DOT_PRODUCT.

  • Search parameters

    • k: number of rows outputted by vector index scan. k must be >= limit, where limit is from ORDER BY … LIMIT clause. The default is the limit.

Index Hints

When there are multiple vector indices available or when you want to disable any available vector index, the index hint [USE {INDEX|KEY} ([<index_name>])] can be used to specify a specific index to use or to disable the use of an index.

Specify the exact index you want to use as <index_name> or omit the <index_name> part, i.e., USE {INDEX|KEY} () to disable ANN search. See Index Hints Example for an example.

Index Types and Parameters

The following index types and parameters are supported.

All index search parameters can also be specified as index building parameters in INDEX_OPTIONS. When search parameters are specified in INDEX_OPTIONS, that value will be used as the default value for searches using that index so you do not need to specify those values each time you use that index.


SingleStore recommends using the IVF_PQFS and HNSW_FLAT index types. IVF_PQFS creates a smaller index and has lower index build time, while HNSW_FLAT has lower search time and higher accuracy.


AUTO automatically selects the vector index algorithm and parameters. Specifying index and search options for AUTO is not allowed.

AUTO currently behaves the same as IVF_PQFS. AUTO may be enhanced in the future with automatic index type selection, so the behavior of AUTO may change in future releases.


FLAT does not use an index. It keeps all the vectors in RAM and uses a full scan to find the nearest vector matches. In general, it is not needed because SingleStore will do full scan matching without an index. But it may be useful for purposes of comparison and experimentation with recall and performance or guaranteeing all vectors are in RAM.


When using basic Inverted File Index (IVF), vectors are clustered into nlist clusters and search is done by searching only nprobe nearest clusters. The nlist parameter controls the number of centroids generated by k-means clustering. nprobe cannot be greater than nlist.

  • Index building parameters:

    • nlist: number of inverted lists (number of clusters) created during index build. 1 <= nlist <= 65536. Default to 128.

    • nprobe: number of probes at query time. 1 <= nprobe <= 65536. Default to 8.

  • Search parameters:

    • nprobe


Inverted file index with residual vectors PQ-encoded. Vectors are clustered into nlist clusters and search is done by searching only nprobe nearest clusters. The nlist parameter controls the number of centroids generated by k-means clustering. nprobe cannot be greater than nlist.

  • Index building parameters:

    • nlist: number of inverted lists (number of clusters) created during index build. 1 <= nlist <= 65536. Default to 128.

    • m: number of subquantizers used in product quantization. Dimensions % m must equal 0. Default to 32.

    • nbits: number of bits per quantization index. 1 <= nbits <= 16. Default to 8.

    • nprobe: number of probes at query time. 1 <= nprobe <= 65536. Default to 8.

  • Search parameters:

    • nprobe


IVF_PQ with 4-bit PQ fast scan. Vectors are clustered into nlist clusters and search is done by searching only nprobe nearest clusters. The nlist parameter controls the number of centroids generated by k-means clustering. nprobe cannot be greater than nlist.

  • Index building parameters:

    • nlist: number of inverted lists (number of clusters) created during index build. 1 <= nlist <= 65536. Default to 128.

    • m: number of subquantizers used in product quantization. Dimensions % m must equal 0. Default to 32.

    • nprobe: number of probes at query time. 1 <= nprobe <= 65536. Default to 8.

  • Search parameters:

    • nprobe


Basic Hierarchical Navigable Small World (HNSW) index. Builds a hierarchical proximity graph and search is done in a layered fashion.

  • Index building parameters:

    • M: number of neighbors. 1 <= M <= 2048. Default to 30.

    • efConstruction: expansion factor at construction time. 1 <= efConstruction. Default to 40.

    • ef: expansion factor at search time. 1<= ef. Default to 16.

  • Search parameters:

    • ef


HNSW with vectors PQ-encoded.

  • Index building parameters:

    • M: number of neighbors. 1 <= M <= 2048. Default to 30.

    • efConstruction: expansion factor at construction time. 1 <= efConstruction. Default to 40.

    • m: number of sub-quantizers. dimensions % m must equal 0. Default to 32.

    • nbits: number of bits per quantization index. 1 <= nbits <= 16. Default to 8.

    • ef: expansion factor at search time. 1 <= ef. Default to 16.

  • Search parameters: ef: expansion factor at search time. 1 <= ef. Default to 16.

    • ef

Vector Index Architecture

When a vector index is built, a table-level index is created for the vector column. This table-level index is composed of smaller pieces; one per-segment index per columnstore segment. The per-segment indexes are built in memory and stored on disk and remain on disk until they are used by a query.

Refer to Managing Columnstore Segments for more information about segments.

Vector Index Cache

When a vector search query is run, the relevant per-segment indexes used by the query are fetched from disk and stored in an in-memory cache. This allows the vector search queries to make efficient use of memory as only the vector index segments required for the query are read into the cache. Index segments are cached when used during a query but are not cached at the time of index creation.

