Returns the hexadecimal representation of numeric, string, or binary data.


Beginning with version 8.5, the way HEX() calculates the values of real and decimal numbers is changed to be more in line with how MySQL HEX() works. Existing implementations of HEX() will return updated values.


HEX (expression)


  • expression: any valid expression. This can be a column name, literal, or the return value of another function.

Return Type

Upper-case hexadecimal string.


| HEX(1234) |
| 4D2       |
SELECT HEX('1234');
| HEX('1234') |
| 31323334    |
SELECT HEX('ohai');
| HEX('ohai') |
| 6F686169    |


This function operates on the binary representation of the given argument for all data types except the VECTOR type. That is why the result of hex(1234) and hex('1234') yield different values. This also means that the output of hex( number ) cannot be fed directly into UNHEX to get back the literal number 1234. Currently, hex(VECTOR) returns the hexadecimal representation of the JSON string representation of the vector.

Last modified: April 25, 2024

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