The size of the vector index cache can be tuned with the max_vector_index_cache_memory_percent engine variable which controls the percent of total memory used for the vector cache. The engine variable max_vector_index_cache_memory_mb is a read-only variable which provides a convenient way to check the memory usage of the vector index cache in MB.


Specifies the maximum percentage of total available memory to be used by the vector index cache. Must be strictly between 0 and 100.


The maximum amount of memory that can be used by the vector index cache (in MB). This variable is calculated based on the value of max_vector_index_cache_memory_percent. This variable is read-only and is provided for user convenience.

Refer to Sync Variables Lists for default values.


  • Since the vector index cache is of limited size, one or more per-segment indexes that are not in use may be evicted from the cache when another index is loaded into the cache. If there are not enough evictable per-segment indexes, the engine reports an out of memory (OOM) error message.

  • If the value of max_vector_index_cache_memory_percent is modified in a way that reduces the size of the vector index cache, the following occurs:

    • The resize succeeds if the new percentage is a legal value.

    • The next time the cache is used, for example when a query is run that uses a vector index, the engine evicts per-segment indexes that are not in use to reduce the size of the cache until the cache is smaller than the new limit.

    • If there are not enough evictable per-segment indexes, the engine reports OOM.

  • Refer to Memory Errors for more information.

Vector Index Merger

The vector index merger combines per-segment vector indexes to create a cross-segment vector index. Cross-segment vector indexes improve the performance of vector search queries by reducing the number of indexes that must be examined.

The vector index merger automatically runs in the background to continuously improve search performance. The vector index merger can be run manually by using the following command.

OPTIMIZE TABLE <table_name> VECTOR_INDEX <index_name>;

In addition, the vector index merger is also run when the OPTIMIZE TABLE ... FULL command shown below is run.


Tracking Vector Index Memory Use

The memory used by vector indexes can be tracked using SHOW STATUS EXTENDED.

Use the alloc_vector_index variable to see the memory used by vector indexes.

SHOW STATUS EXTENDED LIKE 'alloc_vector_index' 
| Variable_name      | Value             |
| alloc_vector_index | 5.942 (+5.942) MB |

The results of SHOW STATUS EXTENDED LIKE 'alloc_vector_index' include the memory used by all per-segment vector indexes that are being used by vector search or vector range search. Only per-segment vector index segments that currently reside in memory are included; the results do not include indexes that are on disk. A breakdown by individual index is current unavailable.

The command SHOW STATUS EXTENDED LIKE 'alloc_vector_index' does not output any rows if the memory used by vector indexes is zero.

Refer to Tuning Vector Indexes and Queries for an example of identifying the memory used by a specific vector index.

Output Format for Examples

Vectors can be output in JSON or binary format. Use JSON format for examples and for output readability. For production, use the default binary for efficiency.

Use the following command to output vectors in JSON format.

SET vector_type_project_format = JSON;

Use the following command to set the output format back to binary.

SET vector_type_project_format = BINARY;

Example 1

Create a table with a VECTOR attribute and then create an IVF_PQFS index on the vector column with index building parameter nlist set to 1024 and search parameter nprobe set to 20.

CREATE TABLE vect (k int, v VECTOR(2) NOT NULL);
(1, '[-10, 1]'),
(2, '[10, 2]'),
(3, '[20, 3]');
'{"index_type":"IVF_PQFS", "nlist":1024, "nprobe":20}';

Note that the search parameter nprobe is used in this index creation command. All search parameters can be specified in INDEX_OPTIONS during index creation. The value provided for the search parameter (nprobe in this example) in index creation will be used as the default value for that search parameter for that index.

Optimize the table to ensure all results are indexed.


Searching the nearest neighbor can be done with the commands below.

The @query_vec variable is cast to a VECTOR to ensure that @query_vec is a valid VECTOR and to improve performance.

Click the Playground icon to the right of the SQL listing to try this query. Also, try experimenting and writing your own query.

SET vector_type_project_format = JSON;  /* to make vector output readable */
SET @query_vec = ('[9,0]'):> VECTOR(2);
/* run the SET commands before this query */
SELECT k, v, v <*> @query_vec AS score
FROM vect
| k    | v      | score            |
|    3 | [20,3] |              180 |

You can increase  k, as shown in the example below, to increase the number of rows output by the vector index scan. Increasing k will increase the search space and likely increase the recall, but will also increase the execution time of the query.

SET vector_type_project_format = JSON;  /* to make vector output readable */
SELECT k, v, v <*> '[9, 0]' AS score
FROM vect
ORDER BY score SEARCH_OPTIONS '{"k" : 30 }' DESC
| k    | v       | score                         |
|    3 | [20,3]  |                           180 |
|    2 | [10,2]  |                            90 |
|    1 | [-10,1] |                           -90 |

Example 2

Below is a small, self-contained example. Real vectors for AI use cases such as retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) with LLMs would normally have a much higher dimensionality (e.g., 64 to a few thousand). Two-dimensional vectors are used to keep it simple.

Create and use a new database:

CREATE DATABASE ann_vectors; 
USE ann_vectors;

Set the SQL Mode:

SET sql_mode = pipes_as_concat;

Create a table:

CREATE TABLE ann_test(id INT, v VECTOR(2) NOT NULL, SHARD KEY(id), KEY (id));

Use the following SQL script to generate data:

DECLARE s INT = 1*1024*1024;
INSERT ann_test VALUES(1,"[0,0]");
INSERT INTO ann_test
SELECT id+(SELECT MAX(id) FROM ann_test),
"[" || s*rand() || "," || s*rand() || "]"
FROM ann_test;
IF c >= s then

Add a vector index to the table:

  INDEX_OPTIONS '{"index_type":"IVF_PQFS", "nlist":1024,

Find a query vector as the vector for row 1000:

SET @qv = (SELECT v FROM ann_test WHERE id = 1000);

Find top five closest matches to the query vector:

SELECT id, v, v <-> @qv AS score
FROM ann_test
ORDER BY score

Verify a Vector Index is Being Used

It is important to verify that your query is using a vector index. A vector index can be used in the following conditions:

  • The metric in the query (dot product vs. euclidean distance) matches the metric used to create the index.

  • The order in the ORDER BY clause (DESC vs. ASC) in the search query matches the metric.

To get a detailed view of query plan for vector similarity queries, use EXPLAIN. The contents of the EXPLAIN plan for the previous example is shown below. The ColumnStoreFilter operator does the indexed ANN search.

EXPLAIN SELECT id, v, v <-> @qv AS score
FROM ann_test
ORDER BY score
| EXPLAIN                                                                                      |
| Project [, remote_0.v, remote_0.score]                                            |              
| TopSort limit:5 [remote_0.score]                                                             |
| Gather partitions:all alias:remote_0 parallelism_level:segment                               |
| Project [, ann_test.v, EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE(ann_test.v,@qv) AS score]               |
| TopSort limit:5 [EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE(ann_test.v,@qv)]                                         |
| ColumnStoreFilter [INTERNAL_VECTOR_SEARCH(0, @qv, 5, '') index]                              |
| ColumnStoreScan ann_vectors.ann_test, SORT KEY __UNORDERED () table_type:sharded_columnstore |

The ColumnStoreFilter line of the EXPLAIN output above shows INTERNAL_VECTOR_SEARCH(...) which indicates that the vector index is being used. If INTERNAL_VECTOR_SEARCH is not in the ColumnStoreFilter line, the vector index is not being used.

Index Hints Example

The query below will specify the use of the index with key name v. If that index is not available, the query will return an error. See SHOW INDEXES for information on how to list the indexes for a table.

Use the vect table from Example 1 above for this query and the following one.

SELECT k, v <*> ('[9, 0]' :> VECTOR(2)) AS score
FROM vect

The query below, which contains a USE INDEX clause without an index name, will disable the use of the vector (ANN) indexes.

SELECT k, v <*> ('[9, 0]' :> VECTOR(2)) AS score
FROM vect

The query below specifies that the index v should be used and specifies a search option for the parameter k. The USE_INDEX clause and the SEARCH_OPTIONS clause must appear immediately after the ORDER BY clause and USE_INDEX must appear before SEARCH_OPTIONS. 

SELECT k, v <*> ('[9, 0]' :> VECTOR(2)) AS score
FROM vect
ORDER BY score

As described above, EXPLAIN can be used to verify if the query does or does not use an index.


Recall that ORDER BY should be in descending order (DESC) when you are using the DOT PRODUCT metric and in ascending order (ASC) when you are using the EUCLIDEAN DISTANCE metric.

In general, you should use ANN search for large sets of vectors when you do not have selective filters on other columns in the query. In the example above, if there are billions of comments, having an index to find the similarity scores for the query vector is very useful and will provide a significant performance improvement.

On the other hand, if you have a smaller set of vectors, say less than a few million, and selective filters in your queries on other non-vector columns, you're often better off not using ANN indexes. This is true for both vector search and KNN search. You can instead rely on SingleStore's other query processing capabilities and you will get good performance. This will also be less complex because you won't need to think about what index to create, or the impact the index may have on recall, load time and disk and memory usage.

Last modified: March 26, 2025

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Verification instructions

Note: You must install cosign to verify the authenticity of the SingleStore file.

Use the following steps to verify the authenticity of singlestoredb-server, singlestoredb-toolbox, singlestoredb-studio, and singlestore-client SingleStore files that have been downloaded.

You may perform the following steps on any computer that can run cosign, such as the main deployment host of the cluster.

  1. (Optional) Run the following command to view the associated signature files.

    curl undefined
  2. Download the signature file from the SingleStore release server.

    • Option 1: Click the Download Signature button next to the SingleStore file.

    • Option 2: Copy and paste the following URL into the address bar of your browser and save the signature file.

    • Option 3: Run the following command to download the signature file.

      curl -O undefined
  3. After the signature file has been downloaded, run the following command to verify the authenticity of the SingleStore file.

    echo -n undefined |
    cosign verify-blob --certificate-oidc-issuer \
    --certificate-identity \
    --bundle undefined \
    --new-bundle-format -
    Verified OK